Today's Mind-blower

10 DIY Projects for Tech Nerds

Want to put that brain to work with some DIY that will actually help you in your day-to-day grind? From cooking with the sun to protecting the screen on your smartphone, these projects will satisfy your crafty techie side.

    • Top 10 Most Poisonous Plants


      Top 10 Most Poisonous Plants

      If you swallow these plants, you could wind up with stomach convulsions, blurred vision, amnesia -- you could even die. What shouldn't you taste on your next hike?

    • What if I threw a penny off the Empire State Building?


      What if I threw a penny off the Empire State Building?

      You may have heard the tale of a person who throws a penny from the Empire State Building and kills a pedestrian below. Does this story have any truth to it?

    • Why isn't the U.S. on the metric system?


      Why isn't the U.S. on the metric system?

      You may think of the U.S., Liberia and Myanmar as the sad-sack metric losers. The truth, however, is a little more complicated -- sort of like remembering how to switch between pounds and kilograms.

    • What happens during the dying process?


      What happens during the dying process?

      It's hard to be prepared for death. Too much is unknown about what dying feels like or what happens after we die. However, we do know a bit about the process that occurs in the days and hours leading up to death.

    • 5 Physical Problems Doctors Fix With Glue


      5 Physical Problems Doctors Fix With Glue

      It can bond anything: wood, plastic, glass, metal and ... human tissue? Find out how medical science is making use of adhesive to heal everything from broken bones to aneurysms.

    • 10 Futurist Predictions in the World of Transportation


      10 Futurist Predictions in the World of Transportation

      Making it around the world in 80 days really isn’t anything to brag about today: The ISS does it in less than 90 minutes. But for those of us who are a little closer to the ground, we’re always looking for ways to make travel faster -- and in some rare cases, into something completely new.

    • Will you EVER get back to sleep? The Insomnia Quiz


      Will you EVER get back to sleep? The Insomnia Quiz

      Whether it's a few sleepless nights from time to time or long-term insomnia, millions of people are tired. Test how much you know about how to get a good night's sleep -- and what to do when you can't -- in our insomnia quiz.

    • What if a black hole formed near our solar system?


      What if a black hole formed near our solar system?

      Black holes have serious pull, and they're not afraid to use it. Could one of these skulking bad boys ever arise in our home, sweet (solar system) home?

    • Is there a real way to lose belly fat?


      Is there a real way to lose belly fat?

      When it comes to the battle of the bulge, many of us are losing -- especially in the waist area. Is there a healthy, safe way to get rid of belly fat?

    • 10 Olympic Games That Nearly Bankrupted Their Host Countries


      10 Olympic Games That Nearly Bankrupted Their Host Countries

      The cost of hosting the Olympic Games has risen astronomically, but some cities are willing to foot the bill in exchange for increased tourism and better infrastructure. But what happens when it doesn't pay off? Here are 10 cautionary tales.

    • Do all dogs dream?


      Do all dogs dream?

      As the expression goes, let sleeping dogs lie. But aren't you just a little curious about what's happening when your fast-asleep pup starts thrashing around and whimpering? Is your dog dreaming?

    • What if America had lost the Revolution?


      What if America had lost the Revolution?

      If the colonists hadn't eked out a victory against the mighty British Empire, what would have been their fate? Would leaders like the beloved George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have been executed?

    • 10 of the Worst Decisions Ever Made


      10 of the Worst Decisions Ever Made

      Everyone makes mistakes, but some lapses in judgment are spectacularly bad. What are some of history's most epic miscalculations?

    • 10 Tech Companies That Totally Imploded


      10 Tech Companies That Totally Imploded

      The dot-com bubble produced plenty of companies that spent and grew too quickly and couldn't sustain themselves, but some burned out in spectacular style. Here are 10 tech companies that lived fast and died young.

    • 10 Everyday Things You're Probably Doing the Hard Way


      10 Everyday Things You're Probably Doing the Hard Way

      Despite our desire for ease, studies show that we may be able to make ourselves smarter by doing things the hard way. But why make life trickier than it needs to be?

    • 10 True Stories of Survival Cannibalism


      10 True Stories of Survival Cannibalism

      You're stranded on a boat at sea, no substantial food or water for days, living off collected rain and already having lustily consumed the leather brim of your hat. That's when you realize there's a huge chunk of meat sitting right next to you.

