Nominate a White House Champion of Change for Civic Hacking

Public service has taken on new forms in the digital age. Today, civic hackers—innovators applying their tech skills for civic good—are empowered by open government data to build tools, apps, and services that meet public needs at the national, state, and local levels.  


Just this month, Mayors from Los Angeles, San Diego, Baltimore, Louisville, Palo Alto, and other cities across the country participated in a National Day of Civic Hacking that drew more than 11,000 people participating in 95 open data hacking events. At the White House, we celebrated the day by welcoming more than 30 developers and designers to our second hackathon, setting them loose on the new API for We the People, the White House petitions platform. And just a few weeks ago, in the East Room of the White House, President Obama recognized two extraordinary civic hackers who harnessed their skills and troves of open data to build apps that inform women about the wage gapimportant tools to help women as they negotiate starting pay, request promotions, or consider switching career paths.


This work could not be more important. And we want to find and recognize more Americans who are rolling up their sleeves to make it happen. That’s why we’re inviting you to nominate extraordinary civic hackers you know as White House Champion of Change.


The selected champions will be honored at an event at the White House next month, alongside other leaders in open government and civic engagement who are similarly harnessing their talents for the public good.


Do you know a civic hacker that should be recognized at this event? Nominate them using this web form by July 1st (under theme of service, choose "Transformative Civic Engagement Leaders").


Brian Forde is Senior Advisor to the U.S. CTO for Mobile and Data Innovation

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