John Cogan

Leonard and Shirley Ely Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Herbert Hoover Memorial Building Room 347
Stanford, CA 94305
Phone: (650) 723-2585

Fields of Interest

Expertise: Federal budget, domestic human resources policy


John F. Cogan is the Leonard and Shirley Ely Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and a professor in the Public Policy Program at Stanford University.

Cogan is an expert in domestic policy. His current research focuses on U.S. budget and fiscal policy, social security, and health care. He has published widely in professional journals in both economics and political science. His most recent book, Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Five Steps to a Better Health Care System, coauthored with Glenn Hubbard and Daniel Kessler, recommends federal policy changes to improve U.S. health-care markets.

He currently serves on faculty advisory boards for the Stanford-in-Washington campus and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. He received Stanford-in-Government's Distinguished Service Award in 1994.

Cogan has devoted a considerable part of his career to public service. He served as assistant secretary for policy in the U.S. Department of Labor (1981–83) and as associate director in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), first in the economics and government division and subsequently in human resources (1983–86). His responsibilities included developing and reviewing all health, housing, education, and employment training programs and policies. From 1988 to 1989, he served as deputy director of OMB.

Cogan has served on numerous congressional and presidential advisory commissions. He is currently a member of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Council of Economic Advisers and serves on the governor's Tax Reform Commission. He has served on President George W. Bush's Commission to Strengthen Social Security, the U.S. Bipartisan Commission on Health Care, and others. During the 2000 presidential campaign he served as a senior economic adviser to George W. Bush. Following the 2000 presidential election, he directed President Bush's budget transition team.

Cogan serves the boards of several companies and organizations including Gilead Sciences, Monaco Coach, and Sacred Heart Schools in Atherton, California. He is also a Trustee of the Charles Schwab Family of Funds.

Cogan received his A.B. in 1969 and his Ph.D. in 1976 from the University of California at Los Angeles, both in economics. He was an associate economist at the RAND Corporation from 1975 to 1980.


November 2009 - November Associates Meeting - SIEPR