Meet Alan and Judy Gross, Guests of the First Lady at the State of the Union

Alan and Judy Gross are joining the First Lady as a guest at the 2015 State of the Union Address on January 20. Watch it live at 9 p.m. Eastern at

Alan Gross

"It's good to be home." 

On December 17, 2014, Alan Gross took a flight back to the United States. That flight, on Air Force One, was five years in the making. 

An employee of USAID, Alan had been working in Cuba to help increase Internet acces and connectivity when he was wrongfully imprisoned in December of 2009. While serving an unjust 15-year prison sentence in a Cuban prison, Alan wrote President Obama letters describing his plight. 

Last month, the President announced to the world that the U.S. was changing its relationship with the people of Cuba, the most significant changes in policy in more than 50 years. Part of that new course included Cuba's release of 53 political prisoners, including Alan.

So last month, Alan flew on Air Force One back to the U.S. and into the arms of his wife Judy, who had been fighting every day for Alan's release and never gave up hope. Today, Alan and Judy are reunited in Washington, D.C., spending time with their daughters and friends. "What a blessing to be a citizen of the United States of America," he said upon his return. "Thank you President Obama for everything you have done." 

The State of the Union 2015: Everything You Need to Know:

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