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Operations, Information & Technology

Our focus in the operations, information, and technology area is on the management of systems, processes, and networks.

Examples include health care systems, product design and manufacturing processes, supply networks, information systems, energy and environmental systems, homeland security systems, and social networks. We employ methods from the fields of operations research, game theory, econometrics, computer science, probability and statistics, and exploit the growing availability of data.

Recent Journal Articles in Operations, Information & Technology

Optimal Control of a High-Volume Assemble-to-Order System with Guaranteed Maximum Delays and Expediting

Supplier Evasion of a Buyer’s Audit: Implications for Motivating Supplier Social and Environmental Responsibility

Data-Driven Decisions for Reducing Readmissions for Heart Failure: General Methodology and Case Study

Sustaining Pressure Ulcer Best Practices in a High-Volume Cardiac Care Environment

Using Fairness Models to Improve Equity in Health Delivery Fleet Management

Bargaining dynamics in exchange networks

Analyzing Personalized Policies for Online Biometric Verification

Dynamics of Information Exchange in Endogenous Social Networks

Fairness and Efficiency in Multiportfolio Optimization

Pareto Efficiency in Robust Optimization