Levels of Giving and Gift Opportunities


Your donation supports economic policy research and allows our faculty the opportunity to train, educate, and support graduate students as future economic policy analysts. We encourage unrestricted gifts to the SIEPR general fund, which provides both long-term stability and the flexibility to fund important emerging and ongoing projects.


SIEPR donors will be invited to various outreach events and receive SIEPR Perspectives, e-newsletters, briefs and other SIEPR publications.

SIEPR Benefactor  $500,000 lifetime contribution

Honorary listing for those who have donated more than $500,000 in their lifetime or have committed $500,000 or more through their estate plans, which may include naming SIEPR as a beneficiary of a will, revocable trust, irrevocable trust, life insurance policy, or retirement plan.

Director’s Circle  $50,000 annual contribution
  • Donors will be recognized and stewarded at the highest level.
  • Donors at this level will have priority seating at SIEPR events. 
Individual Leadership Circle  
$20,000 annual contribution
  • Donors will be recognized and stewarded at the $20,000 Individual Leadership Circle level. 
Individual Investor
$10,000 annual contribution
  • Donors will be recognized and stewarded at the $10,000 Individual Investor level. 
Individual Associate $5,000 annual contribution
  • Donors will be recognized and stewarded at the $5,000 Individual Associate level. 
$1,000 annual contribution
Donors will be recognized and stewarded as a $1,000 Friend of SIEPR.

Additional opportunities exist beyond the above-mentioned levels of membership.  They include

  • Supporting the SIEPR Director’s Discretionary Fund
  • Funding a postdoc in Economic Policy Analysis
  • Endowing a named Senior Fellow at SIEPR
  • Endowing a named Fellowship for Graduate Students at SIEPR
  • Establishing a named Conference Fund
  • Endowing a named Research Program
  • Funding a Dissertation Fellow
  • Funding a SIEPR Center
  • Funding a sponsorship or table at the SIEPR Economic Summit

Please note:  Gifts to SIEPR are tax-deductible under applicable rules. The institute is part of Stanford University’s tax-exempt status as a Section 501(c) (3) public charity.