Residential & Dining Enterprises Stanford Dining

Sustainable Food Program Manager

Dara Olmsted Silverstein


Dara Olmsted Silverstein is the Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) Stanford Dining Sustainable Food Program Manager. In this role, Dara generates sustainability solutions across R&DE Stanford Dining through collaborating with students, faculty and staff, R&DE division partners, purchasing partners, and other thought leaders.

To educate and empower the Stanford community to make sustainable food choices, Dara leads initiatives such as the Farm to Fork cooking series at the Teaching Kitchen @ Stanford, collaborates with academic classes, manages the organic dining hall gardens and the sustainable dining intern program, and researches the sustainability of the food we purchase.  

Prior to leading the Sustainable Food Program at R&DE Stanford Dining, Dara was the Coordinator for the Harvard Food Literacy Project and was a Manager at the Harvard Office for Sustainability. She holds a Master’s in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University and a BA from Harvard University.

Contact Dara at