    • Can a bag of water keep flies away?


      Can a bag of water keep flies away?

      Have you ever seen a water bag hanging in a restaurant? It's not a design trend -- some people say the bags repel flies. Does this method hold water?

    • Do you really stay conscious after being decapitated?


      Do you really stay conscious after being decapitated?

      Decapitation is a surefire way to deliver a quick and painless death, right? In actuality, an increasingly large body of historical and scientific evidence suggests that beheading doesn't, in fact, deliver instant death.

    • How Sword Swallowing Works


      How Sword Swallowing Works

      Sword swallowing is an extremely dangerous trick that doesn't involve illusions. How can it be real? We'll show you -- with explanations and diagrams of the interactions between swords and the upper GI tract. But don't try this at home!

    • 10 Bizarre Olympic Events


      10 Bizarre Olympic Events

      The Olympics haven't always been the pageantry-filled events they are today. Back in 1900, you might have taken in a tug-of-war contest before heading off to hot air ballooning. What other strange sports have existed in Olympic history?

    • What is déjà vu?


      What is déjà vu?

      Déjà vu is used to describe the feeling that you experienced a situation before. What causes this phenomenon? It’s not a glitch in the matrix, but most of our knowledge on the subject is still theoretical.

    • How Curling Works


      How Curling Works

      Curling seldom gets respect from the average Olympic watcher, what with its stones and brooms, and its leisurely pace. Yet this ancient sport dating back 500 years is growing in popularity. And it's harder than it looks.

    • Do parallel universes really exist?


      Do parallel universes really exist?

      Remember that traffic accident you avoided the other day? In another universe, you died. Or at least you did according to the Many-Worlds theory.

    • Top 10 Worst-case Scenario Medical Conditions


      Top 10 Worst-case Scenario Medical Conditions

      If you're the lone survivor of a plane crash on a deserted island or if your car breaks down on the way to grandma's, what scary medical conditions could come your way?

    • 10 Failed Google Projects


      10 Failed Google Projects

      Most people think of Google as a giant juggernaut of Internet success. But even the company behind the world's most popular search engine has had its share of blunders.

    • 10 Terrorist Plots That Failed


      10 Terrorist Plots That Failed

      Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, an estimated 54 other attacks on the U.S. have failed. And these are only the ones we know about. Some, like the underwear bomber and the shoe bomber, live on in infamy. Others are more obscure.

    • 10 Addictive Games for iPad


      10 Addictive Games for iPad

      Casual games are meant to be played for just a few minutes, but some are so addictive you end up playing for hours.

    • 10 Biggest Manhunts of All Time


      10 Biggest Manhunts of All Time

      Sometimes the search for a fugitive can occupy a city. Other times, the hunt is fierce enough to dominate a nation, or even several countries. Which criminals can claim they spurred some of the craziest manhunts ever?

    • 10 Worst Ways to Die


      10 Worst Ways to Die

      C'mon. You know you've thought about this. We have, too. Want to see how your list compares with ours?

    • Top 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet


      Top 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

      Most adults leave the house every day to go to work and make money. But some people have found a way to run their own Internet businesses from home. You can do it, too.

    • 10 Most Dangerous Places You Should Definitely Visit


      10 Most Dangerous Places You Should Definitely Visit

      It isn't necessarily advisable to visit any of these areas. But then again, if you're willing to take the risk, you'll get to explore places most people will never have the guts to see.

    • Top 5 Myths About the Internet


      Top 5 Myths About the Internet

      For something so entrenched in our everyday lives, we sure don't know much about the Internet. That might explain all of the half-truths, falsehoods and straight-up myths that surround it. We happily deconstruct five of them here.

    • 10 Shows That Changed TV Forever


      10 Shows That Changed TV Forever

      The best TV shows change the way we think about news, sports, drama or comedy. Which ones have had the most impact on viewers or the medium?

    • Top 10 Famous Female Sideshow Freaks


      Top 10 Famous Female Sideshow Freaks

      From the Two-headed Nightingale to the Baboon Lady, these 10 female sideshow freaks sure knew how to put on a show. But what were their real stories?

