Archive for the ‘Data Issue’ Category

HR Metrics Data Definition Meeting Minutes – 2/1/2012

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Attendees:   Rana Glasgal (Human Resources), Susan Hoerger (Medicine), Matt Hoying (Data Governance), Larry Niemeyer (Humanities and Sciences)


Because of limited attendance, rather than continuing with definitions, we focused instead on finalizing the information for our request that the Reclassification:Promotion (JRC:PRO) combination is made available for selection in PeopleSoft.  Four primary business justifications were identified:

  1. Without the JRC:PRO combination it is not possible to easily query an accurate number of promotions through PeopleSoft or downstream reporting solutions.  This results in the following potential issues:
    1. A simple query on the reason “Promotion” will only return Transfer:Promotions and miss any movement that was actually a promotion but because it was inside a job family was coded as a Reclassification:Reclassification.
    2. A more complex query must be created to capture all promotions and this may result in:
      1. Risk of result discrepancies from usage of diverse logic/criteria.
      2. More time and resources are necessary to create query and/or validate results.
  2. There are legal requirements to report on promotions for affirmative action purposes (Matt will follow up with Rosa Gonzalez) that we may not be compliant with if we are miscalculating because of intra-job family promotions.
  3. Promotion is a key metric in some external facing surveys and rankings and an incorrect number of promotions may understate our ranking.

Matt will write up the formal request before our next meeting, review it and then submit it to Cindy Martin for review.

The remainder of the time was spent discussing the grouping of organizations in H&S and how they related.

Relationships between Org Types in H&S

Next week’s meeting may be moved in time or day because of a possible conflict with the HUG meeting.  Please let Matt know if this causes a conflict and you would like to reschedule.  Please include your availability for a rescheduled meeting if your Zimbra is not up to date.