Interest List

515 Olmsted Road

Interest List

The sale will be conducted by random-number drawing (lottery). All faculty eligible to purchase an Olmsted Terrace home must complete and submit an Interest List Application to participate in the lottery. Faculty couples with dual eligibility may apply individually. All participants will be notified after the interest list application has been submitted and will receive a unique identifier. Interest List submissions are neither a guarantee of eligibility or qualification to purchase. No priority will be given based on the timing of the submission. All entries will be verified by FSH and eligible participants will be notified when the application has been accepted. Applicants may withdraw from consideration prior to the lottery. To withdraw from consideration to participate in the Interest List, contact FSH by email to No withdrawal requests will be accepted by telephone.


May 18, 2015 Interest List Applications may be submitted
June 2, 2015 Open House 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
June 12, 2015 Open House 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
June 23, 2015 Open House 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
July 10, 2015 Open House 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
July 14, 2015 Last day to withdraw from Interest List
July 15, 2015 All Interest List Applications must be submitted by 5:00pm PDT
July 21, 2015 Lottery will be held at 11:00am PDT
July 21, 2015 Winner and two alternates will be notified and the unique identifiers
posted on the FSH website home page


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