    • 10 Networking Tips for People Who Hate Networking


      10 Networking Tips for People Who Hate Networking

      If the thought of entering a crowded room, and sheepishly handing out business cards to strangers while "selling yourself" gives you the heebie-jeebies, you'll appreciate our networking tips for easing the pain.

    • 10 Absolutely Worst Foods to Eat


      10 Absolutely Worst Foods to Eat

      We all eat things we probably shouldn't, and that's OK from time to time. But there are some foods that are such nutrition bombs that even occasional indulgence isn't exactly wise.

    • 10 Games that Take Minutes to Learn and a Lifetime to Master


      10 Games that Take Minutes to Learn and a Lifetime to Master

      Games like chess and checkers have been around for centuries for a reason: They're very easy to learn, but difficult to master. What other games make the cut for this list?

    • Top 10 Things You Should Not Share on Social Networks


      Top 10 Things You Should Not Share on Social Networks

      If your Facebook status update reads, "Leaving for France!" you're not just gloating about your trip. You're letting everyone know that your house will be empty for about 10 days. Bad idea.

    • 10 Strange Facts About Atomic Clocks


      10 Strange Facts About Atomic Clocks

      No, this clock won't blow up the planet. But it does use cesium and lasers to keep time so accurately that we had to change the definition of “second.” What else?

    • 10 Ways to Break Into a House


      10 Ways to Break Into a House

      You might be surprised at the tricks burglars can use to sneak inside your home. Not because they're so cunning, but because they're really quite simple. What should you be on the lookout for?

    • 5 Future Car Technologies That Truly Have a Chance


      5 Future Car Technologies That Truly Have a Chance

      It's no secret that technology changes fast -- and the auto industry is no exception. So what's in store for future cars?

    • Top 10 Wizarding Fails


      Top 10 Wizarding Fails

      In the hope of educating future wizards, we give you this sorcerer's hall of shame, populated by those who fell from grace, grasped for the stars or failed to leave the tarmac in the first place. How did your favorite wizard fare?

    • 10 Scientists Who Were Their Own Guinea Pigs


      10 Scientists Who Were Their Own Guinea Pigs

      People donate their bodies to science all the time, usually after death. Here, we highlight 10 scientists who experimented on themselves while they were still alive. Not always such a good idea, eh Dr. Jekyll?

    • 10 Most Spectacular Lottery Burnouts


      10 Most Spectacular Lottery Burnouts

      Winning the lottery seems part of everyone's daydream. But many winners say it actually becomes a nightmare. Why does it all go wrong? Here are some of the most spectacular flameouts we've come across.

    • 5 Mind-blowing Backyard Playsets


      5 Mind-blowing Backyard Playsets

      Yeah, swings are OK. But they're a whole lot more fun when they're paired with a replica of the Ghostbusters station. Or they hang from a tree house that puts the Swiss Family Robinson one to shame. Come see.

    • 10 Complete Falsehoods About Food


      10 Complete Falsehoods About Food

      Don't eat after 7 p.m. Drink eight glasses of water each day. Organic food is better for you. Watch as we explode these and other well-worn food myths.

    • 10 Bizarre Ways to Die


      10 Bizarre Ways to Die

      There are a lot of ways to die. Some are just more interesting than others. For example, death by deodorant or death by underwire bra.

    • 10 Ways to Make Money on the Side


      10 Ways to Make Money on the Side

      With the exception of winning the lottery, making serious money takes time and effort. But there are legitimate ways to make extra cash to supplement your day job income. Check out 10 ways you can moonlight and end up with some dough to show for it.

    • 10 Real Events That Seem Like Hoaxes


      10 Real Events That Seem Like Hoaxes

      Did you hear the one about Elvis meeting President Nixon to help the youth stay off drugs? Or 50 Cent performing at a bat mitzvah? These may sound like urban legends, but this time the events are all true.

    • iPhone Pictures


      iPhone Pictures

      The release of any new iPhone version has people waiting in lines around the world. Take a look at the iPhone and its features in this image gallery.

    • Public Enemy Pictures


      Public Enemy Pictures

      The bad, the worse and the worst. You name 'em, we've caught 'em. Check out some of the most notorious criminals in U.S. history, from gangsters to con men to bandits in love.

    • Star Wars Pictures


      Star Wars Pictures

      Star Wars' is one of the most successful movie franchises in cinema history. Follow the history of 'Star Wars' in this collection of images. Mind if we come along, too?

