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Bernie Sanders
Sen. Bernie Sanders is the longest serving independent in congressional history. Tweets ending in -B are from Bernie, and all others are from a staffer.
Bernie Sanders 4h
3 out of 4 black children will live under the poverty line for at least one year before they turn 18. That’s an abomination.
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Bernie Sanders 5h
Young people are our future. It just does not make sense to burden them with enormous debt when they try to get an education.
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Bernie Sanders 8h
When will the U.S. join countless other major countries and guarantee our workers a living wage, health care and paid family leave?
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Bernie Sanders 11h
We are in this together. The truth is, on some level, when you hurt, when your children hurt, I hurt. And when my kids hurt, you hurt.
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Bernie Sanders 12h
It is way too late to have a slew of climate change deniers sitting in powerful cabinet positions.
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Bernie Sanders 15h
Those concerned about the cost of transitioning to renewable energy should truly fear the cost of failing to do so as soon as possible.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 26
There is not a single state where working 40 hours/week at the minimum wage is enough to afford a one-bedroom apartment. That's an outrage!
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Bernie Sanders Dec 26
Donald Trump, the "anti-establishment" Republican, is building a cabinet worth at least $13 billion. The hypocrisy astounds me.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 26
Republicans claim to want less intrusive government, but then they force regulations on women’s bodies.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 26
Oligarchy is not just an American issue, it is a global issue. The top 1% of the world's population owns more wealth than the bottom 99%.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 26
There are fair ways to reduce deficits, but cutting programs that benefit the vulnerable while giving the rich tax breaks is not among them.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 26
People ask me every day, well, what do we do now? What you do now is get involved—heavily—into the political process.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 25
"Man is not in charge today, money is. Money rules." – Pope Francis
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Bernie Sanders Dec 25
"Current levels of production are sufficient, yet millions of people are still suffering and dying of starvation." – Pope Francis
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Bernie Sanders Dec 24
While Trump and his pals talk about a glowing future for fossil fuels, the business community knows better.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 24
The very rich get richer, the middle class shrinks and 43 million Americans live in poverty. We must stop the movement toward oligarchy.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 24
Lack of mental health treatment is a major crisis. Less than 50% of adults with mental illness received the treatment they needed last year.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 23
Our diversity is our strength. We must take pride in that, not let hatred divide us.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 23
We cannot allow ourselves to be divided by the anti-immigrant and xenophobic hysteria the Republican party has concocted.
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Bernie Sanders Dec 23
We must remember that not only does the wage gap exist, but also that it disproportionately hurts women of color.
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