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Tests, Testing, and Genuine School Reform by Herbert J. Walberg

Peter Berkowitz On The John Batchelor Show (29:34)

interview with Peter Berkowitzvia The John Batchelor Show
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Peter Berkowitz gives his thoughts on how schools are not doing a good job teaching world and civic history. 

Featured Commentary

Progressive Academics Shocked That Their Creatures Turn On Them

by Bruce Thorntonvia Front Page Magazine Online
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Recently several progressive professors have publicly complained that their students are hounding them for failing to consider their tender sensibilities by straying beyond the p.c. orthodoxy on sexual assault, sex identity, linguistic correctness, and a whole host of other progressive shibboleths.

Other Media

Home Building's Talent Squeeze

featuring Eric Hanushekvia Builder Online
Friday, June 5, 2015

Groundbreaking research a few years ago from Stanford University economist Eric A. Hanushek focuses on school teachers, but could apply equally to "talent" in home building.


Asset Pricing Summer School

by John H. Cochrane via Grumpy Economist
Thursday, June 4, 2015

I’m going to offer my online course “Asset Pricing” over the summer. The intent is a “summer school” for PhD students, either incoming or between the first year of foundation courses and the second year of specialized finance courses.

Other Media

Jerry Brown Stands In Way Of Teachers Union Fight To Extend Prop 30 Tax Cuts

quoting Bill Whalenvia Breitbart News Network
Monday, May 18, 2015

Proponents of Proposition 30, which temporarily raised tax rates in California, are pressing Gov. Jerry Brown to continue with the tax increases even though the state now has ample black ink and revenues are expected to climb even without the additional taxes.

Other Media

Rise In Number Of Students Reporting Exam Stress – Weekly News Review

mentioning Eric Hanushekvia Guardian (UK)
Friday, May 15, 2015

The UK economy could be boosted by ensuring all pupils reach basic levels of achievement, according to a new report by the OECD.  The figures were compiled by two economists, Eric Hanushek of Stanford’s Hoover Institution and Ludger Woessmann at the University of Munich. They were based on the international rankings of 15-year-olds using the OECD’s Pisa tests.

Other Media

Venture Capitalists Help Connect Low-Income Students With Elite Colleges

quoting Caroline M. Hoxbyvia The Wall Street Journal
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Investors here have gleefully trumpeted technology’s disruption of everything from transportation to entertainment. Now, they have a new target: college admissions.


A Turnaround District For Pennsylvania’s Lowest-Performing Schools By Michael J. Petrilli

by Michael J. Petrillivia EducationNext
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

On May 13, Fordham President Michael J. Petrilli delivered testimony before a Pennsylvania State Senate committee. These were his remarks. As a strong conservative and a strong supporter of education reform, I am pleased to speak in favor of Senate Bill 6 and its intent to create an Achievement School District for Pennsylvania. Turnaround school districts are among the most promising reforms in American education today.

teacher and student

Teacher Layoffs Are Coming, And It’s The Great Recession’s Fault

by Michael J. Petrillivia Education Next
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Forty-eight states experienced declines over the last six years, but some drops were nearly cataclysmic. Note the dramatic reductions in some southern and western states, which were particularly hard hit by the housing bust and/or the recession itself.

Other Media

TEDxStanford Returns For 2015 With Dynamic Speakers And A New Twist

with Alice L. Millervia Stanford Report
Thursday, April 9, 2015

TEDxStanford, the annual smorgasbord of fascinating Stanford speakers and performers, returns this year with a slightly different approach. The theme is "Turning Point" – the audience will hear stories of research, events and personal lives that have reached a critical moment.


K-12 Education Task Force

The K–12 Education Task Force focuses on education policy as it relates to government provision and oversight versus private solutions (both within and outside the public school system) that stress choice, accountability, and transparency.

CREDO at Stanford University