Comstock Graduate Housing Project

Comstock Graduate Housing Project Logo


The Comstock Graduate Housing project will create new graduate student housing in Escondido Village. Four residential buildings and a commons building will provide 362 net new beds and related on-campus amenities, helping to alleviate the demand for additional graduate housing on campus.

Project Location


Map of Project Locations

Project Highlights

  • Nine existing buildings will be demolished, removing 74 beds from the graduate housing inventory
  • Four new 4-story buildings will provide 436 beds for graduate students in Escondido Village
  • Buildings will offer a mix of 2-bedroom/2-bathroom apartments, premium studio apartments, and junior studio apartments
  • New commons will include student meeting and social gathering space, laundry facilities, computer cluster, music practice room, game room, TV lounge and front desk
  • Buildings are oriented around an open pedestrian plaza and landscaped walkways
  • Constructed of prefabricated concrete modules to expedite construction and save on cost

Unit Mix


Three different types of housing will be provided in four, 4-story buildings, for a total of 436 new beds of graduate housing. Comstock Building 1 will house 54 2-bedroom apartments (total of 108 beds). Each apartment includes a common kitchen and living area, and two private bathrooms for a total of approximately 878 square feet (sf). Comstock Building 2 will house 108 premium studio apartments (total of 108 beds) sized for couples. Each premium studio apartment includes a full kitchen and living area for a total of approximately 439 sf. Comstock Buildings 3 and 4 will house a total of 220 junior studio apartments (total of 220 beds). Each junior studio apartment includes approximately 284 sf per apartment, with a shared kitchen and common area for a total of approximately 697 sf for every two apartments.

A new commons will include student meeting and social gathering space, laundry facilities, computer cluster, music practice room, game room, TV lounge and front desk.

Construction Schedule


Utilities relocation and demolition of 9 existing Escondido low-rise buildings on Comstock Circle was completed in May 2013. Building foundations and site preparation work began in April and is anticipated to be complete in August. Structural and exterior skin assembly is scheduled to begin in late August. The project is anticipated to be ready for student occupancy in Fall Quarter 2014.

Utilities relocation: Completed May 2013
Demolition of Escondido Village Buildings 5,6, and 8-14: Completed May 2013
Building foundation and site preparation April - August 2013
Prefabricated construction on site: August - November 2013
Interior construction September 2013 - July 2014
Landscaping and final project work: August - September 2014
Occupancy: Late August - September 2014

*Current residents in these buildings will be contacted by Student Housing to assist with finding alternate housing during the Winter Quarter 2013.

Construction Hours


Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Construction Information


Stanford will make every effort to keep you informed and to minimize inconvenience during construction. If you would like to be added to our email list to receive project information and updates, or have questions or comments about this project, please contact us at:

Info Line: (650) 723-2985



Additional information on project details and upcoming construction activities will be added to this site as they are available.