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Research Groups

These short profiles offer examples of the many approaches we use to study the Earth through the use of geology, mathematics, and physics.

Graduate Program

Graduate studies in the Department of Geophysics involve academic course work and independent research. Our programs grant Ph.D. and M.S. degrees.

Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate students interested in Geophysics as a major, a minor, or a concentration can find an exciting learning environment in the Department of Geophysics.

Research Facilities

Our researchers have access to a wide variety of laboratories and equipment, either within our department or in associated departments.


Oklahoma Earthquakes Linked to Oil and Gas Wastewater Disposal Wells

A new Stanford study finds that the recent spike in triggered earthquakes in Oklahoma is primarily due to the injection of wastewater produced during oil production.

Our Freshwater Future

What if we could see through the crust of the earth to locate and measure precious groundwater? It’s no longer necessary to do “exploratory surgery” on the earth, says Rosemary Knight, whose team uses satellites to track fresh water.

New research initiative at Stanford to comprehensively study development and use of natural gas

Stanford University's Natural Gas Initiative will research many questions related to the responsible development of natural gas as a fuel supply in the United States and around the world.

Upcoming Events

June 25, 2015 - 9:00am to 10:00am
Mitchell 350/372