Paul R. Gregory

Research Fellow

Paul Gregory is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. He holds an endowed professorship in the Department of Economics at the University of Houston, Texas, is a research professor at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, and is emeritus chair of the International Advisory Board of the Kiev School of Economics. Gregory has held visiting teaching appointments at Moscow State University, Viadrina University, and the Free University of Berlin. He blogs on national and international economic topics at and

The holder of a PhD in economics from Harvard University, he is the author or coauthor of twelve books and more than one hundred articles on economic history, the Soviet economy, transition economies, comparative economics, and economic demography. Gregory’s economics papers have been published in American Economic Review, Econometrica, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic History, and the Journal of Comparative Economics.  His most recent books are Women of the Gulag: Portraits of Five Remarkable Lives (Hoover Institution Press, 2013), Politics, Murder, and Love in Stalin's Kremlin: The Story of Nikolai Bukharin and Anna Larina (Hoover Institution Press, 2010), Lenin’s Brain and Other Tales from the Secret Soviet Archives (Hoover Institution Press, 2008), Terror by Quota (Yale, 2009), and The Political Economy of Stalinism (Cambridge, 2004), which won the Hewett Prize. He edited The Lost Transcripts of the Politburo (Yale, 2008), Behind the Façade of Stalin's Command Economy (Hoover, 2001), and The Economics of Forced Labor: The Soviet Gulag (Hoover, 2003). The work of his Hoover Soviet Archives Research Project team is summarized in "Allocation under Dictatorship: Research in Stalin's Archive" (coauthored with Hoover fellow Mark Harrison), published in the Journal of Economic Literature.

Gregory has also published The Global Economy and Its Economic Systems (Cengage, 2013) and is working with director Marianna Yarovskaya on a film documentary entitled Women of the Gulag.

Gregory also served on the editorial board of the seven-volume Gulag documentary series entitled The History of the Stalin Gulag, published jointly by the Hoover Institution and the Russian Archival Service. He also serves or has served on the editorial boards of Comparative Economic Studies, Slavic Review, Journal of Comparative Economics, Problems of Post-Communism, and Explorations in Economic History.

His research papers are available at the Hoover Institution Archives.

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Recent Commentary

Analysis and Commentary

Americans Have Lost Trust In Government For Good Reason

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Real Clear Policy
Friday, October 21, 2016

Donald Trump’s “The system is rigged” resonates because it reflects what ordinary people think. According to Gallup, only three institutions — the military, small business, and the police — are trusted by more than half. 

Analysis and Commentary

Clinton’s E-mails: The Gift That Keeps On Giving To Vladimir Putin

by Paul R. Gregoryvia National Review
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

An openly corrupt and weakened President Clinton may be exactly what Putin wants.

Analysis and Commentary

Obama Lets Putin Get Away With Anything Except Attacking Democrats

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Here is what the Democratic establishment seems to think: This time Vladimir Putin has gone too far. He has dared to publish secrets from the Democratic Party’s inner sanctum that are designed to put a Republican in the White House. Judging from the administration’s swift reaction, Obama thinks that Putin’s affront is worse than all others. It cannot go unrecognized and unpunished.

Analysis and Commentary

Wikileaks Fails To Deliver An October Surprise As Hillary Says To Worry About Putin's Meddling

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange’s  failure to release damaging material today from Hillary Clinton’s emails dashed hopes of a significant October Surprise from hacks of  her “private” email cache that she subsequently wiped clean.

Analysis and Commentary

Why Putin Will Never Accept Blame Even Though Russia's Downing Of MH17 Was By Mistake

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Dutch-led investigation representing five countries announced on Wednesday July 28 its conclusion that MH17 was downed by a Russian missile launched “without any doubt” from a field in rebel occupied territory. The Commission finds that the Russian BUK missile system crossed into Ukraine on a tug from Russia the morning of the attack and traveled to the field from which the fatal missile was launched.

Analysis and Commentary

Putin Puts An End To Electoral Politics In Russia

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Sunday September 18 election for the Russian parliament has given Vladimir Putin another pro-Putin parliament (Duma) to routinely rubber-stamp his most ludicrous and repressive legislation.

Analysis and Commentary

An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fondness For Vladimir Putin

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Friday, September 16, 2016

Dear Mr. Trump: As someone who has studied Russia for a half century, I’d like to respond to each of the five main points concerning Vladimir Putin and Russia you made at NBC’s “Commander-in-Chief Forum“ on September 7.

Hillary Delivers Self-Inflicted Wound with “Deplorables” Comment

by Paul R. Gregory
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Many observers believe that Mitt Romney’s off-hand remark that the 47 percent of Americans who pay no income taxes will be automatic Obama votes cost him the 2012 election. Clinton’s intemperate comment insults the 40 percent of Americans who, through their support of Trump, could be in the half that fall in Clinton’s “deplorable basket.”

Analysis and Commentary

Russian Combat Medals Put Lie To Putin's Claim Of No Russian Troops In Ukraine

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Vladimir Putin was cynically playing with words when he declared, on his annual broadcast to the Russian people on April 16, 2015: “I can tell you outright and unequivocally that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine.” 

Russian Presidential Press Office

Putin Shuts Down Last Russian Independent Pollster In Anticipation Of Russian And US Elections

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Vladimir Putin has based his claim to legitimacy on his high favorability ratings, the anchor of which has been the “independent” Levada Center, headed by the prominent Russian sociologist, Lev Gudkov.
