7.3 PHS Salary Cap

1. When Key Personnel Earn above the Salary Cap

The difference between the actual salary and the limited rate for the effort charged to the NIH project must be charged to an unrestricted PTA. The difference must be identified in Oracle Labor Distribution using the special Expenditure Type, “RBE UNALW SLRY OVER CAP 51190" (RBE =Regular Benefits Eligible).

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2. How to Charge the Difference

The difference between the actual salary and the limited rate for the effort charged to the NIH project must be charged to an unrestricted PTA. The difference must be identified in Oracle Labor Distribution using the special Expenditure Type, “RBE UNALW SLRY OVER CAP 51190" (RBE =Regular Benefits Eligible).

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3. PHS Salary Cap by Fiscal Year

The dollar amount of the PHS cap is indexed to selected Executive Pay Levels, established by the Federal Government, and may vary for each Government Fiscal Year in which funds are awarded. The cap amount is the maximum annual rate of salary that the PHS will allow to be paid to an individual from their funds.

The current schedule of applicable salary caps for PHS awards is as noted below. Please note that, effective in FY12 13 and 14, the salary cap has been moved to a LOWER government pay level.

NIH Notice 12/30/2014

Salary Cap Schedule


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