
Graduation Year: 2017

Hometown: Kearney, Nebraska

Interests/Activities: Economics, Political Science, Physics, Travel, Mountain Biking

Why did you choose OHS?

Growing up in a rural area had both advantages and disadvantages. While it was great to live in a small, friendly community this also meant that educational opportunity was limited. Wanting to make the most of my middle and high school years, I decided to look into online education opportunities that would challenge and stimulate me. Before finding OHS I attended my local public school and took courses from several other online programs offering high school credit, however, I wasn't completely satisfied. While the course material was in some cases decent there was no direct contact occurring between my teacher or my peers. In other words, I didn't feel like I was part of an intellectual community that I could engage with and learn from. During my seventh grade year, I decided that my public school and the current programs I was enrolled in didn't fit my needs, and I set out once again to see if there were any other online programs worth looking into. It was during this last search that I stumbled upon Stanford OHS. After some considerable thought I convinced myself to apply, and was thrilled when I received word that I had been accepted. Since that time, I have attended OHS full-time and have only enjoyed it.

What are classes like at OHS?

Contrary to what one might think when they hear the words"online high school,"classes at OHS are extremely engaging and gratifying. The instructors for each course are experts in their field, helping all students not only learn and expand upon their knowledge of the material, but also help them develop a love for the material. Classes are taught in a college-like format for the most part, with each class meeting twice a week for one to one-and-a-half hours (with the exceptions of language courses, taking place four days a week). Students come to class ready to discuss the subject matter with their peers while also receiving additional input from the instructor. The instructor usually has some kind of presentation prepared for the class as well as a list of questions for discussion. Discussion sections are primarily student led, with the teacher providing input throughout. Students are encouraged to learn to articulate ideas and arguments to the rest of their peers, while also critically analyzing others. Homework varies in form from course to course, with the humanities mainly requiring short writing assignments and longer papers, while other more left-brain courses might require problem sets, a variety of word problems and labs or special projects.

What is student life like at OHS?

Student life at OHS fosters a strong sense of community and allows students with similar interests to connect. The social interaction that occurs in the hallways and lunchrooms of regular schools occurs outside of class at OHS, on mediums such as Skype, Facebook, Google+ and Adobe connect. It is here that conversations, debates and regular small talk occur. There are also multitudes of student led clubs at OHS that assemble once weekly, where students meet and connect with one another while discussing what they are passionate about. With an excellent variety of clubs, ranging from the philosophy club to the minecraft club, there is bound to be a club that catches your eye. Apart from clubs, there are other social events, such as movie-nights, karaoke competitions and poetry contests (just to name a few) that are organized and led by the student government and clubs. These events are open to all, and often result in quite a bit of fun. Besides these, there always seem to be other social interactions occurring, whether it's a movie-night or a Skype call with friends that are made up on the spot. Physical events are also scattered throughout the year, including regional meet-ups that take place often and larger events such as Graduation and Summer Session.

How has OHS helped you realize your goals?

The OHS has helped me improve myself academically and intellectually, while also allowing me to pursue various activities outside the classroom that I normally would not have been able to take part in. Due to OHS's unique and flexible scheduling, I have been able to facilitate and work on projects that matter to me and benefit others. Some of these projects require extensive travel and planning, as well as lots of work. OHS has allowed me to experiment with these various projects, and has ultimately allowed me to figure out what I love. However, probably the most valuable thing OHS has given me are the differing opinions and perspectives to which I have been exposed, perspectives that have shaped (and reshaped) the way I view the world, problems and different cultures. This, in itself, is invaluable.

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