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EdCast Launches Twitter-Like ‘Knowledge Network’

quoting William J. Perryvia India West
Thursday, June 18, 2015

A new knowledge network, EdCasting, which aims to link knowledge influencers to two billion people worldwide, was launched May 30 at Stanford University, during the Future Learning 2020 summit.

Senator John Hoeven discusses the Keystone pipeline
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Senator John Hoeven Lights Up The Conversation On Energy

interview with John Hoevenvia Uncommon Knowledge
Friday, June 5, 2015

Senator John Hoeven discusses the Keystone pipeline, energy policy, the Middle East, and politics, noting that our country moves forward with investments that make our energy secure and environmentally sound.

Featured Commentary

Why Technology Hasn’t Delivered More Democracy

by Larry Diamondvia Foreign Policy
Thursday, June 4, 2015

The first fifteen years of this century have been a time of astonishing advances in communications and information technology, including digitalization, mass-accessible video platforms, smart phones, social media, billions of people gaining internet access, and much else.


Victor Davis Hanson Discusses California's Droughts On KMJ Fresno’s Ray Appleton Show (32:45)

interview with Victor Davis Hansonvia KMJ (Fresno)
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hoover fellow Victor Davis Hanson discusses the droughts in California. Hanson notes that the present four-year California drought is not noveleven if President Barack Obama and California Gov. Jerry Brown have blamed it on man-made climate change. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, California droughts are both age-old and common. What is new is that the state has never had 40 million residents during a drought—well over 10 million more than during the last dry spell in the early 1990s. If California is going to allow the population to increase, then it needs to increase the spending on infrastructure, especially for water management.

Herbert Lin and John Villasenor
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Emerging Challenges in Cybersecurity

by Herbert Lin, John Villasenorvia Fellow Talks
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Herbert Lin, a senior research scholar for cyber policy and security at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, both at Stanford University; and John Villasenor, a national fellow at Hoover and a professor of electrical engineering and public policy at the University of California at Los Angeles, discuss emerging technologies and the challenges of cybersecurity. 

Victor Davis Hanson
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A Tale of Four California Droughts

by Victor Davis Hansonvia Fellow Talks
Monday, April 20, 2015

Victor Davis Hanson, the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Hoover, presents a brief history and geography of California before launching into his talk about California droughts. Hanson notes that people in California  live where there is no precipitation and that droughts are not unusual. 


Tiny Robots Pull Huge Loads

by Benjamin Wittesvia Lawfare
Monday, April 27, 2015

A group at Stanford has produced tiny robots that can lift, while climbing up walls, more than 100 times their own weight—and one that can drag a weight 2,000 times heavier than itself. As one of the engineers involved put it, that’s “the same as you pulling around a blue whale.”

Other Media

Genetic Technology And Its Potential For Good And Evil

by Henry I. Millervia Wall Street Journal
Monday, April 20, 2015

We don’t need a moratorium. We need to push the frontiers of medicine to cure more patients.


In Case You Needed Another Reason To Look Askance At Wikileaks

by Benjamin Wittesvia Lawfare
Thursday, April 16, 2015

The organization today posted online what it describes as “an analysis and search system for The Sony Archives: 30,287 documents from Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) and 173,132 emails, to and from more than 2,200 SPE email addresses.”

Featured Commentary

Why Do The Chinese Hack? Fear

by Lieutenant Colonel Enrique Otivia War on the Rocks
Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Chinese government is scared of the Internet.  They are scared of the foreign ideas that it brings into China; they are scared of how it enables the Chinese people to spread knowledge about government corruption; and they are especially scared of how it was used during the “color revolutions” and the “Arab Spring.”


Energy Policy Task Force

The Task Force on Energy Policy addresses energy policy in the United States and its effects on our domestic and international political priorities, particularly our national security.