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Fellow Year: staff

Caroline Winterer


Caroline Winterer was appointed Director of the Stanford Humanities Center in September 2013. A historian of early America, she holds the Anthony P. Meier Family Professorship in the Humanities and is Professor of History and, by courtesy, of Classics. She joined the Stanford faculty in 2004. She received her Ph.D. in 1996 from the University of Michigan and her B.A. with honors from Pomona College in 1988.

Winterer specializes in the transmission of ideas between Europe and the Americas in the era from Columbus to the Civil War. The author of 3 books and over 30 articles, her research interests include the American Enlightenment, ideas about ancient Rome and Greece, art and material culture, and political thought. She is currently writing a book called The American Enlightenment that will be published by Yale University Press.

 Her publications include The Mirror of Antiquity: American Women and the Classical Tradition, 1750-1900 (2007) and The Culture of Classicism: Ancient Greece and Rome in American Intellectual Life, 1780-1910 (2002), as well as articles in the Journal of American History, the William and Mary Quarterly, the American Quarterly, the Journal of the Early Republic and Modern Intellectual History.

Winterer recently curated two exhibits of rare books and artifacts: the exhibit Ancient Rome & America at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia in 2010 and also The American Enlightenment at Stanford’s Green Library in 2011. She has received fellowships from the Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Humanities Center, and the Spencer Foundation, among others.

Her work in Digital Humanities, which mapped the social network of Benjamin Franklin, was awarded an American Ingenuity Award from the Smithsonian Institution in 2013.

RM 149


Robert Barrick

Fellowship Program Manager

RM 151


Andrea Davies

Associate Director

Andrea Rees Davies holds a PhD in history, a MA in history and a MA in religious studies from Stanford, as well as a BA in comparative religion and women’s studies from Harvard.

Davies currently teaches a course in the Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Stanford. Her book Saving San Francisco: Relief and Recovery After the 1906 Disaster (Temple University Press, 2012) examines the social and political disruptions afflicting the city in the wake of the great 1906 earthquake and fire. Her interest in the social consequences of disasters was sparked by her work as a San Francisco firefighter. 

She has also worked on interdisciplinary research teams and published research studies on women in Silicon Valley high-tech companies, Venture Capitalist perceptions of women entrepreneurs, the history of the “ideal worker” myth, and dual-career academic couples at top U.S. research universities.

RM 152


Corrie Goldman

Director of Humanities Communication

RM 202


Kelda Jamison

International and Scholarship Program Officer

Kelda Jamison is a socio-cultural and linguistic anthropologist and has conducted long-term ethnographic fieldwork in Diyarbakir, a predominately Kurdish city in southeastern Turkey. Her research and writing focus on the politics of language in Kurdish Turkey. Her article, “Hefty Dictionaries in Incomprehensible Tongues: Commensurating Code and Language Community in Turkey,” will appear in Anthropological Quarterly in 2016.
Jamison has a BA in Anthropology (University of Virginia), an MA in Nationalism and Identity (School for Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London), and will receive her PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago in December 2015.

RM 146


Veronica Marian

Communications Coordinator

Veronica came to the Stanford Humanities Center after spending several years at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. Prior to working at Stanford, Veronica received her MA in English from Claremont Graduate University, and BAs in English and in History from UCLA. She is the proud cat-mom to Dagny, named for Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged.

RM 201


Sarah Ogilvie

Digital Humanities Coordinator

Sarah Ogilvie is Digital Humanities Coordinator at the Stanford Humanities Center and the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis, and Lecturer in the Linguistics Department, drawing on her experience in academia and in Silicon Valley, where she worked in software for Amazon Kindle. She is a linguist and lexicographer who works at the intersection of technology and the humanities, specializing in both endangered languages and their revitalization, and in dictionaries and their creation.

Prior to moving to the United States in 2012, Ogilvie was Director of the Australian National Dictionary Center and Reader in Linguistics at the Australian National University and, before that, Alice Tong Sze Fellow at Lucy Cavendish College at Cambridge University where she taught Linguistics and co-founded the Cambridge Endangered Languages and Cultures Group.

Ogilvie's books include: Words of the World: A Global History of the Oxford English Dictionary (Cambridge University Press, 2013) and Keeping Languages Alive: Documentation, Pedagogy and Revitalization (ed. with Mari Jones, Cambridge University Press, 2014). She is currently working on a large digital humanities project which maps efforts to revitalize endangered languages across the globe. She is also writing a book about her own fieldwork in Northern Queensland, Australia, documenting and revitalizing the Morrobalama language. As a lexicographer, she has worked on the Oxford English Dictionary, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, and numerous other dictionaries in Britain and Australia.

Ogilvie has a BSc in Computer Science and Pure Mathematics (University of Queensland), an MA in Linguistics (Australian National University), and a DPhil in Linguistics (Oxford University).

RM 126


Kent Safford

Workshop Administrator

RM 147


Najwa Salame

Finance Manager

RM 150


Susan Sebbard

Assistant Director

Susan began her Stanford career at the Humanities Center in 1985. She has had the pleasure of working with every director of the Center since its inception. Her responsibilities have ranged from fellowship program administration, to human resources and operations management, to donor relations and development. In her current role as assistant director, she serves as Stewardship Director and Development Officer for the Center.
Prior to coming to Stanford, she worked in the corporate world in various executive assistant roles. She received her BA in Foreign Languages (Spanish, French, Russian) from Principia College, and pursued graduate work in International Relations at the Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies (now called the Monterey Institute of International Studies). In her spare time, she plays tennis and golf, swims, hikes, reads, does the occasional voiceover gig, and is active in her church.

RM 145


Patricia Terrazas

Office coordinator


Priyanka Vaze

Event Coordinator

RM 147


Tanu Wakefield

Communications Assistant

RM 201
