African Politics & government

African Politics, African Governance Online

Accountability Lab
"founded in early 2012 as an effort to work with young people to develop new ideas for accountability, transparency and open government." Operates in the DRC, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Somaliland, South Africa, Zimbabwe. Offices in several countries. [KF]

ACE Electoral Knowledge Network
"information and specialised advice on any aspect of electoral processes."  Has the Electoral Commission of Ghana - Voter Registration Official's Manual. 36 p. In Adobe pdf. and an image of the ballot from the 1996 Presidential election. See also other election documents such as ballot papers, wall calendars, electoral laws. "a globally accessible information resource on election administration." Funded by International Foundation for Election Systems, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Based in Washington, D.C. [KF]

Africa Action (Washington, D.C.)
Formerly Washington Office on Africa, combines the American Committee on Africa, The Africa Fund, and Africa Policy Information Center (APIC). "a national organization that works for political, economic and social justice in Africa." "We monitor Congressional legislation and executive policies and actions and issue action alerts to advance progressive legislation and policy." Has full text briefing papers, statements on issues. Has a free e-mail newsletter, Africa Policy E-Journal and a directory, Key Congressional committees and administration officials related to Africa, 1999-2000.

Africa Center for Strategic Studies
"supports United States foreign and security policies by strengthening the strategic capacity of African states to identify and resolve security challenges in ways that promote civil-military cooperation, respect for democratic values, and safeguard human rights."   Many full text reports. Part of the U.S. Dept. of Defense. Based at the National Defense University, Washington D.C. [KF]

Africa Confidential
Short excerpts only from the latest issue and past issues of the well-known London political newsletter established in 1960.
[Some universities have full text access. Stanford users see the Electronic Journals page. The full text is in Adobe PDF.]

Africa Focus
"...a free independent electronic publication providing reposted commentary and analysis on African issues, with a particular focus on U.S. and international policies. AfricaFocus Bulletin is edited by William Minter.

Africa Governance Initiative, AGI
"The Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative (?AGI?) pioneers a new way of working with African countries, equipping visionary African leaders with the capacity to deliver on their reform agendas, tackle poverty and attract sustainable investment." Projects in Rwanda, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Based in London. [KF]
Related article, New York Times, "In Sierra Leone, New Hope for Children and Pregnant Women" By Adam Nossiter, July 18, 2011, A1, A7.

Africa Leadership Forum
The Africa Leadership Forum was set up in 1988 at the initiative of General Olusegun Obasanjo,.... with the support of other individuals. Sponsors conferences, publications. Its Digital Library has full text books online such as "Empowering Women for the 21st Century," "Leadership Challenge in African Agricultural Production," "Police and Society," "The Settler Question in Nigeria: the Case of Jos-Plateau," "Africa's Agenda and the Role of the USA" (1993), "The Challenge of Education in Africa" (1988), "Ethics and professionalism in Nigerian Banking Industry," "Ethics and professionalism in Medical practice," "Population, Environment and Climatic change: Their impact on Development in Africa" (1990), "Local Government in Nigeria," "Corruption, Democracy and Human rights," "The Media in Democracy." Also reports from the Africa Women's Forums, the National Women Peace Group, and an online newsletter, Akuko. Based in Ota, Nigeria. [KF]

Africa Leadership Institute. Facebook Page
Gives Uganda's Members of Parliaments a "report card" on their performance. Full text reports on-line (some very large).

Africa Policy Journal (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Published by graduate students at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Launched April 26, 2006. Founded by former Kennedy School student Sam Unom.
Articles such as - Reviewing Global Leadership: Overcoming the Scourges of Africa by Robert Rotberg, Archimedes Entrepreneurs: The Key to Africa’s Prosperity by Eric Kacou, Interview with Wangari Maathai.

Africa Portal 
Policy research on Africa. Has a Digital Library and Experts Directory. Maintained by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI, Waterloo, Canada) and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA, Johannesburg). [KF]

Africa Progress Panel
Older site. Information up to 2018. Was chaired by Kofi Annan. Established in 2007 as a result of Tony Blair's Commission for Africa. "The objective of the Africa Progress Panel is to focus world leaders’ attention on delivering on their commitments, particularly the good governance and economic support which is imperative for achieving the Millennium Development Goals." Published a 2008 Report covering - The Food Crisis, Trade, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Aid Levels and Aid Quality, Good Governance. Based in London.

Africa Research Institute
A think tank "founded in 2007 to draw attention to ideas which have worked in Africa. We aim to support development and good governance, building on the dynamism in Africa today." Published the book, The day after Mugabe : prospects for change in Zimbabwe. Excerpts from the book are online. Reports are online re Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, etc. Based in London.

African Administrative Studies (Tangier, Morocco)
In English and French. Published by African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development, CAFRAD. The web site has a bibliographic database of citations to articles in African Administrative Studies.

African Anarchism
Old site, information to 2001. "Anarchism and revolutionary syndicalism from around Africa [Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, etc.]. News, analysis, ....personal accounts, historical essays, solidarity projects from an african anarchist perspective."

African and Asian Studies (Leiden, Netherlands)
Published by Brill. Vol. 1, No. 1, is 2002. Brill parted company with the editor of the Journal of Asian & African Studies, Shivu Ishwaran. Brill owns the editorial copyright of the issues published through 2001.

African Arguments - Social Science Research Council and the Royal African Society
"analysis of African current affairs and politics" "hosted by the Royal African Society and run in partnership with The World Peace Foundation, the International Africa Institute and ECA-CREAC". Commentary on political, social, economic events.

African Association of Political Science
Site has closed. Founded in 1973 in Dar es Salaam. Has the table of contents for its African Journal of Political Science (AJPS). Members only have full text access to the journal and occasional papers. Full text of the Newsletter is online. Has an online AAPS Internet Journal of Political Science with full text non-refereed and unedited essays and full text papers from its 13th Biennial Congress. [KF]

African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies
A pan-African, independent international NGO established in 1989 to support the OAU African Charter on Human and People's Rights. Publishes the African Human Rights Newsletter (or mirror), civic education posters, reports, etc. Based in The Gambia. or

African Centre for Energy Policy
Promotes corporate transparency, revenue governance, contract governance, climate change issues, etc. Reports, policy analysis, etc. Based in Accra, Ghana.

African Elections Database
Older election results (up to 2006) in African countries. List of political parties, coalitions, elections results. Elections held the past year, election calendar, country electoral authorities. Maintained by Albert C. Nunley. [KF]

African Elections Project
Project to develop the capacity of the media through ICT for the elections in Ghana, Cote d'lvoire, Guinea, and Malawi (2009) from 2008 to 2009. News, blogs, videos, photographs. The Project is co-ordinated by the International Institute for Information Communications Technology Journalism (PenPlusBytes) based in Accra, Ghana.

African Journal of Political Science (Harare, Zimbabwe)
Published by the African Association of Political Science. Has the table of contents and abstracts.

African Journal of Political Science and International Relations
Open access journal, full text on-line. Articles on Nigeria, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Uganda, etc.

African Journal on Conflict Resolution (Durban, South Africa)
Full text articles online. Published by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes, Durban.

African Politics Conference Group, APCG
Affilited with the  African Studies Association, US

African Politics Web Archive
Over 100 African political web sites archived from c 2009 - 2015.  Archived by a California Digital Library project. Based at Stanford University Libraries.
Examples -

African Studies Quarterly 
From the University of Florida. Open access journal.

African Voices: A Newsletter on Democracy and Governance in Africa
Open access articles from 1991-2002. Topics include civil/political rights, promoting civic awareness, civic education, human rights in Nigeria, Liberia's democratic transition, local government in South Africa, constitution making in Eritrea, etc. Published by USAID Bureau for Africa (Washington, D.C.)

The Africities Summit is the "United Cities and Local Governments of Africa’s flagship pan-African event held every three years in one of the five regions of Africa. We mobilize communities and local authorities in African countries."

Afrique Diplomatique
In French.  In French. Based in Casablanca, Morocco.

A comparative series of national public attitude surveys. Topics: democracy, governance, livelihoods, markets, social capital (whom do you trust), conflict / crime, civic participation, national identity. "countries can be systematically compared and, ultimately, trends in public attitudes can be tracked over time." Data sets / code books will be on the web site and archived by ICPSR. Data for Ghana (1999) and Nigeria (2000) is available. Has a slide show of graphs showing opinions on democracy, questionnaires. Has abstracts for the Afrobarometer series, a mailing list. Surveys are conducted by the Institute for Democracy in South Africa, IDASA, the Centre for Democratic Development (Accra, Ghana), Michigan State University's Political Science Department; and other partner African organizations. [KF]
Free online briefing papers cover:

  • No. 4 Poverty, Poverty Measurement, and Democracy in Southern Africa.
  • No. 3 Islam, Democracy, and Public Opinion in Africa.
  • No. 2 Violent Social Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria.
  • No. 1 Key Findings on Public Opinion in Africa.

Associação Moçambicana para a Promoção da Cidadania, AMOPROC
In Portuguese and English. The Mozambican Association for the Promotion of the Citizenship is an NGO which promotes citizenship participation and social justice. Documents on-line - Penal Code, Constitution, Avaliação da Corrupção em Moçambique (77 p. in PDF), etc. Publishes a newsletter, O Cidadão.

Association des Cours Constitutionnelles ayant en Partage l’Usage du Français, ACCPUF (Paris)
In French. Covers French-speaking African countries plus Cape Verde, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, . For each country includes a history of constitutional law, court decisions (such as regarding President Marc Ravalomanana, elections in Congo-Brazzaville, Mali, Chad, Togo, Benin, etc.), news articles on elections from Agence France Presse / newspapers. Search the database by keyword, country. [KF]
Has full text studies:

  • République Démocratique du Congo: Le contentieux constitutionnel congolais.
  • Ile Maurice. Le Juge de l'administration et le droit de propriete a l'Ile Maurice and Le constitutionnalisme mauricien. By Parvèz Dookhy
  • Cameroun : L'accès aux juridictions camerounaises de droit public. By Par Roger Gabriel NLEP
  • Niger : Le statut des partis politiques dans les Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest francophone. By Hassan ABDOU

Association of African Election Authorities
" Africa-wide association of election officials and election-related NGOs ...conceived to promote and institutionalize the professional nature of African election authorities through regional exchanges and networking."

Atlantic Council. Africa Center
Public policy think tank. Reports, analysis. Based in Washington D.C.

AWEPA, European Parliamentarians for Africa
AWEPA was founded, in 1984, as the Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action against Apartheid.  Its interests include development cooperation, electoral assistance and observation, democratisation and human rights. Has Full text, in Adobe pdf, of their Occasional Paper Series: Sustainable Democracy and Human Rights. Based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Occasional Paper Series: Sustainable Democracy and Human Rights:

  • OPS#10: Debt Relief and the HIPC Initiative in African Countries, 2002 (747.6 KB)
  • OPS#9: The "Laboratories" of the Mozambican Municipalisation Process: Are the municipalities meeting local needs? 2001 (241.4 KB)
  • OPS#8: Parliament as an Instrument for Peace, 2001 (493.1 KB)
  • OPS#7: Parliamentary Gender Handbook: South Africa, 2001 (304.6 KB)
  • OPS#6: Parliamentary Action on the Beijing + 5 Review Process 2000 (897.5 KB)
  • OPS#5: The Budget Process and Good Governance, 1999 (930.4 KB)

Afriweb - blog by Michael Keating, Senior Fellow/Associate Director, Center for Democracy and Development, University of Massachusetts, Boston. Commentary on African events, original documents, book reviews. Will have interviews, other columnists.
Council on Foreign Relations  - Africa in Transition -

Boston University. African Presidential Archives and Research Center
For the study of democratization and free market reform in Africa. The Public Papers/Private Conversations Project will digitize the public papers of democratically elected leaders. "The Lloyd G. Balfour African Presidents in Residence Program,... is an opportunity for former democratically elected African leaders to spend up to two years in residence at Boston University." Will publish an Annual African Leaders' State of Africa Report. Has an interview and speeches of Tanzania President Benjamin Mkapa. Address: 141 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215.

British Library. Collection guides. African government publications
Guide to Anglophone African government documents in the British Library with links to documents free on the web.

Campaign for Good Governance
NGO to strengthen democratic institutions in and out of government. Promotes democratic participation of civil society and gender equality. For the 2007 Presidential election has presidential candidate biographies and political party maifestoes. Full text of Acts such as the Anti-Corruption Act. Reports such as National Integrity Systems Transparency International Country Study Report Sierra Leone 2004 (78 pages Word doc.)

Carleton University. Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP)
Provides country rankings, on-line presentations and a mapping component, risk assessments, regional conflict analysis, early warning research, and open-source data, measures of domestic armed conflict, governance and political instability, militarization, religious and ethnic diversity, demographic stress, economic performance, human development, environmental stress, and international linkages. "Our database currently includes statistical data measures for over hundred performance indicators for 196 countries, spanning fifteen years. These indicators are drawn from a variety of open sources." Statistics for African countries are sometimes not available. Has, in Adobe pdf, the ful text of Conflict Risk Assessment Report: West Africa: Mano River Union and Senegambia (01/04/2002) 369K; Democratic Republic of Congo: A Risk Assessment Brief (01/02/2002) 25K; Sierra Leone: A Risk Assessment Brief (01/02/2002) 35K.

Center for Conflict Resolution
Ugandan non-profit, offers training, conflict prevention and resolution education. Information on African Traditional Methods of Conflict Resolution. Based in Kampala, Uganda.

Center for Democracy and Development
"established in the United Kingdom in 1997 as an independent, not-for-profit, research training, advocacy and capacity building organisation." Many full text reportts -  Boko Haram, poverty reduction, women's livelihoods, ebola, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Togo, the UK Diaspora.

Center for International Private Enterprise (Washington, D.C.)
It's Africa section sponsored a workshop - Think Tanks As Policy Catalysts in Africa: A Capacity Building Workshop, Harare, Zimbabwe March 1999 which produced, in Adobe .pdf format, a survey by Erik Johnson, "Nongovernmental Think Tanks in Sub Saharan Africa: Surveying the Landscape."
It's journal, Economic Reform Today has articles on African economic topics. The CIPE has partners in Africa.

Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia
"The objective of CENTAL is to institutionalize transparency and accountability in all facets of the Liberia society." Garrett J. Cummeh III is the Director. Full text reports, surveys. Media Monitoring Project, Web site based in Texas. [KF]

Centre pour la Gouvernance Démocratique (CGD)
In French. Promotes good governance in Burkina Faso. Full text reports online. Issues of their newsletter, CGD Info. Support from the embassies of Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden. Based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Chabal, Patrick - Papers Online
Prof. Chabal is Professor of Lusophone African Studies, King's College, Univ. of London. The Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies site has the full text of -

  • "Apocalypse Now? A postcolonial journey into Africa", Inaugural lecture, delivered on 12 March 1997 in King’s College, London.
  • "Angola and Mozambique: the weight of history" Working Paper,1998

Chieftain: the Journal for Traditional Governance (Calgary, Canada)
Online journal of TAARN (Traditional Authority Applied Research Network). Full text articles such as "Queen Mothers and Social Workers: A Potential collaboration between traditional authority and social work in Ghana." [KF]

Child Soldiers

Civil Service Reform in Francophone Africa: Proceedings of a Workshop, Abidjan, January 23-26, 1996
Edited by Lapido Adamolekun, Guy de Lusignan, and Armand Atomate. Full text online 176 pages in PDF. (WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPER NO. 357, Africa Region Series) Covers Botswana, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Uganda.[KF]

Civil Society and Governance Programme
An " research project under the management of Professor James Manor...The Programme extends over three years at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS)" Univ. of Sussex (UK) with Ford Foundation funding.  Case studies are conducted in 22 different countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the US.

CNN Election Watch
The TV station provides information on past and forthcoming elections in Africa.

CODESRIA - Full Text Books Online
Titles include:

  • Les racines de la crise militaro-politique en Côte d'ivoire, by Francis Akindes. 51 p. in PDF
  • Democratic Transition in Anglophone West Africa, by Jibrin Ibrahim. 87 p. in PDF
  • West Africa's Political Economy in the New Millennium: retrospect and prospects, by Adebayo Olukoshi . 39 p. in PDF


Cold War International History Project (Washington, D.C.)
Established at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, supports the release of historical materials by governments, seeks to disseminate new perspectives on Cold War history.
Has full text reports:

  • New Evidence on the Cold War in Southern Africa
    • Havana's Policy in Africa, 1959-76: New Evidence from Cuban Archives, by Piero Gleijeses
    • Fidel Castro's 1977 Southern Africa Tour: A Report to Honecker
    • Moscow and the Angolan Crisis, by Odd Arne Westad
    • Soviet Documents on Angola and Southern Africa, 1975-1979
  • Anatomy of a Third World Cold War Crisis: New East-bloc Evidence on the Horn of Africa, 1977-1978.
    • The Horn, the Cold War, and New Documents from the Former East-bloc: An Ethiopian View, by Ermias Abebe
    • Moscow, Mengistu, and the Horn, by Paul B. Henze
    • East Germany and the Horn Crisis: Documents on SED Afrikapolitik, by Christian F. Ostermann
    • Russian and East German Documents on the Horn of Africa, 1977-1978

Commonwealth Local Government Forum
Local government profiles of Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe with statistics on district populations, finance, democratic structures, division of services between central and local government, contact addresses. "The Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) was founded in 1995, as a focus for action on local democracy in the Commonwealth..." Based in London. [KF]

Conference on Conflict in Africa, February 5-6, 1999, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Triangle Institute for Security Studies
The conference was co-sponsored by the electronic journal, American Diplomacy, and the University Center for International Studies,

Conflict Watch Africa - Inter Press Service
The Conflict Watch bulletin seeks to contribute to early warning conflict prevention by disseminating information on potential and actual conflict situations in sub-Saharan Africa. Includes IPS news stories, NGO reports. Produced by IPS in collaboration with Third World Network in Ghana.

Contemporary Conflicts in Africa
Links to internet information on the prevention, management, and resolution of violent conflicts in Africa. Has a section on the Great Lakes Region, Eastern Zaire crisis of fall 1996. Links to a report "Ethnic Fears and Global Engagement" by David Lake and Donald Rothchild, U.N. Peace-keeping Operations, the Canadian Forces College Contemporary Conflicts page Maintained by Yves Contamine.
Great Lakes Crisis:
Main page:

Corporate Africa (London)
This online edition of the print quarterly has the table of contents and selected full text articles such as a profile of Tito Mboweni, Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, West Africa Oil and Gas, AIDS in Africa, World Space's satellite radio, etc. Published by Times Publications Ltd. The Times Publs. Ltd. web site also has a political risk section.

Corruption & Governance in South Africa : Collection of Marianne Camerer
Guide to a 14 microfilm reel collection on South Africa on corruption and governance related issues, covering Sept. 1995-Mar. 2006. Collected by Marianne Camerer for her doctoral dissertation, "Testing the system -- democracy on trial : corruption and reform in democratic South Africa." Includes political cartoons, newspaper articles, parliamentary records (committee and Hansard), auditor general reports, public protector reports, commissions of inquiry, investigative reports, interviews, conference proceedings, policy documents, survey material, journal articles, court records, and court testimony. Filmed for the Cooperative Africana Microfilming Project, CAMP at the Center for Research Libraries.

Council of Europe. North South Centre
The North South Centre seeks to to strengthen Co-operation and contacts between NGOs from the North and the South. Held an Africa-Europe Civil Society Forum, Cairo, 2000; papers are available in Adobe PDF. Examples of the papers are - Regulating the market to promote democracy, by Professor Samir Amin; Africa's desire to be different and transcultural values, by Mamadou Diouf; In the Service of Democracy, by Michelles Ndiaye Ntab; Rethinking the State in Africa, by Prof. Etienne Le Roy; The role of Parliaments in Africa, by Enie Wesseldijk; Women and Democracy in Africa, by Satta Niang, etc.

Council on Foreign Relations - HIV and National Security: Where are the Links?
By Laurie Garrett. 2005. Full text, 72 p. in PDF. "The HIV/AIDS pandemic is affecting the security of states throughout the world, weakening economies, government structures, military and police forces, and social structures."

Database of the Constitutions of Sub-Saharan Africa, DCSSA
Full text of constitutions, amendments, bills online. Also lists constitutions not yet online. "constitutional documents for 52 Sub-Saharan countries since their independence" From the Department of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany.

Deepening Democracy Program in Uganda
"...launched by the Speaker, Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition in 2008...will run... to the end of 2011" Reports - "Opinion Poll Report 2010" by TNS Research International and "Towards the Uganda 2011 Elections: An assessment of Conflict Risks and Mitigating Mechanisms - April 2010" by Akijul Enabling Change. Funders include Norway, Denmark, Sweden, UK. Based in Kampala, Uganda.

Democracy and Development in Africa & the Third World - Discussion Group
"Quebec-Canada-Africa Axis is a research group that seeks to establish a link between the North and South and increase the ability of the African continent to become economically independant." To join the discussion (in English and French) send an e-mail summary of your interests and how you would like to get involved to Alphonse Cilumba (President of Quebec-Canada-Africa Axis):

Democracy Net
From the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), "a private, nonprofit, grant-making organization created in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around the world." Has an experts database by area and subject, a directory of organizations which provide funds in international affairs, links to the web sites of African organizations receiving grants from the NED. Distributes DemocracyNews, "an electronic mailing list for sharing news, announcements, and information among democracy activists, scholars, and others working to promote democracy around the world."

Democracy Works Foundation
Non profit promoting democracy development. The Executive Chairperson is William Gumede. Online reports - Covid-19 and South Africa, civil society participation in provincial legislatures, Southern Africa electoral reform,etc.  Funders include the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, National Democratic Institute, European Union, United States Agency for International Development. Based in South Africa. [KF]

Democrat Union of Africa
The Democrat Union of Africa (DUA) was launched by the New National Party of South Africa and the DTA of Namibia in March 1999. The DUA supports centre/centre-right/Christian Democratic values. Other members include the MMD of Zambia, the BDP from Botswana. Download their Africa Freedom Index (91 pages), a 2001 conference report on Land Reform in Southern Africa (44 pages) and the African Renaissance. A Discussion Paper (19 p.) by the New National Party of South Africa. Has other online reports and resolutions. Its headquarters are at the New National Party's Cape Town office.

Deng, Francis M. and Terrence Lyons, editors - African Reckoning: A Quest for Good Governance
Full text of the book. (Imprint: Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, c1998. 185 p.)

Diaspora Togolaise Pour la Democratie
In French and English. Site of the Togolese Diaspora for Democracy (Diastode), based in Canada. "In 1993, some Togolese living outside of their native land, initiated the creation of a Network to mobilize compatriots of the Diaspora and support the internal democratic movement." Current news from PANA, Reuters, Amnesty, etc., news of Togo-related human rights activities. Has the full text of the book, "Democratisation a la togolaise" (Paris: Harmattan, 1998). The book has a chronologie (15th c. to aout 1998) and a bibliographie. [KF]

Directory of Data Repositories in Africa, DODRIA
Directory of research data sets.  Formats include  formats such as Microsoft word and Excel, CSV, PDF, PNG, HTML, WMS, JSON, RDF JPEG, SHTML, CSV, SPSS and PowerPoint.

Dorman, Sara Rich - Inclusion and Exclusion: NGOs and Politics in Zimbabwe
Full text. 2001. 341 p. in PDF. Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of D.Phil in the Department of Politics and International Relations in the Division of Social Studies at the University of Oxford. "explores the changing relations between the Zimbabwean state and local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) after independence. It focuses on debates over the role of NGOs in democratization in developing countries, using Zimbabwe as an example." Example cited is the former ZimRights. In the Univ. of Edinburgh Research Archive.

eAfrica. Electronic Journal of Governance and Innovation (Johannesburg)
Published by the South African Institute of International Affairs, Nepad and Governance project. Full text issues are online. Vol. 1, May 2003 in Adobe pdf. Receive issues by email.

Ecole nationale d'administration, ENA
In French. Has some of its masters in public administration memoires in full text online. "L'Ecole nationale d'administration recrute et forme la haute fonction publique de l'Etat." "ENA has welcomed many foreign students in its « International Cycles » since 1949."
Impacts des politiques d'ajustement structurel sur le fonctionnement de l'administration publique au Niger / Boubakar Tiemogo
La réforme de l'administration territoriale au Cameroun / Charles Nanga
Décentralisation et institutions publiques territoriales à Madagascar : processus et perspectives / Laza Andrianirina
For lists of memoires on cdrom, see: Centre d’étude d’Afrique noire. Le réseau DIAM

ECOWAS, Economic Community of West African States
In English and French. Regional organization to promote economic integration. Members are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo. Has many full text official documents, the Treaty, communiques, reports, etc. Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria with offices in Lagos and Lome. See also the ECOWAS Secretariat:

Election World on Wikipedia
Has moved to Wikipedia. Political parties and their political orientation, election results. Originally maintained by Wilfried P. C. G. Derksen.

Electoral Commissions Forum of SADC Countries (SADC-ECF)
"...formed to foster co-operation between its members with a view to promoting a culture of democracy and free and fair elections in SADC countries." For each country has an overview, electoral information, the country's electoral commission. Has Executive Summaries of reports by the Electoral Institute of Southern Africa (elections in Botswana, Malawi, South Africa).

Electoral Institute of Southern Africa
Many full text reports on political parties and political development in African countries. "EISA is a not for profit section..., established in 1996, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Its mission is to strengthen electoral processes, good governance, human rights and democratic values..." Recent full text Conference Proceedings are on-line. Also Election Observer Mission Reports.

Espace francophone des Droits de l'Homme, de la Démocratie et de la Paix
In French. From the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie and the Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie.
Full text of:


Ethno-Net Africa
"A network for comparative studies, monitoring and evaluation of ethnic conflicts and social transformation in Africa." "a network of African scholars (anthropologists, sociologists, lawyers, human rights specialists and political scientists." Has a database on ethnic conflict in Africa, by country and by theme, and full text publications. Part of the UNESCO MOST (Management of Social Transformations) program. [KF]

European Parliament - Election Observer Missions
See the section in the left menu, EP Election Observation Missions, for full text reports.

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, EITI
Principles on the use of use of natural resource wealth to avoid negative economic and social impacts. "Benefits for implementing countries include an improved investment climate by providing a...signal to investors and international financial institutions that the government is committed to greater transparency." Compliant countries include Central African Republic, Ghana, Liberia, Mali.

Fact Checking

  • Africa Check. "an independent, non-partisan organisation which assesses claims made in the public arena using journalistic skills and evidence drawn from the latest online tools, readers, public sources and experts, sorting fact from fiction and publishing the results." Covers the continent. Partners with AFP, Reporters without Borders, Open Society, etc.

  • Pesacheck. A verification initiative that conducts fact-checking across Africa. It was "initially focused on verifying the financial and other statistical numbers quoted by public figures in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda." Established 2016. Based in Nairobi, offices in other African cities.

Fomunyoh, Christopher - "Democratization in Fits and Starts"
Full text, in Adobe PDF. Fomunyoh is the National Democratic Institute's Senior Associate for Africa. The article is reprinted from the Journal of Democracy, 12:3 (2001). The National Democratic Institute (NDI), is based in Washington, D.C.

Foreign Policy in Focus
Policy briefs on foreign policy issues pub. by the Institute for Policy Studies (Washington, D.C.) and the Interhemispheric Resource Center (Albuquerque, NM). Has 4 page In Focus briefs on Africa by regional specialists which "offer recommendations for alternative policy directions [to] make the United States a more responsible global partner." Publishes The Progressive Response on new issues in U.S. foreign policy.

Foundation for Democracy in Africa (Capitol Heights, Maryland)
"The mission of the Foundation is to implement the principles of culturally based democratic government within the African society, bringing the countries of Africa into the mainstream of the global economy through free enterprise..."  Has the 1999 testimony before the House Subcom. on Africa of its President, Fred Oladeinde, speeches from the Africa Leadership Forum (Botswana) - Democratization of African Parliaments & Parties: July 1998, the Feb.1999 Report of the American Election Monitors to thre Presidential Election in Gabon, the newsletter of their Institute for Democracy in Africa. They support the 1997 African Growth and Opportunity Act, H.R. 1432.

Free Africa Foundation
Purpose: to "devise African-based solutions to Africa's problems" President of the FAF is George B.N. Ayittey, Ph.D. Commentary on African politics, U.S. and France's relations with Africa, the World Bank and Africa. Audio interviews with Dr. Ayittey, Dr. Susan Rice. Based in Washington, D.C.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Foundation for Social Democracy
Based in Bonn, Germany, a non-profit which promotes political education, the democratization of social structures, free trade unions, offers scholarships. Has information on their African programs (in German and English).

G8 Canada (Kananaskis) Summit, 2002
"The Leaders at the Kananaskis Summit are discussing three major priorities: Strengthening Global Economic Growth and Sustainable Development, building a new partnership for Africa's development (based on the New Partnership for Africa's Development, NEPAD), and fighting terrorism." The G8 Africa Action Plan was approved.

[Géopolitique Africaine] African Geopolitics (Paris)
In English and French (Géopolitique Africaine). Quarterly journal, launched Nov. 2000. Full text articles on-line. Interviews with African Presidents and other foreign policy figures. Articles grouped by issues (conflict prevention, democracy, terrorism, African armies, etc.) Andre Soussan is the publisher and editor-in-chief. [KF]

GERDDES- Afrique, Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la D?mocratie et le D?veloppement Economique et Social
In French and English. Independent Pan-african NGO created in 1990 by African intellectuals intellectuels "(avocats, juristes, ?conomistes, professeurs d'universit?, fonctionnaires internationaux, ing?nieurs etc.)." Has reports by GERDDES election observers in Benin, Gabon, Senegal, press releases on political events, lists their publications, includes the table of contents for their journal, D?mocratie et D?veloppement. Based in Cotonou, Benin.

Global Coalition for Africa
In English and French. "a North-South forum dedicated to forging policy consensus on development priorities among African governments, their northern partners, and non-governmental groups working in and on Africa." GCA co-sponsored the 1993 Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD). Meetings concern investment, democracy, journalism, corruption. Based in Washington, D.C. htm

Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security
" international initiative to promote the integrity of elections" Launched 2011 March. The Chairman is Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the UN. Created by the International Institute for Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Kofi Annan Foundation. Press release. See interview with Director, Stephen Stedman. The Kofi Annan Foundation is based in Geneva.

Global Initiative to Enfranchise People with Disabilities
Site produced by International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), based in Washington, D.C. Includes Laws and Regulations - lists, by country, election laws, constitutions and related regulations and how these laws impact upon citizens with disabilities. Best Practices shows posters, t-shirts depicting people with disabilities (esp. for Ghana, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Zambia). [KF]

Global Review of Ethnopolitics
Peer-reviewed online journal which receives additional support from the Specialist Group on Ethnic Politics of the Political Studies Association of the UK. Topics include Kristin Henrard's "Post-Apartheid South Africa's Democratic Transformation Process: Redress of the Past, Reconciliation and 'Unity in Diversity" (in Adobe pdf), and I. William Zartman's "The Timing of Peace Initiatives: Hurting Stalemates and Ripe Moments" (in Adobe pdf). Based at the Department of European Studies, University of Bath, Bath, England. [KF]

Good Governance Africa
Site has closed down. Used to be at on the One World site. Was " independent non-governmental organisation [in London] whose purpose is to assist in the process of improving the quality of governance in Africa. Was going to publish a Review of African Public Policy & Practice, an electronic journal.

Governance (Oxford, U.K.)
An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions. Published in association with the IPSA's Research Committee on the Structure and Organization of Government (SOG). Full text by subscription only. Libraries pay $398-$461 per annum.

Governance and the Economy in Africa:Tools for Analysis and Reform of Corruption (1996)
The full-text of a monograph about the "ways in which contemporary developing nations have begun to impose discipline on those holding power...". Uses examples from Benin, Niger, Uganda. Contributors are from USAID, IRIS (Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector) and others (Robert Klitgaard, Susan Rose-Ackerman, etc.). There is a bibliography.

Great Britian. Foreign and Commonwealth Office. "Private Military Companies: Options for Regulation 2001-02"
Full text, in Adobe pdf, of a Green Paper issued Feb. 12, 2002. HC 577. (London: The Stationery Office, 2002). Discusses Angola, Sierra Leone, Congo (Kinshasa), other African countries, Executive Outcomes, Sandline International, etc. Concerns options for regulating private military companies (mercenaries). It describes the extent of the private military company sector.

A moderated discussion forum on the study of current African politics." Sponsored by H-Net, American Political Science Association, and the African Political Science Association.

Moderated d iscussion list sponsored by the Democracy Program of the Nathan Hale Foreign Policy Society.

Harvard University. Africa Research Program
Concerned with the political economy of sub-Saharan Africa. The information component of the program surveys and collects political and economic data on sub-Saharan Africa. "In the Data area we have aggregated a number of the most commonly used publicly available variables used in the study of African political economy." The Samples area contains graphical representations of the occurrence of coups, guerrilla warfare and demonstrations over time and graphs showing the evolution of executive and legislative institutions over time.

Harvard University. Kennedy School of Government. Africa Caucus
"The Africa Caucus is the Kennedy School student organization focusing on Africa. Our community brings together students, policy makers, academics and supporting members..." See also the Africa Policy Journal with full text articles such as China in Africa - They’re Back by George Moose (Former US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa) and Rejuvenating African Economies: The Role of Engineering in International Development by Bob W. Bell, Jr. and Calestous Juma.

Hearn, Julie - "Foreign Aid, Democratisation and Civil Society in Africa: A Study of South Africa, Ghana and Uganda"
(Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K. Discussion Paper, 368). Has the full text. 28 p. paper in Adobe PDF. "The first section identifies who the major foreign donors to civil society are in Ghana, Uganda and South Africa. It examines the relative importance and differences in approach of the United States, Germany, the World Bank and the Like-minded Group of donors..." "The second major section discusses the broad objectives of donors in African countries." [KF]

Heidelberg Institute on International Conflict Research HIIK / Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung HIIK e.V.
In English and German. Publishes annual Conflict Barometers which include African conflicts (see also Conflict Barometer 2003). The Institute is based at the Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg.

Heinrich Boll Foumdation. Regional Office for the East & Horn of Africa
Its main programs are on Gender, the Environment and Conflict and Dialogue. Its partners are in the Horn of Africa, Kenya, Uganda. Based in Nairobi, Kenya. [KF]
Full text reports include:

  • Somalia’ s Transition: The Role of Senior Professionals and Scholars (16 p. in PDF)
  • NEPAD A New Path? 2002. (359 pages in PDF) - covers historical background, democratic governance, economic governance, environment consequences, role of women, regional integration. Authors include Adebayo Adedeji, Archie Mafeje, Thandika Mkandawire, Yash Tandon, Horace Campbell, Peter Anyang' Nyong'o and others.
  • The Study of African Politics. A Critical Appreciation of a Heritage. By Peter Anyang' Nyong'o. 2002. (114 pages in PDF)
  • Law, the Social Sciences and the Crisis of Relevance: A Personal Account. By Dani Nabudere. 2001. (African Social Scientists Reflections, Part 2.) (137 pages in PDF) - includes law in African colonies, the post-colonial state, the Dar es Salaam School, legal education, African Studies (afrocentricity), Nabudere's law student days in the early 1960s and activist law career in Uganda.
  • Anthropology in Post-Independence Africa: End of an Era and the Problem of Self-Redefination. By Archie Mafeje. 2001. (African Social Scientists Reflections, Part 1.) (79 pages in PDF)
  • WTO - Agreement on Agriculture: Impact of Liberalisation and Globalisation of Agricultural World Trade upon Sustainable Agriculture and Development in Kenya (15 p. in PDF) - dumping of maize, sugar in Kenya.
  • The Potential Contribution of Renewables in Ethiopia's Energy sector. 2004 (44 p. in PDF) - Geothermal and Cogeneration Technologies.
  • Sustainable Development, Governance, Globalisation: African Perspective. 2002 (188 p. in PDF) - women's issues, human settlements, Uganda, the Horn, Great Lakes, environment, peace & conflict. Authors include Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Archie Mafeje, Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, Bereket Selassie and others.
  • Gender and Constitution-Making in Kenya. 2002 (71 p. in PDF).
  • Gender Gaps in Our Constitutions: Women's concerns in selected African Countries. 2002 (119 p. in PDF) - women in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somaliland, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe.

Hopes on the Horizon; Africa in the 1990s
Website for the two-hour PBS documentary from Blackside, Inc. ("Eyes on the Prize"), which "chronicles the rise of pro-democracy movements and the expansion of civil society" in Benin, Nigeria, Rwanda, Morocco, Mozambique, and South Africa, during the final, decade of the twentieth century. For each country has facts, a brief background to the democracy movement, an essay, questions (for high school / university students), suggested readings, and the complete transcript. [KF]

Human Sciences Research Council, HSRC - Modern Constitutions Database
The South African research organization, HSRC, has a Modern Constitutions Database to enable scholars to analyze and compare constitutions. For Africa it has the constitutions for Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa 1993. They plan to add Zimbabwe. Constitutions Database:

[Ibrahim] Mo Ibrahim Foundation
In English, French, Portuguese, Kiswahili, Arabic. Awards the Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership to a former African head of state "who has demonstrated excellence in African leadership." Mo Ibrahim is the Sudanese founder of Celtel International, a mobile telephone company. [KF]
Issues the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, a ranking of sub-Saharan African nations according to governance quality. The first Index appeared Sept. 2007 with details of rankings. See also article, New York Times, Contention Over Rankings of African Nations. By CELIA W. DUGGER October 5, 2009.

IFEX, International Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House
Issues Actions Alerts, tracks threats to freedom of the press, radio. Do a keyword search by country to retrieve reports about African newspapers, and media related civil liberties issues. Has past alerts from 1995 to date. Main Page:

Imai, Kosuke and Jeremy M. Weinstein - Measuring the Economic Impact of Civil War
[Cambridge, Mass.] : Center for International Development, Harvard University, Year: 2000. 30 pages. Abstract and full text in Adobe pdf. (Series: CID working paper; no. 51; Harvard University. Center for International Development.)

Independent Advocacy Project (IAP)
Nigerian NGO. "promotes - through advocacy, coalition building, research, publications and information sharing - respect for good governance in Nigeria." "works to promote open and transparent governments – at the federal, state and local government levels..." Based in Lagos, Nigeria.

Information Project for Africa, Inc. (Washington, D.C.)
"...founded in 1990 by professional journalists from the U.S. and several African nations for the initial purpose of conducting research into matters of international relations as they affect the people of Africa and persons of African descent all over the world." Has the text of "AIDS as a national security issue: National Intelligence Estimate, January 2000, Central Intelligence Agency."

Institute for Democratic Governance, IDEG (Accra, Ghana)
"...established in Ghana in 2000 as an independent, not-for-profit policy research and advocacy organization" Has full text reports such as Report On IDEG Observation Of The Voter Registration Exercise - 2008 (43 p. PDF) and Ghana Democracy & Political Participation (155 p. in PDF). It is the coordinating secretariat of AfriMAP [Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project ] in Ghana. Based in Accra, Ghana.

Institute for Education in Democracy
Has full text reports (such as East African Bribery Index 2013), Kenya Government Acts, etc.  Partners with the UN, European Union, USAID etc. Based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Inter Press Service - Election Watch Africa
Current election news. IPS is a civil society news agency "an independent voice from the South and for development, delving into globalisation for the stories underneath." Based in Rome, Italy. [KF]

International Anti-corruption Conference, 10th, October 7-11, 2001, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference hosted by the Czech Republic government and Transparency International, Czech Republic.

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, ICIJ - New Panama Papers series exposes secret deals in Africa 
By Will Fitzgibbon. July 25, 2016  See also New York Times, July 25, 2016 "Panama Papers Reveal Wide Use of Shell Companies by African Officials" by Scott Shane.

