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Featured Commentary

It’s Silly Season Under The Dome

by Bill Whalenvia Sacramento Bee
Thursday, June 18, 2015

The calendar says summer doesn’t officially commence until Sunday, but rest assured that California state government is well into its silly season.

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Featured Commentary

California's Affordability Crisis May Be A Voter Issue

by Carson Brunovia Real Clear Markets
Thursday, June 18, 2015

In the recently released May 2015 Golden State Poll, just 14 percent of Californian adults living in the Bay Area, Central Valley, and Southern California think one of the three state-level affordable housing policies tested would do the most to reduce the cost of purchasing a home.

Dry ground in the Sonoran Desert, Sonora,Mexico

Goodnight, California

by Victor Davis Hansonvia Works and Days
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

CA’s leftwing politicians, facing self-created disaster, take psychological refuge in postmodern fantasies

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Other Media

California Obamacare Exchange Is Running Out Of Money

quoting Lanhee J. Chenvia Heartland Institute
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

After spending more than $1 billion on startup costs, California’s state-run Obamacare health insurance exchange has failed to produce the expected returns and is rapidly running out of money.

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Carson Bruno On The John Batchelor Show (19:38)

interview with Carson Brunovia The John Batchelor Show
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Carson Bruno gives his take on the current state of the races to replace Barbara Boxer as U.S. Senator from California.

Other Media

Can Californians Create Enduring Drought Relief?

quoting Pete Wilsonvia Los Angeles Times
Sunday, June 7, 2015

On the perennially vexing subjects of water and the drought, Gov. Jerry Brown has been on something of a roll.

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Other Media

Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay Marriage Republican Aims To Compete In California

quoting Carson Brunovia Washington Examiner
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Republicans on the left coast are poised to field a pro-abortion, same-sex marriage supporting Senate candidate, testing the theory that they might be relevant in the land of Reagan if only they'd concede defeat on social issues.

Other Media

California’s Simple Plan To Save Skid Row

quoting Lanhee J. Chenvia Daily Beast
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The state is proposing to use federal Medicaid dollars to usher ill homeless people into housing, arguing the move will save taxpayers money. Critics see mission creep.

Other Media

Jerry Brown In Cross-Hairs As Prop 13 Foes Push ‘Split Roll’ In California

quoting Bill Whalenvia Washington Times
Monday, June 1, 2015

Ever since Proposition 13 ignited a nationwide tax revolt in 1978, the California measure has been regarded as politically untouchable — until now.

Featured Commentary

Housing Costs Should Be Back On State Lawmakers’ Agenda

by Bill Whalenvia Sacramento Bee
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Since the Legislature is spending money about as fast as Silicon Valley can mint it, why not create a new state agency? Specifically, the Department of Recyclable Ideas Perpetually Shelved, or DRIPS. Consider what it could do for the thorny matter of tax reform. Rather than set up a time-consuming council of economic advisers to study the matter, as state Controller Betty Yee has done, DRIPS would simply dust off the 2009 plan crafted by the so-called Parsky Commission.
