Working Group on Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy and Strategy

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Blank Section (Placeholder)Analysis and Commentary

Don't Ignore the Indo-Pacific

by Admiral Gary Rougheadvia Defining Ideas
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Our Asian strategy shouldn't just be about China. 

Thucydides Trap

by Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberryvia American Review
Monday, August 4, 2014

Don’t presume that tensions between China, a rising state, and the United States, the status quo power, will lead to conflict

Blank Section (Placeholder)Analysis and Commentary

China Ascendant?

by Stephen D. Krasnervia Defining Ideas
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Will the country’s rise disrupt the international order the way Germany’s did in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? 

US-China Relations
Analysis and Commentary

Should the US Be Bullish or Bearish on China’s Rise?

by Amy Zegartvia The American Interest
Friday, June 20, 2014

Stories about the “rise of China” were the most widely read news items of the twenty-first century, garnering more attention than 9/11, the Arab Spring, the death of Osama bin Laden, or the British Royal wedding.

Analysis and Commentary

Global Capitalism: A Vital Foreign Policy Tool

by Peter Berkowitzvia Real Clear Politics
Thursday, April 10, 2014
US flag on military helmet

Admiral Gary Roughead on Foreign Policy

by Admiral Gary Rougheadvia Hoover Institution
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In this special podcast from the Hoover Institution, Admiral Gary Roughead discusses the challenges of a coherent national defense and foreign policy. Topics include the lasting effects of the sequester, US leadership and engagement in the world, and modern decision-making environments. For more commentary on foreign policy, see the essay series from Hoover's Working Group on Foreign Policy and Grand Strategy.

Domestic Security and Foreign Policy

by Mariano-Florentino Cuéllarvia Analysis
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar argues for a broader formulation of the link between domestic considerations and foreign policy, one that takes into account the effect of international developments on domestic security and the effect of domestic developments on national security.

Domestic Foundations of Foreign Policy vs. Foreign Policy Distractions from Domestic Foundations

by James D. Fearonvia Analysis
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

James Fearon agrees that domestic developments pose few near-term constraints on the president but, picking up from Cuéllar, takes issue with the framing of the question itself, arguing that those developments should not be viewed solely through a lens of foreign policy implications.

Domestic Foundations of American Foreign Policy

Domestic Law and National Security Strategy

by Abraham D. Sofaervia Analysis
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Abraham Sofaer examines domestic legal constraints, finding that US law has consistently allowed the executive “broad authority to plan for and manage the nation’s security, while preserving in Congress the power to approve, disallow, or take no action on executive initiatives.”

A Framework for Thinking about Domestic Foundations

by Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberryvia Analysis
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ambassador Karl Eikenberry provides a framework for understanding the domestic foundations of American power and its relevance to foreign policy. Strategy, he says, is the art of applying means to desired ends and a successful strategy must therefore involve a clear assessment of the domestic sources of those means.


Latest Essay Series: Global Governance

Transnational terrorism, cyber-security, and Russian violation of accepted international norms in the Crimea have posed unique challenges for the United States. This set of essays suggest how these threats might best be understood and met.

The Hoover Institution's Working Group on Foreign Policy and Grand Strategy will explore an array of foreign policy topics over a two-year period. Our goal is to develop orienting principles about the most important policy challenges to better serve America's interests.

The certainties of the Cold War, such as they were, have disappeared. The United States now confronts several historically unique challenges, including the rise of a potential peer competitor, a rate of technological change unseen since the 19th century, the proliferation of nuclear and biological capabilities, and the possible joining of these capabilities with transnational terrorist movements. There has been no consensus on a grand strategy or even a set of principles to address specific problems. Reactive and ad hoc measures are not adequate.