photo of key in door knobIn Your Residence

Make it harder for crime to happen in your residence. Treat your room or apartment as you would any home in a large, metropolitan area.

  • Lock your door and windows whenever you leave your room or apartment, even if you plan to be gone for “just a minute.” Take your room key when you leave.
  • Never leave purse, wallets, or valuables exposed; store them out of sight. Be especially careful with your credit cards, which are easy to steal and use again.
  • Use a security device with your computer.
  • Mark your computer, stereo, and other valuable equipment with your name, driver’s license number, and/or home state. Use an engraving tool or simply use a Sharpie or other indelible marker to write your name somewhere a thief wouldn’t think to check.
  • Keep a flashlight nearby.
  • Be sure doors latch behind you when you enter or leave a building.
  • Don’t let people into your hall or apartment building unless you know them.
  • Don’t let tailgaters—people you don’t know—follow you into a building.
  • Don’t prop open exterior doors.
  • Get to know your neighbors.
  • Offer assistance to strangers in your residence. Direct visitors to the DoorKing call box and explain how to use it. Visitors who have a reason to be there will appreciate your help. If they don’t have a reason to be there, contact your RA or call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from most cell phones.
  • Carry your key or SUID at all times.
  • Never lend your key to anybody.
  • Call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from most cell phones if you hear or see something suspicious.

Learn more about personal safety and protection.

Schedule a safety talk for members of your residence. As part of its Community Outreach Program, the Stanford Department of Public Safety gives practical presentations and provides educational materials on personal security and related topics to members of the Stanford community.

Last modified Thu, 1 May, 2014 at 17:38