Summer Institute Recommended Reading

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John Shoven
Day One Job One
The American Jobs Act
US Health Reform

Gavin Wright

The World Our Children Will Inherit
Economic Possibilites for our Grandchildren 

Nathan Nunn

Empirical Slavery
The Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa
Ruggedness: The Blessing of Bad Georgraphy in Africa - Optional

Harry Elam

The Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford University

John A. Gunn

Developing Economies and Journeys of Inquiry

Petra Moser
How do Patent Laws Influence Innovation?. American Economic Review, Vol. 95, No. 4, September 2005 .
Innovation Without Patents - Evidence from the World Fairs April 15, 2011.
Do Patent Pools Encourage Innovation? Evidence from the 19th-Century Sewing Machine Industry June 8, 2010.
Do Patent Pools Encourage Innovation? Evidence from 20 U.S. Industries under the New Deal April 17, 2012.

Pete Klenow
What Have We Learned About Fiscal Policy from the Crisis
Quantitative Easing - QE, or not QE?

Timothy Taylor

Many Moving Parts:  The Latest Look Inside the U.S. Labor Market
Income Tax Paid at Each Tax Rate, 1958–2009

Edward C. Schultz
Bloomberg Article
How US Bank Saved Its Own Bacon
Executive of the Year Article
Richard Davis brings a new game to US Bancorp
Surowiecki & Facts
42 Talking Points
Financial Literacy Among the Young
Financial Literacy and Subprime Mortgage

The Economic Policies of President Obama, Governor Romney and the Simpson-John Shoven
Slave Trades - Nathan Nunn
Monetary and Macro Policy 2008-2012 - Pete Klenow
Taxing the Rich Figures - Tim Taylor
Unemployment Figures - Tim Taylor
As Time Goes By - Gavin Wright
The Economics of Jim Crow and Apartheid:  A Comparative Analysis - Gavin Wright
Do Stronger Patents Encourage Innovation? - Petra Moser
The Economics of Migration in Historical Perspective - Ran Abramitzky
A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration - Ran Abramitzky
The Election - David Brady
A Capital Rabbits Guide to CALSTRS Pensions
CALSTRS Appendix