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Quick Bytes: Spontaneous Scripting - Storytelling For Life On and Off Campus

Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Tresidder West Oak Room

Registration deadline: Thursday, April 2, 2015


Consider the role of spontaneity in storytelling for effective interactions on and off campus: in the classroom, the lab, on a project, or in social situations.  Learn how some communication message rules may lead to misinterpretations and sidetrack engagement for creation and collaboration.  Be “planned spontaneous” and practice how storytelling is the art of engaging.

Barbara A. Karanian, PhD, Mechanical Engineering Design

Come to one, come to all!  Offered throughout the year, each Quick Bytes workshop focuses on a key area of professional training relevant to graduate students at any stage in any degree program.

Quick Bytes feature engaging speakers from both on and off campus. Sessions are interactive and practical, and will direct you to additional resources and deeper learning opportunities. 

Workshops will begin promptly at 12 noon. Lunch will be provided.

See the full Quick Bytes schedule

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(650) 736-0775
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