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Sixth-formers at a private school in Surrey are to begin their lessons in the afternoons to allow them to sleep later. Hampton Court House, in East Molesey, said the change to 13:30 from the usual time of 09:00 will be more productive and less stressful for students. Teenagers have a biological disposition "to going to bed late and struggling to get up early", the school said
Paula Roberts's profile photojin consciousness's profile photoRichard Kelwick's profile photonamfon Kiong. Kim.'s profile photo
+Allen Booth that's my opinion. why shud they start xul in the afternoon? Just to have a lie in??. Come on.....what r nights there 4??
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Get a dizzying perspective of #Chicago - from a skyscraper's tilting tower
Deih Mung's profile photoIriss A's profile photoBarry Leadbetter's profile photo이정록's profile photo
Feeling sick.. No thanks
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Do you often argue with your partner, family or friends?

If so, it might be good for your health to read this:
ian bennett's profile photoBetty Guman's profile photoHiệp Uông văn's profile photoeloy soriano's profile photo
In the life, sometime we don't avoid arguing 
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Want to avoid your social media friends? This app will show you how:
Zakir Md's profile photoRichard Nicholson's profile photodo dobolee's profile photoAdel Alsabeeha's profile photo
+David Maclean You are so correct
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India's 2014 general election is the biggest democratic exercise in history

More than 800 million people in India will cast their electronic ballots over nine phases of voting, which started at the beginning of last month. The turnout looks set to be high and the rural vote is crucial. Our reporter, Rahul Tandon, has been speaking to people in the villages of West Bengal.  He spoke to one great-grandmother who has lived in rural India all her life. Kusum Todu has just retired and is now looking forward to taking things easier. She reflects on the changes she's seen over her lifetime. 

navneet sangari's profile photoBetty Guman's profile photo이정록's profile photoHugh Choi's profile photo
when i left india some 14 yeas ago, i had no hope from totality. of course at that time, i was young and had a little know-how of the world. while growing up, i used to hear election speeches, big promises that never got fulfilled. but india progressed; somehow. call it capitalism or simply honor the great indian 'fate', india did rise. some say its' a by product of political and entrepreneurial handshake, some blame scandalous corruption.  
all these years, i have been seeing politicians playing blame games while very cleverly shying away from real issues. (God bless emotional indian mentality) as we always tend to drift away from reality. politicians had same agenda, when they were in power or opposition. that became election manifesto with a few words here and there added.
today, while following these elections, i don't hear anything new.
same agenda same fight, just more ferocious, cleverly crafted words, personal attacks; anything to get back in power.
confusing people, so they end up voting in same dimension; the never ending hope. to be honest, i still don't know what i would do when i go back. as some got lucky with intelligence and or money backup, most of us are still struggling for daily bread. i get scared to imagine myself in the position of  'have not's'.
they say "we vouch for the common man". i doubt if there exists a common man. there is a job less man, a rich man, a poverty stuck one or a least who can be described as always struggling; but nothing like a common man. common man cannot go through all these hardships in life and if he does, he is a slave.
i believe we are still slaves and i am not putting it metaphorically. british ruled us as 'have-not's' nd they made sure we always stayed that way (a common relation of a master and a slave). aren't we still the same. do we really have what it takes to be free, a real freedom in true sense. aren't we ensured we stay at the end of line with pitiful eyes and hands folded.
so why do we celebrate independence every year when all we do is slavery of a 'brown' man. i don't know what dreams did the freedom fighters had but certainly not such nightmares.
today we vote again; helplessly hopeful, imagining the seventh heaven of 'our basic necessities' to come true for once. as someday, we will realize and endeavor the knowledge of holding these 'public servants' accountable for their five year 'joy ride'
Jai Hind
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A selection of the best news photographs from around the world this week: 3-9 May 2014
sya halis Halis's profile photoNasiru Gill's profile photonamfon Kiong. Kim.'s profile photo이정록's profile photo
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"They must have something hidden under the hood." Technology giant #Apple is reportedly in talks to buy headphone maker #Beats Electronics, and analysts are wondering why:
ian bennett's profile photoEarl Cousins's profile photoYue He's profile photo이정록's profile photo
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You might think a low-priced #Braille e-reader would be available by now.

But launching one has been trickier than anybody expected:
spencer dawson's profile photoAnalyn Mapanao's profile photo이정록's profile photoJames Pope's profile photo
+Brad Steeg & +spencer dawson: audio devices are always second best to having your own reading experience if possible & a chance 2 make the choice of having it read to you if other circumstances makes that the better option - just as for anyone else. Deafness and visual impairment are not connected. You can suffer from the one or the other or a combination of the two - or a combination of other impairments - if unlucky. But the more it's possible to compensate for impairments the less handicapped people get & the more inclusion and contribution we get (in)to our communities which is a gain for everybody. 
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No to gay video game characters:

Japanese video game giant Nintendo says it will not allow gamers to play as gay characters in its life-simulation game 'Tomodachi Life'.
Debbie Marquis's profile photoJacqueline White's profile photo이정록's profile photoMatokeo Leonard's profile photo
Gays in computer game that's just ridiculous, I feel sorry for the kid
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On 12 June, Brazil will host to not one, but two historic events - the opening of #WorldCup2014 and the debut of cutting-edge technology that would enable a paralysed person to "walk":
Lamya Allihaibi's profile photoFaravahar Homayoun Ir's profile photoกวีศิลป์ พระเครื่อง's profile photoMashruk Karim's profile photo
Good news fr prblm people
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