International Conference of New or Restored Democracies, 4th, Cotonou, Benin, 4-6 December
See also the 1998 Ministerial Conference with statements by Mozambique's Foreign Affairs Minister and Benin's Foreign Affairs Minister. [KF]

International Constitutional Law
Has the full text of Constitutions for Angola, Congo-Brazzaville, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Zambia. Based at the Institut für öffentliches Recht, Bern, Switzerland.

International Crisis Group
NGO works to prevent wars, build good governance. Reports on Africa. Founded 1995. Based in Brussels.

International Foundation for Election Systems, IFES
Based in Washington, D.C. Has some issues of their printed journal, Elections Today, from 1990 + with articles on African elections. Their Elections Guide lists past and forthcoming elections worldwide. The Democracy at Large magazine ceased publication Jan. 2007 but has online, "Evaluating Democratic Progress in Africa". IFES has a resource center with election laws, statistics, ballots, training materials, a computerized database of election information, etc. They have an extensive publications program.

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, IDEA (Stockholm, Sweden)
"Created in 1995 by 14 countries,...promotes and advances sustainable democracy..." Its June 2001 forum is on Democracy and the Information Revolution.
Has many full text publications:

  • Voter Turnout from 1945-1997: A Global Report on Political Participation, with voting statistics for each country.
  • "Democracy in Burkina Faso: Assessment Mission Report," has most of the text.
  • "Democracy in Nigeria: Continuing Dialogue(s) for Nation-Building," an assessment report on the challenges facing Nigeria in anchoring democracy (in Adobe PDF).
  • Towards Sustainable Democratic Institutions in Southern Africa, reports on political parties in the SADC region, from a Botswana May 2000 conference.
  • Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers which contains a case study, "Women Empowered -- Women in Parliament in South Africa" by Mavivi Myakayaka-Manzini.


International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, IDEA - Democratic Republic of the Congo. Election July 30, 2006
Report on key issues in the July 30 presidential and legislative elections, the first democratic elections in 45 years. Reports on DRC political parties (109 pages in PDF), SADC political parties. Women in the DRC elections, etc.

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance - Women in Parliament
2002 edition. Full text. On obstacles for women, how to overcome barriers, how to make a greater impact in parliament. Case study on South Africa (4 p. in PDF). IDEA is an intergovernmental organization based in Stockhom, Sweden. [KF]

International Monetary Fund. Working Paper
No 164: The Quality of Governance: Second-Generation Civil Service Reform in Africa. By Nadeem Ul Haque and Jahangir Aziz.  Nov. 1998.  40 pages. Has the full text in Adobe .pdf format.

International Political Science Association
In English and French. It 19th Triennial Congress is in Durban, South Africa, June 28 to July 4, 2003. "IPSA was founded in 1949 under UNESCO sponsorship. Since then, national political science associations have constituted its core." They publish the bimonthly, International Political Science Abstracts. The African Association of Political Science is an affiliate.

International Republican Institute
IRI is a private, nonprofit institute, not part of the Republican Party of the United States. The "IRI conducts programs outside the United States to promote democracy and strengthen free markets and the rule of law." Has a weekly news summary, testimony by IRI representatives to Congress on African affairs, African programs.

Inter-Parliamentary Union (Geneva)
The international organization of national parliaments, established in 1889.  Has:

  • Parline Database - directory of national parliaments with addresses (includes email), the electoral system, results of the last election, seats held by party, etc. One can search by country or region.
  • Parlit Database - citations to articles "on the role, structure and working methods of national parliaments, on electoral systems, constitutional law, history and political science....The database includes references to over 7,000 books and studies as well as 30,000 articles taken from 160 periodicals."
  • Women in national parliaments statistics, globally and by country.
  • The IPU's work on behalf of women in political life.
  • Links to national parliament websites.
  • The 1998 IPU conference is in Windhoek. There is an April 1998 Harare conference on the Contribution of Parliaments to Democracy in Africa.
  • Their publications, some of which are free.

Italian Institute for International for International Political Studies
Conducts research on Africa and its relations with Italy. Reports on Kenya, Ukraine and Africa, trade, Western Sahara, Mali, Ethiopia, China, Russia, coups, etc.

Johnson, R. W. "Sooner or Later Africa Must Face Some Form of Recolonisation"
Article by Professor Johnson in the Daily Telegraph, May 22, 2000. "in much of Africa local people regard it as uncontroversially true that things were better under colonialism."

Journal of African Elections (Johannesburg)
Print journal published by EISA, Electoral Institute of Southern Africa. "an interdisciplinary biannual publication of research and writing in the human sciences, which seeks to promote scholarly understanding of electoral developments and democratic change in Africa."

Journal of African Policy Studies
Published by the Institute on African Affairs, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on African public policy issues. Has the table of contents, subscription information. The Editor is Dr. Moses K. Tesi. Libraries pay $78.00.

Journal of Cultural Studies (Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria)
Published by the Nigerian Group for the Study of African Cultures (NIGSAC), a non-profit organisation which focuses on cultural and development issues in Africa. Based in the Department of English, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria. Has the tables of contents and abstracts of article. Photocopies of articles can be ordered. Pay by check or money order. From the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (London).

Journal of Democracy
For those whose institutions subscribe to the Project Muse online journals (Stanford, etc.), you can access the full-text of articles on democracy, elections, politics in African countries. Has an Election Watch from 1990 + Published for the National Endowment for Democracy. or

Kane, Edward J. and Tara Rice - "Bank Runs and Banking Policies: Lessons for African Policymakers"
"We present evidence that over 1980-99 the average length of time an African banking system spent in crisis increased with the level of government corruption." (NBER Working Paper No. W8003). Pub. Nov. 2000. [KF]

Kaplan, Robert D., "The Coming Anarchy"
Subtitle: "How scarcity, crime, overpopulation, tribalism, and disease are rapidly destroying the social fabric of our planet." Full-text of the article from The Atlantic Monthly, February 1994. Uses examples from West Africa (Sierra Leone, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea) and other countries.

Kituo cha Katiba, KCK (Eastern Africa Centre for Constitutional Development)
NGO promoting constitutionalism, good governance and democratic development in Eastern Africa. Many full text publications such as on the state of constitutional development in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zanzibar, the text of colonial and contemporary laws, the constitutions of many African countries, judicial independence, etc. Based in Kampala, Uganda. [KF]

Kruiter, A. 1996. Good Governance for Africa: Whose Governance? Maastricht:ECDPM

Summary of a conference organized by the Univ. of Limburg and the European Centre for Development Policy Management, 1995. Has the full text of some conference papers.

Lusotopie (Paris)
From the Association des chercheurs de la revue Lusotopie. Pub. by Editions Karthala, Paris. Abstracts in French, Portuguese, English. Full text articles on-line. Annual academic journal first published in 1994. Political analysis of Portuguese-speaking countries. Search by keyword across all issues in English, Portuguese, and French.

Makerere Political Science Review
Published by the Department of Political Science and Public Adminsitration of Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. Has the full-text of the June 1997 issue.

Mali. Ministère de l'Administration Territoriale et des Collectivités Locales
In French. Has a directory of political parties, the 2007 Presidential Election, election statistics, the electoral process, decentralization, full text of the electoral law, regional government officials, border relations, list of Christian and Muslim organizations in Mali, population statistics, a list of associations, a list of NGOs (104 p. in PDF)..

Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels - Communist Manifesto / Isibophezelo Senhlangano Yamakhomanisi
Translated into Zulu by Brian Ramadiro. With a foreword by Neville Alexander. ([Egoli]: WOSA (Workers' Organisation for Socialist Action [2002] 60 pages. On the website of Voice of the Turtle, an online journal of left-wing politics and culture.

Mbeki, Thabo
The African Renaissance, South Africa and the World - South African Deputy President Thabo Mbeki speaks at the United Nations University, 9 April 1998. 16 p.
The African Renaissance Statement of Deputy President, Thabo Mbeki - SABC, Gallagher Estate, 13 August 1998. 3 p.

Midwest Political Science Association
Holds its 63rd Annual National Conference, April 7-11, 2005, Chicago, Palmer House Hilton Hotel. The Conference has sections on African politics and comparative politics. The Midwest Political Science Association is a national association of researchers with an interest in politics and policy. Founded in 1939, publishes the American Journal of Political Science.

Minibus Media
Sells a DVD on the 2004 Malawi Presidential Election called "Making of a President". Online movie trailer.Minibus Media was created in 2004 in Malawi by Hans-Christian Goertz and Mirella Domenich to produce documentaries on human rights issues in young democracies. In progress is a film on the third Mozambique general election, "And the Struggle Still Continues." Hivos, a Dutch development agency supported the DVD production. IDFA article. ConectaSur article. [KF]

Minorities at Risk
"...independent, university-based research project that monitors and analyzes the status and conflicts of politically-active communal groups in countries with a population of at least 500,000." Has a dataset which "contains over 900 variables on 275 ethnopolitical groups around the globe." Covers many African ethnic groups. For each group has an overview, detailed chronology (strongest for 1990s), and risk assessment. Project headed by Ted Robert Gurr, based at the Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland, since 1988. [KF]

Monga, C?lestin - The Anthropology of Anger, Civil Society and Democracy in Africa
Access only to universities subscribing to Columbia International Affairs Online. The full text of the book. Translated by Linda L. Fleck and C?lestin Monga. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 1996.

