SSRL Users' Organization

Charter | Committee Members | Committee MeetingsSSRLUO Activism

SNUG Group
Synchrotron and Neutron User's Group (SNUG) visit to Washington DC, April 2009. Left to right: Ryan Toomey, U. South Florida; Mark Dadmun, U. Tennessee; Christopher Kim, Chapman U. (SNUG Chair); Hendrik Ohldag, Stanford U.

The SSRL Users' Organization (SSRLUO) is broadly concerned with representing the interests of the SSRL users (see Charter). Users elect members to serve on the Users' Executive Committee (UEC)  to carry out the business of the SSRLUO. The UEC is the formal organizational unit of the SSRLUO. They host an annual Users' Meeting which provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of user research and facility developments as well as future plans.

SSRL UEC members serve 3-year terms, with the Chair and Vice-Chair elected by the UEC (Chair serves for 1 year; Vice-Chair rotates into the chair position the following year; former Chair serves as ex-officio for 2 additional years). The UEC Chair serve as an ex-officio role on advisory panels such as the SSRL Scientific Advisory Committee, Proposal Review Panel, and the SLAC Scientific Policy Committee. The Vice Chair co-organizes the annual User's Meeting along with an LCLS UEC and scientific staff members.

The SSRL UEC functions include:

  • meeting periodically (schedule) to discuss issues of interest to the user community (notes);
  • coordinating users' meetings and workshops to facilitate interactions and training;
  • coordinating a poster session to encourage users, particularly students, to share their research results or new techniques;
  • promoting, selecting recipients, and presenting the Farrel W. Lytle Award and the Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award which recognize important contributions or  accomplishments from the user community;
  • encouraging user feedback and considering user suggestions;
  • coordinating activities with the LCLS UEC and representatives from other national user facilities, including the National User Facility Organization (NUFO),  to increase awareness and support for basic sciences and the role of user facilities.

The SSRLUEC welcomes user feedback and suggestions regarding user concerns that should be addressed by the Executive Committee are always welcome. Please reference the SSRL UEC page for a list of current representatives and contact information.

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SAVE THE DATE: SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference and Workshops, October 5-7, 2016

Read summary of 2015 users' conference. During the annual meeting, users also have the opportunity to vote for their Users Executive Committee Representatives.


View previous conference programs for 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012.

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