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Bob Hoskins, British Actor, Dies at 71

Bob Hoskins, the bullet-shaped British film star who brought a singular mix of charm, menace and Cockney accent to a variety of roles, including the bemused, live-action hero of the largely animated “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” has died at 71.

Mr. Hoskins, who had virtually stumbled into acting, found early acclaim as the kind of ruthless British gangster he played in 1980 in his startling breakthrough feature, “The Long Good Friday” and later in Neil Jordan’s 1986 film “Mona Lisa,” which earned him an Academy Award nomination for best actor. But his filmography also included more playful roles. He was the pirate Smee in two variations of “Peter Pan” — Steven Spielberg’s 1991 “Hook” and the 2011 British TV production “Neverland.” He played Cher’s unlikely love match in “Mermaids” (1990). And he voiced Charles Dickens’s Old Fezziwig in the 2009 animated version of “A Christmas Carol,” directed by Robert Zemeckis.

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The bullet-shaped film star brought a mix of charm, menace and Cockney accent to roles including the hero of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.”
Obi Debo's profile photoВладимир Еремеев's profile photoKiara Moreira M.'s profile photoUcantstop citizenj's profile photo
Me too. +Angélica G shouldn't be blocked.
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The New York Times

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Major Changes in SAT Announced by College Board

Saying its college admission exams do not focus enough on the important academic skills, the College Board announced on Wednesday a fundamental rethinking of the SAT, eliminating obligatory essays, ending the longstanding penalty for guessing wrong and cutting obscure vocabulary words.

David Coleman, president of the College Board, criticized his own test, the SAT and its main rival, the ACT, saying that both “have become disconnected from the work of our high schools.”

In addition, Mr. Coleman announced new programs to help low-income students, who will now be given fee waivers allowing them to apply to four colleges at no charge. And even before the new exam starts, the College Board, in partnership with Khan Academy, will offer free online practice problems from old tests and instructional videos showing how to solve them.

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Jeff MG
Why me?
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Kerry Kennedy Is Found Not Guilty of Driving While Impaired

After nearly 20 months of buildup, the misdemeanor trial of Kerry Kennedy ended on Friday in a breakneck blur, as jurors took less than two hours to find her not guilty of driving under the influence of a drug.

The four-day trial, which featured a riveting turn on the witness stand by Ms. Kennedy, 54, was centered on an act that neither she nor prosecutors dispute: On July 13, 2012, she drove her Lexus S.U.V. erratically after swallowing Zolpidem, a generic form of the sleep medication Ambien. She sideswiped a tractor-trailer on a highway in Westchester County before she was found, slumped over her sleeping wheel, her car stalled on a local road. Read more:
T Baker's profile photoVisca Barça's profile photoWard A's profile photoSamuel Hernandez's profile photo
Yes their are not guilty always
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Despite Rifts, G.O.P. Has Election Edge, Poll Finds

Republicans are in a stronger position than Democrats for this year’s midterm elections, benefiting from the support of self-described independents, even though the party itself is deeply divided and most Americans agree more with Democratic policy positions, the latest New York Times/CBS News poll shows.

The independents in the poll — a majority of whom were white, male and under age 45 — continued to sour on President Obama’s job performance. Republicans hold their edge despite the fissures within their party over whether it is too conservative, and many are discouraged about the party’s future. Read more:

Also, read the full results of the poll:
Samuel Hernandez's profile photoRalf Willi Schmidt's profile photojhonathan raperito's profile photoNoel Beale's profile photo
Interesting Poll never works
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Obesity Rate for Young Children Plummets 43% in a Decade

Federal health authorities on Tuesday reported a stunning 43 percent drop in the obesity rate among 2- to 5-year-old children over the past decade, the first broad decline in an epidemic that often leads to lifelong struggles with weight and higher risks for cancer, heart disease and stroke.

The drop emerged from a major federal health survey that experts say is the gold standard for evidence on what Americans weigh. The trend came as a welcome surprise to researchers. New evidence has shown that obesity takes hold young: Children who are overweight or obese between age 3 and 5 are five times as likely to be overweight or obese as adults. Read more:
Alistair Ewen's profile photoLinda Doherty's profile photoMargarita Villaronga's profile photoDaniel Tang's profile photo
The Right will blame Michelle as usual , how dare she suggest that American kids are a bunch of lazy fat asses!
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The New York Times

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Second Success Raises Hope for a Way to Rid Babies of H.I.V.

When scientists made the stunning announcement last year that a baby born with H.I.V. had apparently been cured through aggressive drug treatment just 30 hours after birth, there was immediate skepticism that the child had ever been infected in the first place.

But on Wednesday the existence of a second such baby was revealed at an AIDS conference here, leaving little doubt that the treatment had worked. A leading researcher said there might be five more such cases in Canada and three in South Africa.

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Jamal Charles's profile photoWard A's profile photoMorgan López's profile photoYeshuma Gedamu's profile photo
Didnt God make HIV??

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Obama Warns Russia Not to Use Force in Ukraine

President Obama warned Russia on Friday that it should not intervene militarily in Ukraine, saying the United States will stand with the world to condemn a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

“There will be costs,” Mr. Obama declared in a brief statement from the White House. Read more:
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Phone, Meet Tablet. That’s Phabulous.

Big phones may take some getting used to, but they're much more useful than small tablets, Molly Wood writes.
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Texas Judge Strikes Down State Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

 federal judge in Texas struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage on Wednesday, ruling that the laws restricting marriage to a man and a woman violated the United States Constitution, handing gay rights advocates a major legal victory in one of the biggest and most conservative states in the country.

The judge wrote that the amendment to the state Constitution that Texas voters approved in 2005 defining marriage as between a man and a woman — and two similar laws passed in 1997 and 2003 — denied gay couples the right to marry and demeaned their dignity “for no legitimate reason.” Read more:
Daniel Panichelli's profile photoSierra Storm's profile photoJennifer Duarte's profile photoManny Otero's profile photo
I know the "champ" verbiage was a compliment! Thanks! Thanks Dan!
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Watch this video tour of the palatial compound of the former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. Some people call it Ukraine's "Museum of Corruption."

Follow the latest news from Ukraine, where infighting is hurting efforts to form a new government:
Steve James's profile photoGERVÁSIO SOUSA's profile photoSlava Chetin's profile photoUdo Kurth's profile photo
But, +Vlad Ovchinnikov I bet we see the same thing all over agin with the next government, too. Or don't THOSE people that are upset enough to demonstrate matter?
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