[Mozambique] Centro de Integridade Pública de Moçambique / Center for Public Integrity
In Portuguese and English. Promotes good governance, transparency. Full text documents such as Relatório do Estudo sobre Transparência, Áreas de Riscos e Oportunidades de Corrupção em Seis Autarquias Moçambicanas; Corrupcao no sector da Justiça; Corrupcao no sector da Saúde; Pequena Corrupção na Educação; Análise à Estratégia Anti-Corrupção. Educational posters, other full text documents (UN, Swiss aid, World Bank). Publishes the CIP Newsletter. Based in Maputo, Mozambique. [KF]

Muyebe, Stanlaus - The Religious Factor within the Body of Political Symbolism in Malawi, 1964-1994: A Bibliographical Essay
"To what extent do the politicians in Africa use the cultural symbols as a tool for construction of political realities in African countries?" "Malawi is identified as a case study. Interconnections between the cultural traditions in Malawi and the politics in Malawi are identified and analyzed." The first 25 pages are free online in .pdf format. Or pay $6 thru credit card to access the entire book online. The book is also in print form from

Namibia Instituite for Democracy (Windhoek, Namibia)
Non-political organization founded in 1991, develops civic education programs. Has many full text reports (in Adobe pdf) and posters prepared for campaigns on violence against women and children and disability. Full text reports cover democracy, affirmative action, the Married Persons Equality Act, the government and opposition, Labour Act, Accountability and Corruption in Namibia, What Every Voter Needs to Know, the Association of Regional Councils Consultative Conference, Law for All; Wills, Testaments and Estates; private arbitration, etc. [KF]

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (Washington, D.C.)
A nonprofit NGO which seeks to promote democratic institutions in new and emerging democracies. Has many full text reports regarding Africa (Central / East / West Africa and Southern Africa).
Transparency and Accountability in Africa's Extractive Industries: The Role of the Legislature. 107 p. in PDF. Edited by Shari Bryan & Barrie Hofmann. 2007. Covers Angola, Botswana, Chad, Congo - Brazzaville, Dem Rep. of the Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa.

National Endowment for Democracy, NED - Democracy Net (Washington, D.C.)
Publishes the Journal of Democracy, supports DemocracyNews, "an electronic mailing list for sharing news, announcements, and information among democracy activists, scholars, and others working to promote democracy around the world", has a Democracy Experts Database, full text Conference Reports (Nigeria 1999 election, South Africa, Nigeria 1995).

National Parliaments Web Sites
Maintained by Steven S. Smith, Professor in the Political Science Dept., Univ. of Minnesota. Includes British, French, South African Parliament links.

New Partnership for Africa's Development
In English and French. Site only works in MS Internet Explorer. "This initiative was endorsed by the OAU summit of Heads of State and Governments in Lusaka, Zambia on the 11 July 2001."
See also G8 Canada (Kananaskis) Summit, 2002 - The Leaders at the Kananaskis Summit discussed three major priorities: Strengthening Global Economic Growth and Sustainable Development, building a new partnership for Africa's development (based on the New Partnership for Africa's Development, NEPAD), and fighting terrorism. The G8 Africa Action Plan was approved.

New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
Full text document, in Adobe pdf, 63 pages. NEPAD is "a pledge by African leaders...that they have a pressing duty to eradicate poverty..." "African peoples have begun to demonstrate their refusal to accept poor economic and political leadership." On the site of South Africa's Dept. of Foreign Affairs.

[New Partnership...... ] Partnership with the Private Sector for financing Africa's growth through NEPAD'' Dakar, on April 15 - 17, 2002
"The Dakar Conference will be an opportunity for participants to review concrete projects in 10 priority areas, including those dealing with Infrastructure, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Energy and Agriculture."

New York Times Book Reviews
Search for past book reviews from 1980 to date from the New York Times and the New York Times Book Review section by author, title, subject. Seaching on an African country generally pulls up one or more titles. The site is updated daily and includes the complete Sunday Book Review section. One can read the first chapters from a selection of best sellers and recently reviewed books,

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
In English and Norwegian. "a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Describes Norway's development assistance to African countries (statistics, projects). Includes an annotated bibliography with Africa-related citations, "Corruption - A selected and annotated bibliography."

Observatoire de l’Action Gouvernementale, OAG
In French. "une organisation de la société civile, politiquement et financièrement indépendante vis-à-vis des pouvoirs publics." Founded 1999 to promote "Transparence, · Objectivité, · Culture démocratique, · Engagement social, · Tolérance." Based in Bujumbura, Burundi.
Full text reports such as Analyse du processus de décentralisation au Burundi; Analyse de l’importance, de l’utilisation et de la gestion de l’aide accordée au Burundi, Cas du Royaume de Belgique (1995-2004)

Open Democracy - Africa and Democracy
Original articles by journalists, stories from African newpapers on the political situation in Africa. "....take part - in the forums, or by sending your own material to the editors...." Has a forum on Africa and Democracy. Mainly funded by the the Open Trust, a registered UK charity, based in London. [KF]

Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, OSISA
In English and Portuguese. Non-profit foundation established by George Soros. Provides grants to organizations. Operates in Angola, Mozambique; Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland; Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. Programs in Human Rights and Democracy Building; Media; Education; Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs); Economic Justice. Has Guidelines for Proposal Writing and Preparing Budgets. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa. [KF]

Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)
"A new foundation to promote civil society and democracy," funded by George Soros. Launched on 11 December [2001] in Abuja, Nigeria. See the article from Africa Recovery (U.N.), Dec. 2001, Vol. 15, No. 4. See also the Open Society directory.

Organisation internationale de la francophonie. Missions d'observations d'élections
In French. Has full text reports (in Adobe PDF format) on elections in Benin, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Seychelles, Togo. From the Organisation internationale de la francophonie (Paris).

Ortiz de Zarate's (Roberto) Political Collections
For each country provides date of independence, first head of state/president and his party, then a link to a list of all the countries' heads of state/presidents. Has the first African independence leaders and their length of office, Political Leaders 1945 + , current leaders (external link), Women World Leaders since 1945 (includes two queen-regents of Swaziland, past prime ministers of Burundi, the Central African Republic, and Rwanda, and Ruth Perry of Liberia, Africa's first woman president.) Other lists are current rulers longest in office, rulers who died violently.

Our Problems, Our Solutions. An Economic and Public Policy Agenda for Kenya - Edited by Wamuyu Gatheru and Robert Shaw
Full text of the book. Covers political constraints, professional government, economic growth, human development, productivity. Published by the Institute of Economic Affairs, Nairobi, Kenya, 1998. The print edition has 435 pages. [KF]

Oxford encyclopedia of African thought [Stanford users only]
F. Abiola Irele, Biodun Jeyifo, editors in chief.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
2 v. (xxv, 483, 505 p.)

Pan African Movement (Kampala)
Articles, statements, letters by Horace Campbell, Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem (the General-Secretary of the PAM), and others on Congo-Kinshasa, Angola, Nigeria, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Pan-Africanism, Clinton's Africa trip, etc.. Based in Kampala, Uganda.

Pan Afrikan Traditional Party / Pan Afrikan Tribal Party
"Founded in 1988, the Pan Afrikan Tribal Party has existed in exile, away from the homeland...." "We believe that Afrikans are on a path to extinction. Afrikans are the only group that is decreasing as a percentage of the world population." "The first cause is Slavery." "The second cause is Colonialism." Has full text papers and essays, an e-mail newsletter. Based in Bowie, Md. Best seen in the Microsoft browser.

Panos Institute - l'Institut Panos - Media for a Democratic West Africa
In English and French. The program seeks to "reinforce the role of the media in the democratic process" in West Africa. Based in Paris with offices in Bamako, Accra and Dakar. Publishes Radio-Actions, Bulletin for Radio Pluralism in West Africa. Assists women media workers, independent radio stations, has links to full text laws relating to the African media, etc. Other projects -  Media and Conflict, Human Rights, New Information Technologies. Has some audio clips.

Peace, Conflict and Development (Bradford, U.K.)
An interdisciplinary electronic journal based at the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK. The journal aims to publish "high-quality work by doctoral students and others working in the field of Conflict and Peace Studies." Articles include, in Issue One, June 2002 - Democracy, Governance and Conflict in Burundi, by Rockfeler P. Herisse and Educating For Peace: Politics and Human Rights in Botswana, by Connie Scanlon. [KF]

Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa
Helps whistleblowers, NGOs, media in exposing corruption. Country information on whistleblower legislation. Case studies reported are from the Democratic Rep. of the Congo, Namibia, South Africa. John Githongo and William Gumede are on its Advisory Board. [KF]

Polis (Yaounde)
Political science journal, published by the Groupe de Recherches Administratives, Politiques et Sociales in Yaounde, Cameroun. Has the tables of contents and selected full text articles. Mainly in French, some articles are in English. [KF]

Politeia, Journal for the Political Sciences
Published by UNISA Press (Univ. of South Africa). Has the table of contents (1995 to date ) and some full-text articles on political affairs in South Africa and other countries (Niger, Uganda, etc.)

Political Resources on the Net - Africa
Links to Africa-related political sites by country (political parties, constitutions, general directories). Maintained by Roberto Cicciomessere, Agora Telematica S.p.A., Rome, Italy.

Political Scientists Pages (many include syllabi)

  • Allen, Christopher - Politics Dept., Edinburgh University (Edinburgh, Scotland). Has class handouts, syllabi. See also entry under Allen above.
  • Bowman, Larry W. - Political Science Dept., Univ. of Connecticut (Storrs, CT) and Director of the Center for Contemporary African Studies.
  • Campbell, Horace - Political Science and African American Studies, Syracuse University, New York. Has the syllabus for Introd. to Pan Africanism.
  • Drew, Allison - Department of Politics, University of York (U.K.) Has a web site with links on "South African Politics, Culture & Society Internet Resources."
  • Galvan, Dennis - Associate Professor, International Studies and Political Science, University of Oregon. Includes full text papers, syllabi.
  • Mazui, Ali - Professor, Political Science, Director of the Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Has a biography, publications.
  • McHenry, Jr., Dean - Politics & Policy Dept., Claremont Graduate University (Claremont, CA). Has syllabi.
  • Niemann, Michael E. - Political Science Dept., Trinity College (Hartford, CT).
  • Oculi, Okello - Abuja, Nigeria
  • Vengroff, Richard - Political Science Dept., University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT).
  • Wantchekon, Leonard - Department of Politics, New York University. Has the syllabus for "Political Development in Africa" and "Comparative Politics Seminar: Theories of Democratization." Was co-founder of a Benin political party.
  • Weinstein, Jeremy - Associate Professor of Political Science and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University. Center for Global Development Fellow.

Politikon, South African Journal of Political Studies
"...focuses primarily on South African politics, but not exclusively so." The official journal of the South African Political Studies Association. Published by Carfax Publishing Ltd. (U.K.) Library rate is $164 per year.

