Operation Find a Vessel: Eyes in the Sky on Thieves at Sea

Former commander in the British Royal Navy, Tony Long, will guide the audience through an operation to find an illegal fishing vessel by using satellite imagery, animation, and tracking based on INTERPOL’s work. Along the way, Long will describe the impact of illegal fishing through photos and interactive elements, and in doing so will bring to life the various climate change effects and how human trafficking, environmental challenges, and technology all play a role.

Speakers: Tony Long
Festival: 2014

Watch and Listen: Environment

Every year, one-third of all the food produced on the planet is lost or wasted, an amount valued at about one trillion... See more
It is no longer possible to separate the health of the planet from the health of its people. Disease patterns are... See more
Sustainability is the green buzzword of the decade, especially in the context of feeding a growing population while... See more
In times of financial crisis, we turn to national treasuries and central banks for solutions. The true power of these... See more
Genetically modified organism. Rarely have three words generated such passionate and polarized debate. GMO has become a... See more
Electricity is still out of reach for 1.2 billion of the world’s inhabitants. Even where cell phones are now common,... See more
