Anderson Collection at Stanford University

Project Description

The Anderson Collection at Stanford—121 works by 86 artists that include some of the foremost examples of post-World War II American art—will be housed in a new gallery to be constructed on the Stanford campus. The new building will include gallery spaces and a lobby; administrative support that includes offices, a conference room, and a library/study area; and support spaces that include mechanical space and art storage. The site is located north of the existing Cantor Arts Center on the corner of Lomita and Campus Drive. The new facility will encompass 30,000 gross square feet (gsf). GUP square footage, estimated at 23,000, reflects the projected total usable space under Santa Clara County’s new methodology for calculating GUP square footage.

Project Data

Department/School Institutional
Architect Ennead
Contractor Devcon
Gross Square Feet 30,000
Construction Schedule July 2012
Project Manager Maggie Burgett
Project Website




Current Activity

Current Work
  • Imported trees to be installed
  • Polished plaster wall to complete 
  • Carpet and epoxy flooring installation
  • Jobsite trailer to be removed
  • MP-6 coverplates on 2nd floor glass guardrail to be installed

Construction Impacts

  • Saturday work as needed
  • Expect noise from equipment and back up bells
  • Construction debris and soil will be off hauled periodically
Safety Reminders
  • No unauthorized persons may enter the construction site without the authorization of Devcon Construction
  • Any Stanford visitor to the site needs to be accompanied by staff from the Department of Project Management
  • Hard hats, closed toe shoes, long pants and shirts with sleeves are required on the jobsite at all times

Work hours will be 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM