Bldg 380, 4th Floor Renovation


Project Description

Renovation of the 4th floor of Bldg 380 (aka Math Bldg) to provide program space for the Math Department.

Project Data

Department/School  Humanities and Sciences                                              
Architect  Arc Tec
Contractor  Novo
Gross Square Feet  13,315
Construction Schedule  March 2014 - October 2014
Project Manager  Paul Forti
Project Website  

 This week's activities 

  • Testing fire alarm for final inspections
  • Installing signage
  • Installing furniture 
  • Should be getting final inspection by next week      

 Construction Impacts 

Hours of Work
  • 6am-3pm.  4th floor access closed during construction 
  • Noise impacts from light construction activities for duration of project                
  • Periodic shutdown of various utilities during the project, including electrical, hot water and fire alarm. This will be communicated through the building manager.

For additional information on this project, please contact Stanford Project Manager, Paul Forti.