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All signs point to California's record-breaking drought conditions extending into the fall months. The state's reservoir levels are still dropping rapidly, and will continue to do so for at least another 2-3 months, Daniel Swain writes.

September 4, 2014

Early life on Earth contended with hundreds of millions of years of asteroid impacts, says Donald Lowe.

August 18, 2014

All of Northern California is at risk of increased lightning strikes and wildfires over the next 72 hours, writes Daniel Swain.

August 11, 2014

The geothermal energy industry is growing, but the high cost of drilling is still a major obstacle, says School of Earth Sciences senior researcher Kewen Li.

July 25, 2014

There is as much as a 10 percent chance the rate of corn yields will slow and a 5 percent probability for wheat because of human-caused climate change, said David Lobell.

July 25, 2014

Larry Taylor, a research fellow with Prof. Jonathan Payne, argues in a recent OpEd that the shells of tiny sea snails are dissolving due to climate change, and people should pay more attention. In LA Times

July 9, 2014

Rob Jackson argues in an op-ed that North Carolina should learn from Poland's failed investments in shale-gas exploration. In

July 2, 2014

In an editorial for the journal Science, Sally Benson discusses the obstacles hindering bioenergy and carbon capture and storage R&D, and offers suggestions for how to overcome them.

July 1, 2014

Chris Field, Eric Lambin, David Lobell, and Rob Jackson are among the top 1% of scientists who are most highly cited over the past year, according to a new list by Thomson Reuters.

June 30, 2014

Study suggests effects of climate change will slow air circulation around the world. In Nature News

June 23, 2014

Rosemary Knight's team developed a way to measure the amount of groundwater in the Earth from readings taken hundreds of miles above the planet. On KPIX

June 18, 2014

President Obama nominated Rod Ewing as chair of the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board. Last fall, he nominated Lynn Orr to be Under Secretary for Science at the Department of Energy.

June 18, 2014
