Form 1 System

All requests for academic facilities and infrastructure projects on the Stanford campus and/or on Stanford off-campus properties are required to be submitted electronically on a Form 1 prior to the project's start.

The Form 1 system (SUNet ID required) enables the Office of the Provost, through Land, Buildings and Real Estate (LBRE), to evaluate program scope, justification and priority, assess and confirm the resources that are available, ensure that campus planning, code, architectural and aesthetic considerations are reviewed, and ensure that Stanford's Project Delivery Process is followed. The Form 1 process is also outlined in Stanford Administrative Guide 83 (pdf).

The Form 1 process also enables LBRE to look broadly at the full range of the University's facilities and infrastructure requests and to review them for consistency with Stanford's overall academic objectives. In addition, information provided in the Form 1 enables Land, Buildings and Real Estate to track changes to facilities and infrastructure on the campus and/or on Stanford off-campus properties, to update plans and records, to be sure that day-to-day work is coordinated, and to coordinate Stanford's overall communication and compliance with jurisdictional agencies.

Access to the Form 1 system is limited to designated individuals within each department as determined by each departments' internal policies. Typically, the department's Facilities Coordinator initiates Form 1s on behalf of the department. If you have questions, please contact your departmental representative.

DCP's Role in the Form 1 System

The Department administers the Form 1 System for the University.

Please contact Craig Tanaka ( or Alise Johnson ( for other questions about the Form 1 process. The following items provide access to the Form 1 system, processing procedures and policies:

  • Access Form 1 Web Site (SUNet ID required)
    This link brings Stanford staff into the Form 1 system.
  • Form 1 Process Diagram (pdf)
    This shows the Form 1 process in a diagram for easy reference.
  • Form 1 Policy
    The Form 1 Policy outlines when and why projects need to be entered into the system.

What you need to know before you enter the Form 1 site

  1. The Form 1 database can only be entered by authorized Stanford personnel. Please contact your Facilities Coordinator to confirm your department's policy regarding Form 1 submittals.
  2. You will need to know your school's/department's Form 1 entry code. Again, please contact your Facilities Coordinator to confirm your policy regarding Form 1 submittals.
  3. The scope, schedule and budget for the project.
  4. You will need to know the funding Oracle PTA to enter as a funding source.
    Departmentally-funded Form 1s must identify a PTA and will need to be routed to an authorized account signer.
  5. Requests for centrally administered funding (e.g., CUP, Debt, Facilities Reserve) must be approved during the current FY Capital Plan.
  6. Projects using GUP square footage must have been approved during the current fiscal year Capital Plan.

Form 1 Departmentally Managed Projects

The updated Departmentally Managed Projects (DMP) policy provides parameters for individual University units to manage projects independently. Please contact the Department of Project Management Resources with any questions regarding this policy and the requirements contained therein.

The Departmental Representative on a DMP is responsible for obtaining all permitting associated with the project, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, coordination with the University Fire Marshal, Zone Management, Maps & Records, Environmental Health and Safety, Contracts and Procurement Departments. DMPs must be initiated via the Form 1 process.