    • Japan Tsunami and Earthquake Pictures


      Japan Tsunami and Earthquake Pictures

      Many areas were completely destroyed by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and the subsequent tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. Browse these haunting pictures of Japan's destruction following the earthquake and tsunami.

    • Bridge Pictures


      Bridge Pictures

      Bridges are amazing displays of scientific engineering. This collection of pictures highlights some of the most spectacular structures ever created.

    • Interactive Gallery: How to Build a Fire Ring


      Interactive Gallery: How to Build a Fire Ring

      What could be better than a cozy evening with friends gathered around your new fire pit? The tips in this interactive gallery can help you turn your toasted marshmallow dreams into an entertaining reality.

    • Alternative Fuel Vehicle Pictures


      Alternative Fuel Vehicle Pictures

      From electricity to saltwater to air, these vehicles run on all kinds of things you'd never imagine as fuel. What might power your car in the near future?

    • American Landmarks


      American Landmarks

      These American landmark pictures range from the natural wonders of the United States to famous works of architecture. How many of these landmarks have you visited?

    • Home Office Decor Pictures


      Home Office Decor Pictures

      Home office decor pictures will give you insight into how other teleworkers design their work space. Check out these home office decor pictures to learn more.

    • Video Game System Pictures


      Video Game System Pictures

      Video games have become an incredibly popular -- and diverse -- pastime since their introduction. Explore the history of video game systems, from the Atari to the Xbox 360.

    • Awesome Architecture Image Gallery


      Awesome Architecture Image Gallery

      From the Taj Mahal to the Leaning Tower of Pisa to Fallingwater, flip through these beautiful examples of architecture.

    • Lighthouse Pictures


      Lighthouse Pictures

      Lighthouses kept sailors safe from crashing their ships on rocky coasts -- until modern technology left them obsolete. Now many of them serve as museums or lodges.

    • Countries with Perfect Climates Pictures


      Countries with Perfect Climates Pictures

      We found paradise! From rainforests to mountaintops we have uncovered the top countries with perfect climates. Take a look at these countries and their unique climates here.

    • Classic Muscle Car Pictures


      Classic Muscle Car Pictures

      See pictures of everyone's favorite fast, powerful, gas guzzling cars from the '60s and '70s. They may not be eco-friendly, but they sure were fun while they lasted.

    • Virtual Reality Pictures


      Virtual Reality Pictures

      What do you think of when you hear the words virtual reality (VR)? A clunky helmet wired to a computer with thick cables? Or funky goggles and high-tech feedback gloves? Explore the many virtual reality applications and technologies.

    • Transmission Pictures


      Transmission Pictures

      Manual, automatic, sequential, dual-clutch -- these are just a sample of what you'll see in this image gallery. Check out pictures of all types of transmissions right here.

    • Laptop Pictures


      Laptop Pictures

      Whether you are shopping for a new laptop or just curious about the latest technologies on the market, take a look at our image gallery.

    • Time Measurement Pictures


      Time Measurement Pictures

      Time measurement has changed dramatically over the centuries. From the sun dial to the digital watch, which pieces stand the test of time?

    • Recession Pictures


      Recession Pictures

      It may not be pretty, but recessions affect us all. So how do they occur? Trace the economy's path in the 21st century from subprime collapse to the mortgage crisis to the credit market crisis.

    • Interactive Gallery: How to Build a Gazebo


      Interactive Gallery: How to Build a Gazebo

      That romantic gazebo you’re envisioning can be transformed from a thought to a physical structure with a little planning and sweat equity. We’ve assembled tips and tricks to turn a pile of lumber and supplies into a shaded sanctuary.

    • Image Gallery: Inside a Nuclear Power Plant


      Image Gallery: Inside a Nuclear Power Plant

      Tour the inside of a nuclear power plant with these illustrative diagrams to learn more about how nuclear power plants work.

    • Mars Landing Pictures


      Mars Landing Pictures

      NASA has an SUV-sized rover on Mars, and it’s sending new data back to Earth all the time. Landing Curiosity (and other rovers) on the red planet is no small affair. Check out these pictures of rovers and the extreme engineering that goes into a successful mission.