Politique africaine (Paris)
In French. Published for l'Association des chercheurs de Politique Africaine by Éditions Karthala in Paris, France. Has the table of contents and abstracts in French and English, some full text articles online. Full text book reviews. "une revue pluridisciplinaire. Crée au début des années 1980 au Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CERI) de Paris, par une équipe dirigée par Jean-François Bayart,..." E-mail: [KF]

Power and Interest News Report, PINR
PINR is "an independent organization that utilizes open source intelligence to provide conflict analysis services in the context of international relations." Reports on Africa include "Somalia's Fluid Politics Move Toward Polarization" ( July 07 2006); "Somaliland and the Issue of International Recognition;" "China and Angola Strengthen Bilateral Relationship" (June 23 2006); "Nigeria Avoids a Governance Crisis" (June 21 2006); " "Rebel Attack Threatens Deby's Government in Chad;" "Elections Approach in Democratic Republic of Congo.'' Based in Chicago, Ilinois.

Project Muse
Full text articles, for subscribers only, to titles such as Human Rights Quarterly, Journal of Democracy, World Politics. Search thru all journals or selected ones only. A important resource for subscribers. From Johns Hopkins University Press.

Project Underground
"Project Underground is an environmental and human rights organization that supports communities facing mining, oil and gas activities. Issues include the oil industry in Nigeria.

RAND is a nonprofit public policy research institute in Santa Monica, California. Its site has a subject index to abstracts of its publications on Africa. Robert Klitgaard is Dean of its Graduate School of Policy Studies.
Subject Index:
Main Page:

Reilly, Ben and Andrew Reynolds. "Electoral Systems and Conflict in Divided Societies"
Has the full text. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1999. 62 pages.

Renaissance, A Review of Democracy and Governance in Southern Africa (Harare)
Published by SARDC, Southern African Research and Documentation Centre.. Has some full text articles.
Subscription information:
Main site:

Rethinking Institutional Effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa
Project of the Institute for Global Dialogue (South African NGO) and the Federal Trust for Education (a London think tank). "what lessons can be learnt from 10 years (1995-2005) of attempts by African countries and the international community to improve institutional effectiveness and state capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa?" The project is conducting case studies in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal to "compare and contrast different national experiences and potentially contribute to future poverty alleviation strategies for these three countries." [KF]

Review of African Political Economy
Site for the UK journal on the politics of imperialism; development; agrarian, popular and democratic struggles; class, gender and social justice. Has a Database of abstracts of all articles (find articles by country, city, etc.). Has an acronym identifier, ROAPE conferences, etc.

Review of African Public Policy & Practice (London)
This journal has ceased publication. " on-line publication published by Good Governance Africa (GGA).

Richburg, Keith - Out of America: a Black Man Confronts Africa

  • Review by William Finnegan in the New York Times Book Review of Keith Richburg's book on contemporary African governments.
  • "American in Africa" is Richburg's article, published 1995 in the Washington Post Magazine, based on his experiences as Post Africa Bureau Chief 1991-1994 during which he covered the Rwanda and Somalia civil wars. Out of America is based on those experiences.
  • C-Span's "Booknotes" - excerpts from Richburg's book, biographical information on the author, and for those with a sound card and RealAudio, an audio file of Richburg.

Roosevelt Institution
Student-run public policy think tank, with chapters at Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Middlebury, Wheaton. Based at Stanford University.

SADC Parliamentary Forum
The Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum is a regional inter parliamentary body composed of twelve parliaments - Angola Botswana Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia and Zimbabwe. It "developed and adopted Electoral Norms and Standards for the SADC region." Full text documents such as Election Observation Reports, Profiles of member parliaments. Links to related SADC sites. Based in Windhoek, Namibia. [KF]

SADC Regional Information Centre On Local Government (Southern Africa)
Its Directory of local government information for all SADC countries includes Ministry of Local Government contacts, the top city councils (their mayors, contact addresses), district councils, local government associations. training institutions, donor agencies. Full text documents, in Adobe pdf; topics (Local Government Reform in Mozambique). Based in Harare, Zimbabwe. [KF]

SARDC, Southern African Research and Documentation Centre
"...independent regional information centre involved in the collection, production and dissemination of information about the SADC region, with offices in Harare and Maputo." Its Sustainable Democracy program has a Database (annotated bibliography of, mainly, monographs), political & election facts, the journal, Renaissance, acquisitions list, election information. Publishes SADC Today and Southern African News Features.

SD Development Newsletter (U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C.)
Articles on USAID's projects in Africa on governance, economic growth, agriculture, information technology, the environment, education, health, humanitarian assistance. Quarterly published by the Office of Sustainable Development, Bureau for Africa, U.S. Agency for International Development.

The Sentry
"investigative and policy team that follows the dirty money connected to African war criminals and transnational war profiteers and seeks to shut those benefiting from violence out of the international financial system." Online reports, policy recommendations to combat corruption, money laundering. Co-founded by George Clooney and John Prendergast, "a strategic partner of the Clooney Foundation for Justice."  "focuses primarily on the conflict zone spanning Sudan, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic."  Based in Washington D.C.

Commentary on African events. Maintained by Manuel Ruben N'dongo. N'dongo is Président de l'IRHES, Institut de recherches et des Hautes Études Stratégiques pour l'Afrique Sud-Saharienne. Based in France. [KF]

Small Arms Survey - "Armed and Aimless: Armed Groups, Guns, and Human Security in the ECOWAS Region"
Full text of the book. Maps, bibliographies. Edited by Nicolas Florquin and Eric G. Berman. "detailed information on more than 35 armed groups that have destabilized West Africa since 1998" "The Small Arms Survey is an independent research project located at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland."
Includes - Nigeria (oil producing states, Christian-Muslim conflict), northern Mali (Tuareg-Arab, Al-Qaeda influence), Ghana (gun manufacturing), Liberia, Guinea (refugees from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cote d'Ivoire), Mano River Union (child soldiers in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone), Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Senegal (Casamance), Sierra Leone, Togo.

Smis, Stefaan and Saskia Van Hoyweghen - "Towards a State-less Central Africa? Some Theoretical Reflections"
"The objective of this essay is to discuss the nature of the crisis in Central Africa from an academic/social science perspective." Page down to Africa Forum #7. See comments by Filip Reyntjens, University of Antwerp and David Newbury, University of North Carolina. Smis and Van Hoyweghen are with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Social Conflict in Africa Database, SCAD
"...information on over 6,300 social conflict events across Africa, including strikes, riots, protests, coups and communal violence from 1990 and 2009." "CAD does not include civil and interstate conflicts." Charts, codebook, dataset. Team headed by Cullen Hendrix and  Idean Salehyan. From the Climate Change and African Political Stabilityprogram, Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, University of Texas at Austin. [KF]

Societe Civile
In French. Site for civil society organizations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Has an extensive directory of NGOs.

South African Institute of International Affairs - APRM (African Peer Review Mechanism) Research and Training Centre
Everything about the APRM. FAQ, official documents from the African Union and Nepad, full text of governance codes and standards on political, economic, and corporate governance. Academic papers. Official country reports. Offers training - "SAIIA can assist organisations and governments to understand the APRM processes, how to prepare submissions and how best to influence the process." Based in Johannesburg. [KF]

South African Political Studies Association, SAPSA
Publishes the biannual journal, Politikon. Will jointly host the 2003 International Political Studies Association conference in Durban. Has a SAPSA discussion list, code of ethics, links to South African political science departments, etc.

Southern Africa Information Access, Inc. - Africa in Washington
SAIA has a directory of U.S. government Africa-related programs and activities, a directory of Africa-related agencies and activities in Washington, D.C., and parliamentary/legislative information, edited by Ray Copson. Maintained by Russell Ayers.

Stanford University - African Politics New Acquisitions
New acquisitions on African politics at Stanford University.

Stanford University. Workshop on Democracy in Africa in Comparative Perspective, April 27, 2001
Full text papers, in html or Adobe PDF, presented at the workshop by Michael Bratton, Larry Diamond, Dan Posner, Richard Sklar, Kayode Soremekun, Ali Tripp, Nicolas van de Walle. See also the Comparative Democratization Project.

Sub-Saharan African Governments Search Engine
A search engine which retrieves web sites of African national governments. To search, "use the language(s) of the countries you are researching." Created by Jim Church, with contributions by David Oldenkamp, James Jacobs and others - all university librarians.

Transparency International
Site does not work without java enabled. An NGO to "counter corruption in international business transactions national levels." See their Corruption Perception Indexes. "Transparency International is not saying in this index that one country is more corrupt than another. We are reporting how business people, political analysts, and the general public around the globe perceive levels of corruption in different countries. We must also bear in mind that many of these business people are a part of the problem." Issues of its Newsletter (1995 +) have country updates, corruption reports. Has annual reports online, chapters in Africa. The Bribe Payers Survey measures the relative propensity by companies to pay bribes. It's Corruption Fighters' Toolkit has best practices to combat corruption. Based in Berlin, Germany. [KF]
See also the Internet Center for Corruption Research:

Transparency International - Kenya
"...a non governmental organization dedicated to increasing government accountability and curbing both international and national corruption." Full text reports online. Has a newsletter, Adili. Based in Nairobi.

Transparency International. Proceedings of the Information for Accountability Workshop, Ghana, August 2000
191 pages in Adobe pdf (1,904kb). On the web site of the International Records Management Trust, London. [KF]

Transparency International Tanzania. Proceedings of the Information for Accountability Workshop, 27-28 March 2000, Dar es Salaam
92 page report, in Adobe PDF format (also in Kiswahili). The goal of the workshop is to "increase access to information to develop a more informed civil society,..." The Workshop gave government officials an opportunity to identify and respond to citizens' reasonable demands for information on government programmes. "Once equipped with information, individual citizens and their representatives can assert their civil rights, hold governments accountable, and help to detect and deter corruption and fraud." On the web site of the International Records Management Trust, London. [KF]

Trust Africa
Foundation emphasizing African solutions to African problems, funds regional projects, works with African institutions in Resolving conflicts and securing peace; Promoting inclusive policies on citizenship and identity; and Advancing economic integration. Includes grants to African Diaspora organizations. Funding from the Ford Foundation and International Development Research Centre (Canada). Based in Dakar, Senegal.

