Data Governance & Stewardship

Stanford Data Governance supports the Business Intelligence Comptency Center and the development of Stanford’s BI dashboards. Many of Stanford’s current Data Governance activities fall under the umbrella of Stanford University Data Stewardship (SUDS), which focuses primarily on the development of definitions and other metadata for data elements used in BI reporting projects.

Stanford’s Data Governance Center, which houses the SUDS Data Dictionary and other metadata resources, can be found at

An annotated index of Stanford’s Data Governance resources is available at

In keeping with Stanford University’s educational mission and commitment to openness, our Data Governance materials are made freely available wherever possible. We welcome ongoing discussions around these, and appreciate hearing about downstream uses of Stanford’s Data Governance resources, especially in conference presentations, white papers, or other public contexts.

If you have any questions, would like to discuss ways that you or your team could become involved, would like to request access to any of our resources, or believe that you’ve identified a Data Governance, Data Quality or Data Stewardship opportunity at Stanford, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kathleen Warmoth
Data Stewardship Coordinator

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