    • Something to Talk About Pictures


      Something to Talk About Pictures

      Sometimes it seems that men and women speak two different languages. It's hard to see eye to eye because of the vast differences in the ways men and women communicate. Click on to see pictures of something to talk about.

    • Timeline of Sex Pictures


      Timeline of Sex Pictures

      The how-tos of sex haven't changed much over the ages, but our understanding of what's actually happening (and why) took off during the Renaissance. How have humanity's thoughts and beliefs about sex evolved throughout history?

    • Car Safety Pictures


      Car Safety Pictures

      Our car safety image gallery shows you car safety features, crash testing, and other technology intended to keep drivers and passengers safe. And some features you may not have heard about.

    • Phone, Phones on the Range: The Ultimate Cell Phone Stats Quiz


      Phone, Phones on the Range: The Ultimate Cell Phone Stats Quiz

      Can you guess how many texts your typical teen sends? Or how many cell phones are in the world? Take our challenge and see if you can pass without calling for help.

    • Fact or Fiction: Serial Killers


      Fact or Fiction: Serial Killers

      Serial killers aren't always creepy loners who live with their mothers -- sometimes they're seemingly average churchgoers with wives and kids. How much do you know about the history of serial killers -- and would you know if one were living next door?

    • The Ultimate McDonald's Quiz


      The Ultimate McDonald's Quiz

      Loved for its deep-fried goodness and loathed for its cheap, fatty fare, McDonald's has become more than just a chain restaurant: It's a bona fide cultural icon. But it'll take more than a little McNugget know-how to pass the Ultimate McDonald's Quiz.

    • Stuff You Should Know's Ultimate Crime Scene Quiz


      Stuff You Should Know's Ultimate Crime Scene Quiz

      If you listened to Josh and Chuck's trifecta of shows about crime scenes, then you should clean up on this quiz. What did you learn about blood spatter, photography and cleanup?

    • Are you wise about wands and wizards?


      Are you wise about wands and wizards?

      Hey, Muggle: Think you know all there is to know about Harry Potter? You'll need a nip of Felix Felicis for luck if you hope to get full marks on this ultimate Harry Potter quiz.

    • Fact or Fiction: Surviving an Animal Attack


      Fact or Fiction: Surviving an Animal Attack

      What happens if you accidentally encounter an animal that feels threatened or frightened by you? What if it attacks? Take this quiz to see whether you've got what it takes to survive or if Mother Nature will reign supreme.

    • Car Smarts: Exotic Cars


      Car Smarts: Exotic Cars

      Exotic cars inspire a legion of car enthusiasts to empty their wallets for a taste of life in the fast lane. Will you be at the front of the pack after racing through the exotic car quiz?

    • Quiz: How do bomb-sniffing dogs work?


      Quiz: How do bomb-sniffing dogs work?

      Your dog can roll over? Well, ours can sniff out a kilo of C-4. Take the bomb-sniffing dog quiz, and see if your score gets you a treat or the rolled-up newspaper.

    • Fire Away! 'Star Wars' Missile Defense Quiz


      Fire Away! 'Star Wars' Missile Defense Quiz

      In 1983, U.S. President Ronald Reagan announced a new plan for protecting against a nuclear strike: the Strategic Defense Initiative. Reagan's idea almost immediately earned the unwelcome nickname "Star Wars." How much do you know about the program?

    • This Land Is Your Land: The Citizenship Quiz


      This Land Is Your Land: The Citizenship Quiz

      For people who never leave their native countries, citizenship is simple as pie -- you simply have to be born. But being a citizen entails a lot more than just living in a nation. Test your knowledge about what it means to be a citizen.

    • Stuff You Should Know's James Bond Quiz


      Stuff You Should Know's James Bond Quiz

      James Bond is about as iconic as a movie (and book) character can be. Grab your exploding pen and let's see how you do on the ultimate Bond quiz. You might earn your license to kill.

    • Do you know the most painless ways to save money?


      Do you know the most painless ways to save money?

      If your disposable income always shrinks to a few lonely dollars before your next paycheck arrives, discovering a few painless ways to save money could make a big difference in your quality of life. This quiz will get you started.

    • Can you get fired for that?


      Can you get fired for that?

      You might think your handlebar mustache is the epitome of cool, but your boss at the frozen yogurt shop disagrees. Can you get fired for personal flair? And if so, what other kinds of seemingly innocent behavior can get you sacked?

    • Tech Talk: CPU Quiz


      Tech Talk: CPU Quiz

      When you sit at your computer, browsing the Internet, playing video games and running word processors, it's easy to feel like you're in control. But have you ever thought about what really makes your desktop or laptop run?

    • Slow Is Smooth, Smooth Is Fast: Military Sniper Quiz


      Slow Is Smooth, Smooth Is Fast: Military Sniper Quiz

      Military snipers have been great fodder for video games and movies, and they're just as interesting in reality. Test out your aim here on Stuff You Should Know's military sniper quiz.

    • Gadget Savvy: Electric Motors Quiz


      Gadget Savvy: Electric Motors Quiz

      Electric motors are inside all kinds of ordinary devices, using a power source to make motion. So what makes the motor go 'round?

    • Seeing Red: Which countries owe the most?


      Seeing Red: Which countries owe the most?

      Since 2008, the global recession has threatened to topple the world's most developed and robust economies, and many wealthy nations are now saddled with burdensome debt loads. Test your knowledge of how the economic crisis has affected people from Reno to Reykjavik.

    • The Ultimate Eye Puzzles Quiz


      The Ultimate Eye Puzzles Quiz

      Although eye puzzles, like those created by Magic Eye, were at the peak of their popularity in the 1990s, they still exist today. Test out your knowledge of this primitive 3-D technique with our eye puzzles quiz.

    • Seeing Red: Test Your Anger Knowledge


      Seeing Red: Test Your Anger Knowledge

      So you've been passed over again at work for that promotion you wanted. You're so angry that you can't get any more work done today, so you've come to HowStuffWorks to spend the rest of the day doing quizzes. Maybe understanding anger might help you to relax!

    • On the Money: Test Your Knowledge on the World's Craziest Currencies


      On the Money: Test Your Knowledge on the World's Craziest Currencies

      Humans have assigned value to all kinds of things through the ages, from stones to spices. There’s even money made for potential encounters with alien life. How much is the intergalactic value of a Space Quid? The answer may surprise you!

    • The Ultimate Serial Killer Quiz


      The Ultimate Serial Killer Quiz

      The topic of murder stirs up fear in almost any context, and serial killing tends to multiply that fear to the nth degree. Test your knowledge with this serial killer quiz.

    • Facebook Facts and Fiction


      Facebook Facts and Fiction

      With more than 1 billion members and counting, Facebook is one of the fastest-growing phenomena to come out of a college dorm room. What do you know about this plot to take over the world?

    • Everyday Science: Volcano Quiz


      Everyday Science: Volcano Quiz

      Fiery explosions, boiling lava, hot ash spewing everywhere -- total disaster is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think "volcano." And, yes, that is certainly a possibility. But do you know what’s really going on when a volcano erupts?

    • The Ultimate Master Key Quiz


      The Ultimate Master Key Quiz

      Did you ever think why your door key opens only your lock, and each of your neighbors' keys opens only each of theirs -- but the superintendent can open everyone's locks? How many keys does he carry anyway? The key to this question is in this quiz.

    • Lost in Migration


      Lost in Migration

      Can you keep up with the flock? Do you remember in which direction it was heading? Exercise your brain and your attention span with Lost in Migration.

    • Currency Puzzles


      Currency Puzzles

      You're great at spending it. Now let's see how expert you are turning all these puzzle pieces into a pile of cash. Ready, set, windfall!

    • Word Bubbles


      Word Bubbles

      The Word Bubbles Game will challenge your verbal agility and put your vocabulary and memory to the test. How many words can you come up with?

    • Raindrops Game


      Raindrops Game

      Improve your math skills and sharpen your mind with the Raindrops game. Can you solve the math equations in the raindrops before they hit the water? There's only one way to find out.

    • Memory Matrix


      Memory Matrix

      Quick, take a mental snapshot! Can you recall and reproduce the pattern that you just saw? The Memory Matrix game will put your attention span and intelligence to the test. Exercise your mind and play Memory Matrix!

    • 3-Point Shootout


      3-Point Shootout

      3-Point Shootout game is a great way to play arcade-style basketball without stepping away from your desk. How many hoops can you make before the time runs out? Can you get on the leader board?

    • Mahjongg Dark Dimensions


      Mahjongg Dark Dimensions

      The new puzzle classic returns with yet another twist!

    • Arctic Tri Peaks Solitaire


      Arctic Tri Peaks Solitaire

      In this version of the classic solitaire game, you play through a mountain of cards, eliminating them as you go.

    • Electronics Puzzles


      Electronics Puzzles

      From CPUs and circuit boards to televisions and iPods, high-tech gadgets are a constant presence in modern life. Now they're appearing in your puzzles, too. Can you put these puzzles together faster than you can upload a new playlist on your iPod?

    • Volcano Explorer


      Volcano Explorer

      Volcanoes are pressure valves that release energy from deep within the Earth. Learn about different types of volcanoes and create your own virtual volcano with the Volcano Explorer. It may be the closest you ever get to playing with one.

    • Baby Animal Puzzles


      Baby Animal Puzzles

      Who can resist a baby animal -- or a puzzle? Find out how quickly you can piece together these puzzles of puppies, piglets and more seriously cute little guys.

    • Entertainment Puzzles


      Entertainment Puzzles

      Is a lightsaber your weapon of choice? Perhaps you prefer to spend your time reaching for the skies by pole vaulting? These entertainment-themed puzzles are a whole new way to spend your leisure time. Try them, puzzle prodigy.

    • Addiction Solitaire


      Addiction Solitaire

      Find out why this speedy variant of a classic card game is called "Addiction Solitaire."

    • Adventure Puzzles


      Adventure Puzzles

      Whether you're into extreme sports, wilderness survival or good old-fashioned jet-setting, explore the planet as you make the pieces of these adventure puzzles fall into place.

    • Fairway Solitaire


      Fairway Solitaire

      Are you a big fan of golf and solitaire? Then we have just the game for you. But don’t take our word for it. Swing away at Fairway solitaire.

    • Cannon Challenge


      Cannon Challenge

      Take charge of your own Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) Cannon, the revolutionary gun that represents the future of U.S. Field Artillery.

    • Crossword: Master


      Crossword: Master

      Are you ready to master a crossword? Our online crossword will provide lots of challenging clues.

    • Speed Match


      Speed Match

      Speed Match may help you to think faster and improve your reaction time. All you have to do is remember and compare the symbols flashing on your screen in this fast-paced matching game.

    • Home & Garden Puzzles


      Home & Garden Puzzles

      Looking for your next DIY home and garden project? Try these home and garden puzzles and you might find fun and inspiration.

    • Table Hockey Ultra


      Table Hockey Ultra

      Enjoy a round of table hockey whenever you want with this online version of the popular arcade game. C'mon, stop that puck in its tracks.

    • Crossword: Regular


      Crossword: Regular

      Looking for a relaxing crossword puzzle? Our crossword provides beginners with game play that will surely pique your interest.

    • Bike Build Game


      Bike Build Game

      If you've ever wanted to build a bike from scratch, you're not alone. Try your hand at piecing together this motorcycle in the Bike Build Game. Once you have everything in place, you can see the real thing!

    • Color Match


      Color Match

      Put on your sweatbands and get ready to train your brain! Improve your concentration by matching words and colors in the Color Match game.

    • Beautiful Flower Puzzles


      Beautiful Flower Puzzles

      These brightly colored spring flower puzzles are sure to raise your spirits. Can you solve them faster than we can say chrysanthemum?

    • Geography Puzzles


      Geography Puzzles

      From raging rivers to towering mountains, the smallest countries to the biggest civilizations, explore our world by trying your hand at these geography puzzles.

    • Golf Challenge


      Golf Challenge

      With a wide selection of clubs, beautiful visuals, and plenty of courses to conquer, Golf Challenge is the only free online golf game you'll ever need!

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The Most Embarrassing Moments in the History of Science
The Most Embarrassing Moments in the History of Science
Average: 0 points | 20 Questions

What is the name of the protoscience where philosophy, science, occultism and theology come together to turn lead into gold?

quotestuff and factstuff

Did you know: Internet trolls get their names not from the monsters of folk tales, but from a fishing technique that involves dragging a line through an area known to be teeming with fish, hoping for a bite. Another random fact

“If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. ” Who said it?

poll: what do you think?

Which is your favorite of these winter sports?

all about under the hood