I R & D S

Institutional Research & Decision Support

(IR&DS) provides management information and analysis in support of decision-making by the Stanford community.



Stanford has adopted a powerful new tool -- Collibra -- to support our increasingly active data governance and stewardship efforts. The Stanford community can now explore our 2,500+ element data dictionary at https://dgcenter.stanford.edu.

Welcome Ashley Fuller

The Assessment and Program Evaluation team is excited to welcome Ashley Fuller to IR&DS.  Ashley holds a PhD in Resource Policy and Behavior from the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment.  Ashley has also been active in post-doc affairs, supporting career development initiatives for post-docs at UCLA.  We’re glad to welcome Ashley back home to farm: she completed bachelors and master’s degrees here at Stanford.  In IR&DS, Ashley will focus on analysis and reporting of survey and evaluation data.

Welcome Brian O'Leary

Brian O'Leary has joined IR&DS on a short-term basis, to develop documentation and training for the first release of the new Student Integrated Reporting and Information System (SIRIS).  Brian is an experienced instructional designer from Lasselle-Ramsay, and we are delighted to have his help on the project.