Data Sharing Consortia

Data sharing consortia provide coordination and standardized methods for collecting comparable data from Stanford and its peers. Stanford is a member of two important data sharing consortia, COHFE and AAUDE. Anyone at Stanford desiring comparative data may find that these organizations can provide such information.

COFHE: Consortium on Financing Higher Education

This group of 31 highly selective private universities and colleges gathers data on undergraduate admissions and financial aid, enrollment, endowment, faculty, and class size. COFHE also conducts standardized surveys of students, alumni, and parents as part of an annual survey research agenda. COFHE’s analytical research staff produces reports using the information gathered from the COFHE member institutions.


AAUDE: The Association of American Universities Data Exchange

AAUDE's purpose is to improve the quality and usability of information about higher education. AAUDE’s membership is comprised of AAU institutions that support this purpose and participate in the exchange of data/information to support decision-making at their institution. Data exchanged and reports prepared by AAUDE include both public and confidential topics. Information is exchanged among member institutions on the basis of mutual confidentiality and on the expectation that those who do not provide data will not use them.

Many kinds of data are collected by AAUDE including graduate stipend/tuition aid, a profile of the faculty by department, faculty salaries, tuition and fees, freshman apply/admit/enroll statistics, research dollars, plus org chart and fact book URLs.