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Expense Requests News

Wednesday May 18, 2015  |  Archived News

User Feedback Drives Enhancements

image of a lot of small text in black and in red, such as 'comments', 'good', 'wrong', 'next', 'means', and a big black text 'improve'

Since the Expense Requests system went live in February 2015, the project team has held eight live Q&A sessions for various departments, with more scheduled for June. (Want a Q&A session for your group? Let us know!)

Additionally, the project team continually monitors the Expense Requests-related contacts received by the Financial Support Center in order to understand issues and evaluate requests. Potential enhancements are defined and prioritized.

Based on user input, three Expense Requests system enhancements were released on May 16, 2015, including:

     • expansion of allowable date range when searching transactions
     • a new Expenditure Type Mapping Tool
     • a new method for requesting updates to existing supplier/payee records

Read about each in the articles below.

A number of additional enhancements are in development and slated for release over the coming months. Stay tuned for announcements via email and the Expense Requests News Page!

Search Date Range
Now 6 Months

image of a magnifying glass

When searching for Expense Requests or iOU transactions, certain search parameters require that you specify a date range. You can now specify a date range spanning six months (previous limitation was three months). Note that some search parameters do not require a date range, and therefore return all results, regardless of transaction date. Also note that the search function defaults to searching for Expense Requests transactions. You can search for iOU transactions by explicitly selecting iOU in the Source field.

See How To: Search for Expense Requests Transactions.

New Tool Maps
Expenditure Types

image of a mapping diagram

A new Expenditure Type Mapping tool is available from within the Expense Requests system. Use the mapping tool to find out which expenditure type codes are available for use in the system. View by Transaction Type (e.g., Expense Report, Advance, Non-PO Payment, Petty Cash Replenishment), transaction category (e.g., expenses foreign or domestic, human subjects, honoraria), or Expense Type (e.g., travel meals, car rental, business meals). Go to your Expense Requests Home Page, find the Expenditure Type Mapping tool under Resources and begin exploring!

For specific instructions, see How To: Use Expenditure Type Mapping Tool.

Help for Updating
Supplier/Payee Records

image of a hand clicking an 'Update' button with an index finger

The Supplier Query and Request tool now includes a "Request Change to Existing Payee / Supplier" link, allowing you to initiate a change right as you query payee or supplier information. The new link takes you to a HelpSU ticket prepopulated with your contact information and including a template for detailing your request. You can also add an attachment if desired. The submitted request is routed to the Financial Support Center (FSC). FSC specialists will coordinate updates with the Supplier Enablement team and notify you when your requested update is complete. Of course, you can still call the FSC with your request if you prefer.

See How To: Make a Supplier / Payee Request (Step 3).

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