School information technology staff

Last revision December 5, 2014

  • Kai Lanz, (email link), 650-723-3400
    • Senior System Administrator for School servers
    • Directly administers the School's application servers, such as pangea, sestransfer, and sesvcs, and the VMware virtualization environment that supports them.
    • Supports Unix/Linux system managers. Provides free help for basic hardware and software installation, configuration, and upgrades. Even if you think you know what you are doing, ask Kai to check your configuration -- some things are "unusual" at Stanford.
    • Can be hired by research projects (bill to University account) for specialized Unix system management, custom scientific programming, and electronic instrument design, construction or repair.

  • Desktop Support Consultants
    • Assigned by the campus-wide Computer Resource Consulting group (under contract to the School) to provide hardware and software support services for Macintosh and Windows PC computers and peripherals. Request their help via the HelpSU support center, at 5-HELP (650-725-4357) or via the web form at
    • Various consultants from a team of about a dozen may assist with problems in Earth Sciences.

  • Carlos Ceja, (email link), 650-724-9769
    • Network Administrator (50% time)
    • Responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and upgrading the School's local area computer networks. Handles network security incidents.

  • Aaron Cole, (email link), 650-721-6494
    • Director of Web Services
    • Aaron manages the School's web services, including department and research group websites and services. He is responsible for design, configuration, navigation, and services of these sites. He can help research groups design and maintain their web pages.

  • Ken Sharp, (email link), 650-721-6406
    • Senior Web Developer
    • Ken works under the Director of Web Services to program and implement web sites and services for the School.

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