RSS feeds

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format which can be accessed with "news reader" applications, embedded in blogs, and used in other ways. Our RSS feeds currently use RSS 2.0.



Look for this icon:

Click on the orange feed icon on any Stanford web page to access the RSS feed.

RSS feed Topics

How to access RSS feeds

There are a number of ways to access RSS feeds. You can install a news reader to manage RSS feeds, enabling you to view headlines from hundreds of different sources. After installing the news reader, you can add each feed by clicking on the feed icon. Some sites may designate RSS feeds with alternative icons that read "RSS", "XML", or "Subscribe."

An alternative to downloading a dedicated news reader is to use a Web-based news reader. For example, My Yahoo! users can now add RSS feeds directly to their personal page.

A listing of popular news readers is available from the News on Feeds website.