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Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry

Remarks at MIT: Renewal or Retrenchment - U.S. Grand Strategy in a Volatile World

featuring Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Ambassador Karl Eikenberry walks through four major areas: policy and strategy; on 'Grand Strategy;' assumptions about interests, power and capability; and on the use of military force.

Poster Collection, UK 2771a, Hoover Institution Archives.
Featured Commentary

Even With Technological Change, Some Things Never Change

by Max Bootvia Strategika
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The world’s militaries—and especially the most advanced military in the world, that of the United States—are now caught in the vortex of technological change.

Poster Collection, UK 2779, Hoover Institution Archives.
Featured Commentary

Are Carrier Groups, Fighter Wings, and Infantry Divisions Anachronistic In Future Warfare?

by Bing West via Strategika
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

This question, posed by Hoover’s editors, is simply answered: America’s military structure does not need a radical revision. Its traditional assets like carriers and divisions are sound in concept. Indeed, the Pentagon adjusts remarkably. Consider that in 1979, alarmed by Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan, the Pentagon organized the “Rapid Deployment Force” that morphed into the U.S. Central Command in 1981.

Background EssayFeatured Commentary

Straying Away From Strength In Numbers

by Thomas Donnellyvia Strategika
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

“God is on the side of the big battalions.” The historical record is opaque about whether it was Napoleon, Turenne, Voltaire, or indeed any identifiable Frenchman who made that statement, but, in this age of supposedly post-industrial warfare, He has apparently changed His mind. Equipped with an iPhone and GPS-guided munitions, God has broken the phalanx, emptied the battlefield, and super-empowered the individual. Mass—particularly the large military formations of the modern era: infantry divisions and corps, aircraft carrier battle groups, tactical air wings—has gone out of style.


Latest Guantanamo Disposition Numbers

by Benjamin Wittesvia Lawfare
Monday, June 15, 2015

A useful chart courtesy of Covington & Burling showing the disposition of Guantanamo cases since the beginning of the Obama administration.

General James N. Mattis, USMC (Ret.).
Other Media

Here’s What Tops The Reading List Of Legendary Gen. James Mattis

featuring General Jim Mattisvia We Are The Mighty
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis is a legend among Marines, and he’s credited much of his success on the battlefield to reading. Now, thanks to a recent interview with History Net, we know what’s at the top of his reading list.


“Black Holes And Open Secrets: The Impact Of Covert Action On International Law” By Alexandra H. Perina

by Kenneth Andersonvia Lawfare
Monday, June 8, 2015

The status of covert activities by a government in international law is an under-discussed topic in legal scholarship, even as it is simultaneously a topic exciting great passions among many, on the one hand, and yet a core part of national security operations for the US government (and other governments), on the other.

Nuclear bomb's tell-tale mushroom cloud
Other Media

Surveillance Law Lets US Ratify Nuclear Terrorism Treaties

quoting Sam Nunnvia Yahoo News
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Tucked into the surveillance bill that became law was a little-noticed section that will let the United States complete ratification of two long-stalled treaties aimed at stopping a frightening scenario: terrorists wielding radioactive bombs.


Senator Whitehouse's Commentary On Why Americans Hate Government Surveillance But Tolerate Corporate Data Aggregators

by Herbert Linvia Lawfare
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Senator Whitehouse's thoughtful commentary on "Why Americans Hate Government Surveillance but Tolerate Corporate Data Aggregators" deserves consideration by everyone.


Other Media

The Obama Doctrine

featuring Kiron K. Skinnervia National Security Forum
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The conflicts in the Middle East continue to escalate and critics charge that the Obama administration has neither the passion nor the commitment to counter our adversaries, nor does it seem to have a real strategy for doing so.


National Security & Law Task Force

The National Security and Law Task Force examines the rule of law, the laws of war, and US constitutional law to make proposals that strike an optimal balance between individual freedom and the vigorous defense of the nation against terrorists both abroad and at home.