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Welcome to the Government Section of TreasuryDirect

From this section of our website, you can link to information about:

  • Participation in the Federal Investments Program
  • The Funds Management Program
  • Purchase and management of State and Local Government Series (SLGS) securities
  • The Federal Borrowings Program for federal agencies
  • Liquidation of securities by executive agencies
  • The Debt of the United States

The information is organized by Applications and Programs, Reports, Interest Rate Data, Charts and Analysis and Resources to make it easier for you to find what you need.

NOTE: In the Debt Subject to the Limit chart below, hover your mouse over each line to get the amount for a specific day. The blue line displays the Public Debt Outstanding, the green line shows the Debt Subject to the Limit, and the orange line displays the Statutory Debt Limit. See our FAQ which describes the difference between the Public Debt Outstanding and the Debt Subject to the Limit.

Schedule of the Federal Debt
(in millions)
As of October 29, 2020 Principal Accrued Interest Payable Net Unamortized Premiums/(Discounts)
Held By the Public $21,079,776 $90,864 ($27,762)
Intragovernmental Debt Holdings $6,082,460 $41,962 $91,602

More detail...

For more information, please refer to the Monthly Statement of the Public Debt or the Daily Treasury Statement.

For the Interest Expense and Average Interest Rate graph, interest expense is cumulative per fiscal year, which includes the months of October through September.