UCLA Globalization Research Center - Africa (GRCA)
Center for the "study, exchange and presentation of research concerning Africa's role in and changes from globalization." Has an annotated bibliography on Conflict and Governance in Africa,, sponsored a conference on AIDS in Africa (economic, political effects), sponsors the GlobaLink - Africa Curriculum Project. Publishes a journal, Globalizations. Has full text reports such as: "From Cotton to Petroleum: African Economic Viability and Global Priorities" by Dena Montague and reports on Work in Progress. Has links to articles on other web sites. Based in Los Angeles, CA. [KF]

Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment Process - Governance
" initiative of the Government of Uganda that seeks to bring the perspectives of poor Ugandans, through consultations, into the formulation and the implementation of policies and planning for poverty reduction at both district and national levels." Has full text (in Adobe PDF) of national and district reports, capacity needs assessment reports, policy briefing papers, advocacy-skills training programme reports, and more. The national and district reports cover governance, corruption, accountability. [KF]

UNESCO. On-line Governance
Information on applying ICT technologies to governance. Has country replies to a questionnaire on topics such as "Government Launched Initiatives To Promote The Use Of Informatics And Telematics In Government And Public Service," percentage of the population witn access to a telephone at home, Does your country regulate electronic data with Copyright Legislation, What proportion of government departments have access to the Interne, etct. Has media / ICT statistics. One can compare replies to each question by country and compare statistics such as the cost of a local call. A joint UNESCO & COMNET-IT Research Project. [KF]

United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFRI)  (Kampala)
The Institute furthers the "incorporation, in national planning, of suitable policies and programmes for crime prevention and criminal justice."   Has a databank on African extradition and mutual assistance country reports, their newsletter, workshop reports, and other reports. Some reports are in MS Word and should be saved to a floppy disk.

United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report
An annual report which ranks countries by level of democratic governance, life expectancy, educational attainment, real income, gender empowerment, etc.

United Nations Development Program. Management and Governance Network
Has many full text documents such as [UNDP] Unveiling Women as Pillars of Peace. Peace Building in Communities Fractured by Conflict in Kenya. Full text in Adobe PDF, 89 p. "An interim report May 2000." Prepared for the Beijing + 5 conference. On the site of the United Nations Development Programme. Management & Governance Network.

United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Striving for Good Governance in Africa
Full text of the Report. Pub. Oct. 2004. Press release. "political parties are often weak and ineffective and there still is too much red tape involved in doing business on the continent." "electoral processes in Africa are...more transparent, voter participation is high and political parties are getting stronger.......police and the military often violate the rights of citizens, ......electoral commissions need more independence, ...." Identifies 10 priority areas for action. Compares countries on good governance markers such as women's participation in parliaments.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency - Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members [World-wide]
Provides for all countries from Angola to Zimbabwe a list of the President, Cabinet members, the Governor of the Central Bank, the country's Ambassador to the U.S., and its U.N. Representative.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency - Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa
March 2005 conference sponsored by the National Intelligence Council. 17 pages in PDF.

United States. Department of State. Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Arms and Conflict in Africa
July 1999 report. 6 pages

United States Institute of Peace
"...independent nonpartisan national institution established and funded by Congress. Our mission is to help prevent, manage, and resolve international conflicts..." Programs in conflict resolution. Full text publications online (Orphans of Conflict: Caring for the Internally Displaced, Managing Communications, Lessons from Interventions in Africa [1996], etc.). Has grants, fellowships. Offers a free course in conflict analysis. Has web casts on issues (Sudan, Liberia, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Cote d'Ivoire, etc.) which can be downloaded to your iPod or other player.
Other Reports online:

  • Political Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa (2005)
  • U.S. Human Rights Policy toward Africa (8/2001)
  • Peacekeeping in Africa (3/2001)
  • Angola's Deadly War: Dealing with Savimbi's Hell on Earth (10/1999)
  • Postgenocidal Reconstruction: Building Peace in Rwanda and Burundi (9/1999)
  • Putting Humpty Dumpty Together: Reconstructing Peace in the Congo (8/1999)
  • Building for Peace in the Horn of Africa: Diplomacy & Beyond (6/1999)
  • A New Approach to Peace in Sudan (2/1999)
  • Can Nigeria Make a Peaceful Transition to Democratic Governance? (12/1997)
  • Zaire's Crises of War and Governance (4/1997)
  • Future U.S. Engagement in Africa: Opportunities and Obstacles for Conflict Management (7/1996)
  • NGOs and the Peace Process in Angola (4/1996)
  • Rwanda: Accountability for War Crimes and Genocide (1/1995)
  • U.S. Contribution to Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution in Africa (12/94)
  • Sudan: Ending the War, Moving Talks Forward (5/1994)

United States. Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
This includes more than just legal matters. It is a directory to, mainly U.S. government, political, economic information on each country (from Angola to Zimbabwe).

University of Iowa Libraries. Center for Electronic Resources in African Studies

University of Sussex. Institute of Development Studies (Brighton, U.K.)
Its Civil Society and Governance Programme has country reports for South Africa. and case studies on Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Van de Walle, Nicolas - "Economic Globalization and Political Stability in Developing Countries"
"This paper reviews the progress of economic globalization and examines whether economic globalization has enhanced the probability of ethnic conflict. It concludes that the combination of economic globalization and marketization leaves political leaders with fewer instruments with which to maintain political support, and so a resort to nationalist and cultural discourse becomes more attractive." 48 p. Part of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund Peace and Security project. Paper in Adobe pdf format.
In Portuguese. Promotes civil society, transparency and development in São Tomé e Príncipe. Seeks to prevent the misuse of natural resources and national budget mismanagement. Current Sao Tome news. Based in Lisbon, Portugal and São Tomé e Príncipe.

West Africa Network for Peacebuilding
Regional organization founded 1998 in response to civil wars in West Africa. Has national network web sites. Partners with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for an early warning and response system. Based in Accra, Ghana.
Publishes reports such as

  • Climate Change & Human Security in Coastal Communities of West Africa
  • Rethinking Regional Strategies to Address the Threat of Violent Extremism in the Coastal Countries of West Africa
  • Statistics of Incidents and Fatalities in Nigeria

Workers Aid - Unite Africa
"The Unite Africa site is socialist in outlook and international in scope. Those of us involved in setting it up are Marxists, but we have neither a ready-made programme nor a party prepared in advance as a "vanguard" for workers, unemployed people and the dispossessed." Includes an interview with Claude Meillassoux on child labour from the publication, Carre Rouge (May 2000 issue), a review of the film, New World Order (Somewhere in Africa), and of John Iliffe's book "Africans: Thone

Founded in 2002, the WGAPE brings together west coast-based faculty and advanced grg

World Bank - Aid and Reform in Africa: Lessons from Ten Case Studies
Full text in Adobe PDF. Covers Ghana, Uganda, Ethiopia, Mali, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Zambia, Democratic Rep. of the Congo, Nigeria. How can aid be used to support reform. Pub. March 2001.

World Bank Anti Corruption Strategy
Has a "World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms" under sanctions for corruption, "How to report fraud and corruption," full text papers in Adobe PDF format ( such as Ghana's National Anti-Corruption Strategy, Ghana's Anti-Corruption Coalition), links to related sites.

World Bank - Global Challenges: Fragile States
"How to deal with states coming out of conflict or seeking to avoid the breakdown of the state ....... " Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone.,,contentMDK:21708932~menuPK:4851994~pagePK:51123644~piPK:329829~theSitePK:29708,00.html

World Bank - Governance & Anti-Corruption Resource Center
Has full text working papers and articles such as "High-Level Rent Seeking and Corruption in African Regimes: Theory and Cases" (1997, in Adobe pdf), annotated bibliographies with links to some full text articles, a Worldwide Governance Research Indicators Dataset, etc. [KF]

World Bank - Governance Matters 2008

World Bank - Governance Matters 2007. Worldwide Governance Indicators 1996-2006
Co-authors: Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi. "in Africa in particular, countries such as Niger, Sierra Leone, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Tanzania, and Rwanda showed significant improvements in some dimensions of governance since 1998." A Decade of Measuring the Quality of Governance. See also July 11, 2007 New York Times article, World Bank Report on Governing Finds Level Playing Field, by Celia W. Dugger.

World Economic Forum
The Forum, composed of 1,000 "foremost global companies in the world" and the "foremost entrepreneurial companies in the world" holds an annual summit and regional summits. Competitiveness Profiles, Summaries of Africa-related sessions. The Africa Economic Summit 2003 met in Durban, South Africa, 11-13 June with business and political leaders focused on the private sector's role in implementing the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). Includes the Africa Competitiveness Report 2003-2004. Click on Events on the top Menu. [KF]

World Movement for Democracy - Africa
Supports the Africa Democracy Forum which has reports, a bibliography, sources for civic education / human rights / election manuals and handbooks, funding sources for programs in Africa, internships, a discussion list. The World Movement for Democracy is a global network of democrats, including activists, practitioners, academics, policy makers, and funders, who have come together to cooperate in the promotion of democracy. WMD was initiated by the Washington D.C. based National Endowment for Democracy (NED)."

Young Politicians Union, YPU (Malawi)
" inter-party youth organization consisting of young people of all political parties who assist in promoting unity and multi-partism and encourages the youth to participate in active politics." Works on conflict resolution between political parties. Funded by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Based in Lilongwe, Malawi.

Zartman, I. William - "The Timing of Peace Initiatives: Hurting Stalemates and Ripe Moments"
In Adobe PDF, in the The Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol. I, no. 1, September 2001. Cites examples from Angola, Zimbabwe, etc. The Review is a peer-reviewed online journal.>/volume_I/issue_1/zartman.pdf


Print sources

Political parties of Africa and the Middle East : a reference guide. Edited by Roger East and Tanya Joseph. Harlow, Essex, U.K. : Longman ; Detroit, Mich. : Distributed exclusively in the U.S. and Canada by Gale Research, c1993. 354 p.
