Foreign Policy


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Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry

Remarks at MIT: Renewal or Retrenchment - U.S. Grand Strategy in a Volatile World

featuring Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Ambassador Karl Eikenberry walks through four major areas: policy and strategy; on 'Grand Strategy;' assumptions about interests, power and capability; and on the use of military force.


Victor Davis Hanson On The Jim Bohannon Show (40:44)

interview with Victor Davis Hansonvia Jim Bohannon Show
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson speaks on U.S. policies toward Russia, North Korea, and Islam and if the 'U.S. could be heading for another armed, global conflict that would make World War II seem like a minor skirmish'.

Vladimir Putin
Other Media

The Risky Challenges The US Faces In Dealing With Putin

quoting Michael McFaulvia Times of Oman
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

It could have been President Barack Obama issuing a firm warning — measured, devoid of bellicose threats — to Vladimir Putin that the West would keep the pressure on as long as Russia interfered with Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Background EssayFeatured Commentary

Straying Away From Strength In Numbers

by Thomas Donnellyvia Strategika
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

“God is on the side of the big battalions.” The historical record is opaque about whether it was Napoleon, Turenne, Voltaire, or indeed any identifiable Frenchman who made that statement, but, in this age of supposedly post-industrial warfare, He has apparently changed His mind. Equipped with an iPhone and GPS-guided munitions, God has broken the phalanx, emptied the battlefield, and super-empowered the individual. Mass—particularly the large military formations of the modern era: infantry divisions and corps, aircraft carrier battle groups, tactical air wings—has gone out of style.

Barack Obama

Kori Schake On The Larry Kudlow Show (89:49)

interview with Kori Schakevia The Larry Kudlow Show
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Kori Schake on the Obama Administration sending 450 military advisers to Iraq.

Other Media

Former Ambassador Michael McFaul: A Lot Of Prominent Russians Don't Like The Mess They're In

quoting Michael McFaulvia Huffington Post
Saturday, June 13, 2015

President Barack Obama announced on Monday that leaders of the G7 countries have agreed to maintain sanctions against Russia over Moscow's role in the ongoing conflict in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

Other Media

Bipartisan Realism About Russia

quoting Michael McFaulvia Bloomberg View
Sunday, June 14, 2015

It could have been President Barack Obama issuing a firm warning -- measured, devoid of bellicose threats -- to Vladimir Putin that the West would keep the pressure on as long as Russia interfered with Ukraine's sovereignty.

The Honorable George P. Shultz is a charter member of the Hoover Legacy Society.

George P. Shultz: The Go-To Man For GOP Candidates

featuring George P. Shultzvia Washington Examiner
Monday, June 15, 2015

At 94, Hoover Institution fellow George P. Shultz is still the indispensable adviser. Republican presidential contenders, to prove their bona fides on economic and foreign policy, or just the skill of governing, have trekked to Shultz's corner office at the conservative Hoover Institution on the campus of Stanford University, if for no other reason than to be able to say later when asked about their readiness for the White House: I met with Secretary Shultz.


Opinion Journal: Obama's ISIS Strategy

interview with Kori Schakevia Opinion Journal (Wall Street Journal)
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Kori Schake discusses the Obama Administration's sending U.S. military advisors to Iraq.

Featured Commentary

Lawfare And The IDF Lawyers

by Jack Goldsmithvia Lawfare
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Willy Stern has a very interesting essay at the Weekly Standard about “Dabla,” the Israeli Defense Force’s elite operational lawyers.


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