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"Collaborative Co-Design for Library Workshops" written by Regina Roberts and Mattie Taormina



"Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian" journal cover

The latest edition of the journal, Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, is focused on critical information literacy in the social sciences, and features an article co-authored by SUL's own Regina Lee Roberts and Mattie Taormina. Regina and Mattie wrote about their year-long collaboration teaching library workshops, which fused together archival literacy and information literacy for undergraduate students in several PWR (Program in Writing and Rhetoric) and Anthropology courses. A key to the success of these workshops was the faculty involvement in the co-design process.

If you would like to read the article, you can link to it directly at
or link to it in Searchworks:
Citation: Roberts, Regina Lee and Mattie Taormina. 2013. "Collaborative Co-Design for Library Workshops." Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 32 (1): 46-56.


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