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Communication is Key, Says Theorist Gennady Stupakov

One common stereotype of a theoretical physicist is the solitary scientist, scribbling away in his or her office and only emerging when there’s a "Eureka!" in the offing. SLAC accelerator physicist Gennady Stupakov would beg to differ.

Spencer Gessner Receives 2014 Siemann Fellowship

Stanford graduate student Spencer Gessner has received a Siemann fellowship to help him continue his research into cutting-edge accelerator physics at SLAC's Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests.

A New Way to Tune X-ray Laser Pulses

A new system at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's X-ray laser narrows a rainbow spectrum of X-ray colors to a more intense band of light, creating a much more powerful way to view fine details in samples at the scale of atoms and molecules.

Cosmic Rays on Demand

In a SLAC test facility, scientists have set the stage for an experiment that mimics what happens when incredibly energetic cosmic ray particles hit our atmosphere. While the experiment is part of ANITA, which sends balloon-borne instruments into the upper atmosphere, the results could benefit a broad range of other experiments.
