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Emergency Ride Home

Stanford commuters, why not leave your car at home?

Thinking of using alternative transportation on an occasional, part-time, or full-time basis, but are afraid of being stranded on campus without your car in the event of a personal emergency?

Don't worry. Register with the Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program, and, if you have an eligible emergency on a day you commuted to Stanford by alternative transportation, we'll ensure that you get home.

On this page:

How to enroll

If you are a Commute Club member, you are already enrolled in the program and don't need to apply.

If you are not a Commute Club member, you will need to sign up online or return the completed registration form (PDF, 80 KB) to Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS).

Once you enroll, your registration will remain effective for the duration of your employment or enrollment at Stanford.

How to use it

When that unforeseen emergency arises, call us at 650.723.9362. We'll arrange a taxi or rental car for you (waiting times for taxis may vary from 15 to 30 minutes). When meeting your taxi, ask the driver to confirm your name and destination to ensure your fare will be covered. The taxi should have been dispatched by Yellow Checker Rainbow Cab.

If your emergency arises when our office is closed, you'll need to make your own arrangements, and we'll reimburse you later if the situation meets the program requirements: read the rules and restrictions section for more information and be sure to keep your receipt(s).

If your destination is within 20 miles of campus, we'll send a cab. If you need to get farther away, we'll line you up with a rental car. You're allowed four free rides per academic year.

If our office is closed

The P&TS office is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. During these hours you must call our office at 650.723.9362 to arrange an Emergency Ride Home.

If an eligible emergency arises while you're on campus after 5 p.m., or on a weekend or university holiday, you'll need to make arrangements and pay for your ride yourself, but bring us your receipt, and we will process your reimbursement. If you meet all of the qualifications for a free ride just follow these simple steps:

Rules and restrictions

The Emergency Ride Home program is open to non-resident students and all university and hospital employees. The intent of the Emergency Ride Home program is to ensure commuters who travel using alternative transportation can depart work in an expeditious manner in the event of a personal emergency. You are allowed four free rides per academic year (September through August).

In order to qualify for a free ride, you must:

What is a "covered need"?

What is NOT a "covered need"?

Covered areas: