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Emergency Services
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What's New: 
Steps you can take to be prepared for winter storms:

  • Stay informed during hazardous weather conditions, and listen to your local radio or TV stations for watches, warnings and the latest ifnormation bulletins.
    • Flood/High Wind Watch means it is possible that flooding or damaging winds will occur in a specified area.  Stay away from rising waterways, such as creeks and rivers.
    • Flood/High Wind Warning means flooding or damaging winds are occurring or ar imminent in a specified area.  Move to safe ground and stay away from large trees and utility poles.
  • Be extra alert while driving, and do not drive through flooded areas.  The road may be weakened and even shallow rushing water can lift and move a car.
  • Have batteries and flashlights on hand in the event of extended power outages.
  • Filled and unfilled sanbags are available at more than 20 locations throughout the county.  A map of locations can be downloaded at: