Weekly Wrap Up: 4 Things You May Have Missed This Week

Just in case you’ve been busy this week, we’ve got you covered. Check out some of the highlights from the week below.

Quote of the Week

“It's time for us to take care of business. There are things this country has to do that can’t wait another two years or another four years."

-- President Obama, November 5, 2014

We Joined the First Lady as She Hosted a Tumblr Q&A

On Tuesday, the First Lady took to Tumblr for the first time in history to answer questions about her Reach Higher Initiative. Below are just a few of the questions you asked – and she answered:

  • What were some of your struggles as a first generation college student?
  • What do you believe is the most important thing to look for in a college or university?
  • How's Bo doing?

Did you miss the Tumblr Q&A? Don’t worry, you can check out the First Lady’s answers below:

We Welcomed the Jackie Robinson West All Stars to the White House

On Thursday, the President and First Lady spent some time with the U.S. champions of this year’s Little League World Series -- the Jackie Robinson West All Stars. Jackie Robinson West warmed America’s hearts when they defied odds and succeeded despite coming from neighborhoods that suffer from violence as well as disproportionate levels of poverty.

President Barack Obama welcomes the Jackie Robinson West All Stars to the Oval Office

President Barack Obama welcomes the Jackie Robinson West All Stars to the Oval Office, Nov. 6, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

We Awarded the Medal of Honor to a Gettysburg Veteran

Later on Thursday, President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to First Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing for his acts of bravery while serving as an artillery commander during the Civil War. Typically, the Medal of Honor is awarded within a few years of the action, but as the President noted, “sometimes even the most extraordinary stories can get lost in the passage of time.”

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The award was accepted by Helen Loring Ensign, a cousin twice removed of the Lieutenant. During the ceremony, the President noted:

”For this American family, this story isn’t some piece of obscure history -- it is an integral part of who they are. And today, our whole nation shares their pride, and celebrates what this story says about who we are.”

Curious to find out more about the Medal of Honor ceremony? Check out the President's full remarks here -- and take a look behind the scenes at what goes into a Medal of Honor ceremony.

We Discussed the Midterm Elections

On Wednesday afternoon, the President spoke to the White House press corps about the midterm elections and the steps America can take moving forward.

President Obama detailed three policy areas in which the Administration and Congress can work together during the upcoming weeks:

  • Ebola: The President is submitting an emergency funding request to Congress to make sure that those fighting the disease have the resources they need to combat the spread of Ebola in West Africa.
  • ISIL: The President will be engaging with Congress over a new Authorization to Use Military Force against ISIL.
  • Keeping the government open: The President noted that back in September, Congress passed short-term legislation to keep the government open and operating into December -- which gives Congress weeks to pass a budget.

Want to see even more? Be sure to check out this week's episode of West Wing Week and the White House's official Twitter account:

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Kajal Singh is an intern in the White House Office of Digital Strategy.
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