Stanford Journalism


Updates from University's Journalism Program and Stanford Computational Journalism Lab, where we focus on multimedia storytelling and data journalism.

Stanford, CA
Vrijeme pridruživanja: rujan 2013.


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  1. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    17. stu

    We can fix that. fans, show your support by helping us get more followers than before .

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  4. 14. stu

    Today on : Prof. will discuss growing tensions in the Middle East as Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri remains in Saudi Arabia.

  5. 3. stu

    MA alum & cybersecurity reporter was interviewed about the tech she's using:

  6. 3. stu

    From MA alum : They fled danger at home to make a high-stakes bet on US immigration courts:

  7. 2. stu
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    Stanford alum Nemil Dalal on media economics and platforms: Why Facebook has to focus on more than engagement:

  9. 26. lis

    MA students taking part in a breaking news simulation for 's COMM279 class. Way to go everyone!

  10. 21. lis

    I just published “Next step in journalistic and academic collaboration: tracking the gig economy”

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    I just published “Mind to Mind panelists suggest keeping the human factor in algorithms”

  12. 21. lis

    I just published “Panelists tackle algorithmic fairness in criminal justice at Mind to Mind conference”

  13. 21. lis
  14. 21. lis

    . & 's is over, but ' COMM104 class is still working hard. Their coverage:

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    20. lis

    And that's a wrap! Thanks to all who came out to our Mind to Mind symposium w/ .

  16. 20. lis

    “In an era where everything that we do, especially when it uses unnamed sources, gets called fake news”

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    “In an era where everything that we do, especially when it uses unnamed sources, gets called fake news”

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    “We do care about social justice and social change." - Founder of Center for Employment Equity Steve Boutcher.

  19. 20. lis

    On reporting about immigration: "The level of fear among immigrant laborers is higher than ever."

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    20. lis

    We don't need to change our standard of proof. We need to be more transparent about what we do and how we do our jobs. - , ProPublica

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