Read all posts tagged Civil Rights

  • Watch: The White House LGBT Conference on Aging

    The White House LGBT Conference on Aging will provide advocates, community leaders, and members of the public an opportunity to engage with the Obama Administration on the health, housing, and security needs of aging members of the LGBT community

  • Administration Officials Host African American Policy Forum In Las Vegas, Nevada

    The White House and Administration officials partner with Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) in Las Vegas, Nevada for the first of a series of day-long forums on jobs, housing, and the economy.

  • Screening "To Kill A Mockingbird" at the White House

    President Obama commemorates the 50th Anniversary of "To Kill a Mockingbird"—a 1962 film adaptation of author Harper Lee’s 1960 novel about racial inequality in the deep south—by hosting a screening in the Family Theater at the White House.

  • Deputy U.S. Commerce Secretary Keynotes Operation HOPE 20th Anniversary Bus Tour

    The Obama Administration partners with Operation HOPE to discuss economic development in the Los Angeles, California area.

  • Reaching Every Victim, Extending the Vision of Service

    Mary Lou Leary, Acting Assistant Attorney of the Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs, shares stories of the honorees at the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards ceremony.

  • Jack Lew Honors Aung San Suu Kyi

    The White House Chief of Staff celebrates the woman "whose dedication to shining a light on injustice and abuse has led to the beginnings of a transformation" in Burma, at the Holocaust Memorial Museum’s National Tribute Dinner

  • Watch the White House LGBT Conference on HIV/AIDS

    The White House LGBT Conference on HIV/AIDS will provide advocates, community leaders, and members of the public with an opportunity to engage with the Obama Administration on issues related to the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the LGBT community and HIV/AIDS-related health disparities, with a specific focus on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.

  • Remembering and Honoring Courage

    President Obama pays tribute to a courageous man whose efforts saved thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust, a diplomat who chose not to be indifferent and to rise to a higher moral calling

  • Securing Equal Pay

    According to the latest U.S. Census statistics, on average, full-time working women earned 77 cents to every dollar earned by men, which means less for families’ everyday needs, less for investments in our children’s futures, and, when added up over a lifetime of work, substantially less for retirement

  • President Obama’s Record, Results and Agenda on Income Inequality

    While the previous Administration’s policies were tilted towards the wealthiest Americans, President Obama has been focused on the middle class and those working to get into the middle class