The New Americans Project

We can make every American feel welcome — and make our communities stronger in the process.

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Introducing: A Task Force on New Americans

The basic idea of welcoming immigrants to our shores is central to our way of life — it is in our DNA.  We believe our diversity, our differences, when joined together by a common set of ideals, makes us stronger, makes us more creative, makes us different.  From all these different strands, we make something new here in America.’
President Barack Obama, July 4, 2014

Our proud tradition of continually welcoming immigrants and refugees from around the world is part of what makes America exceptional. It's what makes us dynamic and entrepreneurial. We're a group of people bound together by the power of a simple idea – that everyone willing to work hard and play by the rules is welcome. On November 21, 2014, the President established the White House Task Force on New Americans — a government-wide effort tasked with better integrating immigrants and refugees into American communities in three key areas: civically, economically, and linguistically. Want to get more details about the Task Force's recommendations? Read their strategic action plan here.
This isn't just a priority because it's the right thing to do. It's also vital to our economic future. Immigrants start 28 percent of new businesses — and immigrants or the children of immigrants have founded more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies, which collectively employ more than 10 million people worldwide. And over the next 20 years, immigrants and their children will account for 85 percent of the net growth in our labor force.
Your actions in your community matter, and there is something that you can do right now. Share your story, find a local service project, and choose from a variety of immigration resources to learn more about your family's history or access the tools you need for your own citizenship process.

Day One: Share Your American Story

Share Your Story

America's story-telling tradition is as old as our nation itself.
And as a nation of immigrants, those stories are rich and diverse. Whether you've recently embarked on your first day as an American or want to share how your ancestors came to arrive here, telling your story will help promote a sense of inclusiveness and understanding.
We'll promote these stories across White House channels, and compile them in a memo to the President as a follow-up to the Task Force's Action Plan.

Join the Project

Volunteering helps build welcoming cities — and welcoming cities create space for new Americans to bring their talents into their new community.
Working with the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Task Force is encouraging all community members — including long-time residents and newcomers — to volunteer in service of building welcoming communities. That could mean helping to teach English or civics, helping a refugee settle into their new home, or simply stepping up within your place of worship or parent-teacher association. Everyone can contribute to creating more welcoming communities.
You can help right now.

Dig Deeper: Immigration Resources

Whether you're a recent immigrant or simply seeking to learn more about your own family's immigration history, the government has a suite of helpful tools for you.

Thank You

You told the President you're in —
now let your friends know, too.