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A New Deal for #Greece

Yanis Varoufakis outlines what the government and its European partners must do to keep reform on track:

"Besides convincing the troika that our debt sustainability analysis should avoid the austerity trap, we must overcome the second hurdle: the 'reform trap.'"
Boris Krumov (SeoKungFu)'s profile photoJoan Moll Thomas's profile photo
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Read the latest #oped by J. Bradford DeLong:  "Making Do With More"

"Everything Americans extract, grow, design, build, make, engineer, and transport – down to brewing a cup of coffee in a restaurant kitchen and carrying it to a customer's table – is done by roughly 30% of the country's workforce."

(Photo: ch-weidinger/Flickr)
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"A Call to Antimicrobial Arms"
by Jim O'Neill

"We are not doing nearly enough to combat this danger. The world urgently needs new drugs to replace the #antibiotics , anti-malarial regimes, anti-retroviral AIDS and HIV medications, and tuberculosis treatments that are losing effectiveness"
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New oped by #JosephStiglitz : "Europe’s Lapse of Reason"

 "The euro took away from citizens – especially in the crisis countries – any say over their economic destiny."

Also available in French:; German:; Italian:; Spanish:

(Photo: hom26/Flickr)
Daniel Steve's profile photoJuan Daniel Montenegro Cabrera's profile photoHelmut Zermin's profile photoSonali Dolas's profile photo
Hello Everyone I am Daniel Steve from Texas, USA. I will like to share the goodness of God in my life after so many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was been scammed so i became restless and desperate in getting a loan from a legit lender online. But as God would have it, i saw a comment from a friend called William Ken and he talked about this legit loan company where he got his loan fast and easy without any stress so he introduced me to a man called Mr Mason Diego who controls a firm called Diego Loan Company, So i applied for a loan sum of ($170,000.00USD) with low interest rate of 2%, so the loan was approved and deposited into my bank account in less than 48hrs, that was how i was able to get back on my feet to keep my broken business running and also to pay off my bills so i am advising everyone of you who is interested in getting a loan without collateral, no credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans/ schedule, to please contact Mr Mason Diego. You can contact him through his email: 
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"Keep the #Internet Tax-Free." Read the full piece here:

"#Hungary’s proposed #tax was absurd – akin to assessing fees on reading books or charging people to have conversations with friends. But the discarded proposal remains worrisome, because it is part of a disturbing trend."

(Photo: steverhode/Flickr)
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Read "Europe’s German Ball and Chain" by Daniel Gros

"The root cause of #Germany’s sluggish economic performance in recent years is the continuing unwillingness of its households and enterprises to consume and invest. And it is difficult to see what the government can do about this."

(Photo: muao/Flickr)
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10 966447777;ll
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Last Chance for #Ukraine and #Europe:

"Europe treats Ukraine like another Greece. That is the wrong approach, and it is producing the wrong results. Putin is gaining ground in Ukraine, and Europe is so preoccupied with Greece that it hardly pays any attention."

+George Soros  #Politics   #EU  
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Read "The Age of Adaptation" by Klaus Schwab:

"The current technological revolution, by contrast, hits economies like a tsunami, with little warning and inexorable force"

(Photo: myfrozenlife/Flickr)
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Read "The Tinkerer’s Apprentice" by Executive Chairman of Google +Eric Schmidt

"We are not a ferry, a railroad, a telecommunications network, or an electricity grid with only one line serving you and no competitors allowed. No one is stuck using Google. People have choices, and they exercise them all the time."

(Photo: frf_kmeron/Flickr)
Dona Dolina's profile photoSejal Rajput's profile photoNisha Dixit's profile photoPhillip Ressler's profile photo
+Daniel Steve Surely, sir, you must be jesting! This is the most stupid thing I have seen today.
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Read the latest #oped  by +Nouriel Roubini, "Where Will All the Workers Go?"

"Technology innovators and CEOs seem positively giddy nowadays about what the future will bring. But, unless the proper policies to nurture job growth are put in place, it remains uncertain whether demand for labor will continue to grow as technology marches forward."

(Photo: katedowding/Flickr)
Boris Krumov (SeoKungFu)'s profile photoIvana Dvadesettri's profile photoEmese Balogh's profile photoHema Rampersad's profile photo
Roubini o przyszłości globalnego rynku pracy. Warto dać do przeczytania wchodzącym w dorosłość dzieciom...
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Read "Making Climate Promises Count" by Stéphane Dion & Éloi Laurent

"A lot is riding on next year’s United Nations #Climate Change Conference in Paris. But the summit is unlikely to deliver the global agreement that is so badly needed."

(Photo: oxfam/Flickr)
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Fredy estas bien
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Read "India’s Economic Hotspots" by Anu Madgavkar and Rakesh Mohan

"According to a new report, more than half of #India’s GDP growth between now and 2025 will come from just eight states."

(Photo: meanestindian/Flickr)
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